03 28 2001 COW Minutes TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE REGULAR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, March 28, 2001 @ 9:00 a.m. Robinson Room Present: Mayor Ian Beard Deputy Mayor Neil Craig Councillor Walter Dickie Councillor Ralph Hough Councillor Paul Marshall Councillor Harry Hughes Councillor Ruth Fountain Staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO; Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk; Andria Leigh, Township Planner; Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent; Paul Eenhoorn, Fire Chief; Paul Gravelle, Treasurer; Kim Allen, Facilities Manager; Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services; Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning Also Present: Mike Tenszen (Packet & Times newspaper), Walter Connell (EZ Rock), Nick McDonald (The Planning Partnership), Don Shepard, Bill Stokes, Ruth Stokes, Jack Haggerty, Nancy Haggerty, Janet Dryden, Ernie Dryden, Murray McGinnis, Jean Buckingham, Bruce Buckingham, Peggy Ann Falkner, Nicole Belanger- Billige, Garry Lewis, Kathy Lewis, K. Middery, Brian Middery, Jacqueline Fraser, Barbara Campbell, Bill Siodden, Jeanette Marten, George Syme, Frank Gamino, Bill Fitzgerald, Maurice Truax, Steve Leifer Mayor Beard chaired the meeting and called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: - "IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" 3. RECEIPT OF ACCOUNTS: Nil. 4. DEPUTATIONS: a) 9:30 a.m. Jack Haggerty, Horseshoe Valley Property Owners Association presented information with regard to the Association's request for the Township to re-open Pump House Road. 5. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: a) Report No. ADM2001-16, Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, re: Tax Ratios. b) Report No. ADM2001-17, Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, rei Per-kilometer Rate. c) Report No. 2001-1, Meryl Drake, rei Chain of Office. d) Township of Springwater, correspondence rei Letters of Support for Request for Funding re: Ramp and Roof, Elmvale Branch Springwater Public Library under the Ontario SuperBuild Program. e) Township of Armour, correspondence rei request to endorse resolution reo Proxy Vote System - Municipal Elections. f) Ministry of Environment, Inventory of Current Certificates of Approval for Biosolids Sites. g) Draft Environmental Awareness Task Force Structure. h) Report No. PR2001-09, Kim Allen, Facilities Manager, rei Request by Y.M.CA for Rental of Memorial Park. i) Councillor Hughes discussion rei Annual Barrie Triathalon. j) Oro-Medonte Chamber of Commerce Minutes of Executive Meeting held on March 31, 2001. k) John & Sue Britten, correspondence re: Cotton Application to Increase Gravel Extraction Tonnage. 6. PUBLIC WORKS: a) Report No. ES-2001-10, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, reo Removal of Coloured Glass for Curbside Recycling. b) Report No. ES2001-11, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei Chapman/Gervais Site Plan Agreement, Lot 27 Plan 985, Poplar Cresêent. c) Report No. ES2001-12, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, re: Request for the Installation of New Streetlights at: County Rd. # 22 & Line 3 N., County Rd. # 22 & Entrance to Horseshoe Resort, County Rd. # 22 and Line 4 N, Line 3 North and Highland Dr. d) Report No. ES2001-13, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei City of Barrie, Class Environmental Assessments for Additional Water Supply. e) Report No. PWS2001-04, Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei correspondence received from Mr. & Mrs. Cutler regarding Roadside Ditching. 7. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: a) Report No. BD2001-3, Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, re: Annual Trehaven Muscular Dystrophy Easter Seals Golf Tournament - Request to Waive Building Permit Fee. b) Report by Nick McDonald, The Planning Partnership rei Proposed OPA and Zoning Change for M.R. Truax, Part of Lot 7, Concession 10 (Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte. c) Report No. PD2001-018, Andria Leigh, Township Planner, re: Proposed License Increase for Cotton Property, Concession 10, Part of West Half of Lot 8 (Oro). 2 8. COMMUNITY SERVICE: a) Verbal Information by Councillor Marshall rei Recognition Committee. Received. 9. IN-CAMERA: a) Legal Matter: Gold Mountain Springs b) Confidential Report No. PD2001-17, Andria Leigh, Township Planner, rei Ontario Municipal Board Hearing for Consent Application B-53/99. Motion No. CW-1 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting, Wednesday, March 28, 2001 be adopted as printed and circulated with the addition of the following: 5. Deputations: a) 9:30 a.m. Jack Haggerty, Horseshoe Valley Property Owners, re: Pump House Road. 6. Finance, Administration and Fire: h) Report No. PR2001-09, Kim Allen, Facilities Manager, re: Request by Y.M.CA for Rental of Memorial Park. i) Councillor Hughes discussion rei Annual Barrie Triathalon. j) Oro-Medonte Chamber of Commerce Minutes of Executive Meeting held on March 31, 2001. k) John & Sue Britten, correspondence re: Cotton Application to Increase Gravel Extraction Tonnage. 8. Planning and Development: c) Report No. PD2001-018, Andria Leigh, Township Planner, rei Proposed License Increase for Cotton Property, Concession 10, Part of West Half of Lot 8 (Oro). 9. Community Service: a) Recognition Committee. Carried. Motion No. CW-2 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera at 9:07 a.m. to discuss a Legal Matter (Gold Mountain Springs). Carried. Motion No. CW-3 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera at 9:48 a.m. Carried. 3 Motion No. CW-4 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the correspondence re: discussion with Mike Reynolds, Floyd Sinton, and Randy Rowe and representatives of Gold Mountain Springs be received. Carried. Motion No. CW-5 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the correspondence and presentation by Mr. Jack Haggerty, Horseshoe Valley Property Owners, rei Pump House Road be received and be referred to staff for a report to Council. Carried. Motion No. CW-6 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that Report No. ADM2001-16 by Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, rei Tax Ratios be received and adopted, and that the Township of Oro-Medonte petition the Minister of Municipal Affairs for an extension to the April 30th deadline for the County of Simcoe to pass by-laws establishing tax ratios and County tax rates. Carried. Motion No. CW-7 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that Report No. ADM2001-17 by Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, rei Per-kilometer Rate be received and adopted and that the per-kilometer rate paid by the Township of Oro-Medonte be increased to $ .35 effective April 1, 2001 and that the appropriate amended by-law be brought forward for Council consideration. Carried. Motion No. CW-8 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that Report No. 2001-1 by Meryl Drake, rei Chain of Office be received and adopted, and that Council determine the need for a new Chain of Office, and further that a Committee be struck, made up of the following members, to design an appropriate Chain of Office and report back to Council for final production approval: Tim Crawford, Loreen Lucas, Meryl Drake and Councillor Ruth Fountain. Carried. 4 Motion No. CW-9 (as amended) Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the correspondence from the Township of Springwater rei Letters of Support for Request for Funding rei Ramp and Roof, Elmvale Branch Springwater Public Library under the Ontario SuperBuild Program be received. Carried. Motion No. CW-10 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte receive and endorse the resolution of the Township of Armour to request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing: 1. To execute a complete review and subsequent revision of the Appointment of Voting Proxy - Form 3 to correct a present seriously flawed system of voting; 2. To issue clear instructions to all municipalities on the administrative processes involved in the correct handling of the Proxy Vote system at the local municipal level; 3. To consider replacement of the present flawed Proxy Vote system with a workable version of the Vote by Mail system for casting absentee ballots. And further, copies of this Resolution be sent to the local MPP and MP for their support." Defeated. Motion No. CW-11 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that WHEREAS the Ministry of the Environment currently issues Certificates of Approval for Biosolids Sites in the Province of Ontario without comment from municipalities; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte requests: 1. That the Ministry of the Environment recognize the municipalities within the Province of Ontario are in a position to offer valuable historical information to the Ministry with respect to Biosolids Sites, ie. tile drains, flooding, environmentally sensitive areas, etc.; 2. That the Ministry of the Environment give consideration to naming municipalities within the Province of Ontario as commenting agents in the process of issuing Certificates of Approval for Biosolids Sites; AND FURTHER, that this resolution be forwarded to the M.P.P. for Oro-Medonte and to all municipalities in the Province of Ontario for their support. Carried. 5 Motion No. CW-12 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the Draft Environmental Awareness Task Force Structure be received. Carried. Motion No. CW-13 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that Report No. PR2001-09 by Kim Allen, Facilities Manager, re: Request by Y.M.CA for Rental of Memorial Park be received and adopted, and that the appropriate By-law be brought forward for Council consideration. Deferred for further information. Motion No. CW-14 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the information presented by Councillor Hughes rei Annual Barrie Triathalon be received. Carried. Motion No. CW-15 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the Oro-Medonte Chamber of Commerce Minutes of Executive Meeting held on March 13, 2001 be received. Carried. Motion No, CW-16 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the correspondence from John & Sue Britten rei the Cotton Application to Increase Gravel Extraction Tonnage be received and referred to staff for a response. Carried. Motion No. CW-17 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that Report No. ES-2001-10 by Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, reo Removal of Coloured Glass for Curbside Recycling be received and adopted and that the Township continue to receive coloured glass as part of their curbside recycling with the understanding that the Township will not be receiving revenue from this glass for the present time, and further that Council be informed of alternatives that may be implemented by our contractor or Recycling Council of Ontario (RCO) with regard to this issue. Carried. 6 Motion No. CW-18 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Report No. ES2001-11 by Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei Chapman/Gervais Site Plan Agreement, Lot 27 Plan 985, Poplar Crescent be received and adopted and that the appropriate By-law be brought forward for Council's consideration. Carried. Motion No. CW-19 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that Report No. ES2001-12 by Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei Request for the Installation of New Streetlights at: County Rd. # 22 & Line 3 N., County Rd. # 22 & Entrance to Horseshoe Resort, County Rd. # 22 and Line 4 N, Line 3 North and Highland Dr. be received and adopted and that the installation of new streetlights at the intersections of County Road # 22 and Line 3 North, County Road # 22 and Line 4 North, County Road # 22 and the entrance to Horseshoe Resort, and Line 3 North and Highland Drive be approved by Council, and further that capital and operating costs of these four (4) lights be added to the general tax levy and that the Treasurer be notified of Council's decision. Carried. Motion No. CW-20 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that Report No. ES2001-13 by Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, re: City of Barrie, Class Environmental Assessments for Additional Water Supply be received and adopted, and that the Township of Oro-Medonte notifies the City of Barrie that they have no objection to the construction of the two (2) new wells in the Tiffin Street corridor. Carried. Motion No. CW-21 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Report No. PWS2001-04 by Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei correspondence received from Mr. & Mrs. Cutler regarding Roadside Ditching be received and adopted, and that the Public Works Superintendent advise Mr. and Mrs. Cutler of the approved standards as it relates to ditching. Carried. Council recessed for lunch at 12:05 p.m, and reconvened at 1:25 p.m. 7 Motion No. CW-22 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Report No. BD2001-3 by Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, re: Annual Trehaven Muscular Dystrophy Easter Seals Golf Tournament - Request to Waive Building Permit Fee be received and adopted and that Council waive the $100.00 building permit fee, and further that the Building Inspection Department review the structure in conjunction with the Fire Department. Carried. Motion No. CW-23 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the report by Nick McDonald of The Planning Partnership re: Proposed OPA and Zoning Change for M.R. Truax, Part of Lot 7, Concession 10 (Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte be received and that Council adopt Official Plan Amendment No.9 and staff forward the Amendment to the County of Simcoe for consideration, and further that Council direct staff to prepare a zoning by-law amendment for the future consideration of Council as set out in this report. Recorded Vote Requested by Councillor Hough Deputy Mayor Craig Councillor Dickie Councillor Fountain Councillor Hough Councillor Hughes Councillor Marshall Mayor Beard Yea Yea Yea Nay Yea Yea Yea Carried. Motion No. CW-24 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Report No. PD2001-018 by Andria Leigh, Township Planner, rei Proposed License Increase for Cotton Property, Concession 10, Part of West Half of Lot 8 (Oro) be received and adopted and that the Township provide a favourable response letter to the Ministry of Natural Resources on the proposed license increase once the new road agreement is considered favourably by Council. Recorded Vote Requested by Councillor Hough Deputy Mayor Craig Councillor Dickie Councillor Fountain Councillor Hough Councillor Hughes Councillor Marshall Mayor Beard Yea Yea Nay Nay Yea Yea Yea Carried. 8 Motion No. CW-25 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera at 11 :41 a.m. to discuss an OMB Matter. Carried. Motion No. CW-26 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera at 12:15 p.m. Carried. Motion No. CW-27 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the Mediation Report of G. J. Daly (PLOO0560) be received. Carried. Motion No. CW-28 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that Confidential Report No. PD2001-17 by Andria Leigh, Township Planner, rei Ontario Municipal Board Hearing for Consent Application B- 53/99, be received and adopted. Defeated. Motion No. CW-29 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 2:38 p.m. 9