11 19 2009 OMEGA MinutesTHE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE ORO-MEDONTE ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP ADVISORS (OMEGA) MEETING MINUTES Township of Council Chambers Proud Heritage, Fx~z~~n Future *Due to technical difficulties, no digital recording of the meeting is availabe* Thursday, November 19, 2009 7:08 p.m. Present: Councillor Mel Coutanche, Co-Chair Councillor Sandy Agnew, Co-Chair Robert Barlow, John Bosomworth, Meryl Drake, David Edwards, Ruth Fountain, Allan Johnson, David Kennedy (left at 7:20p.m.), Josephine Martensson-Hemsted, Andy McNiven, Doug Shelswell, Mike Vandergeest Regrets: Councillor Terry Allison, Co-Chair Steve Cromwell, Wilfred McMechan, Gerry Murphy, Jim Purnell, Kimberly Wand Staff Present: Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator Also Present: John Crawford, Bruce Keeling, Ken Ewens, Harold Roe, Linda Ambrose, Carol Norman, Vanessa Cooper 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING Councillor Coutanche assumed the Chair and called the meeting to order. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA a) Motion to adopt the agenda. Motion No. OMEGA091119-01 Moved by Drake, Seconded by Kennedy It is recommended that the agenda for the Oro-Medonte Environmental Group Advisors meeting of Thursday, November 19, 2009 be received and adopted. Carried. 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: - "IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" Page 1 of 6 OMEGA minutes of meeting held on Thursday, November 19, 2009. None declared. 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: a) Minutes of the OMEGA meeting held on September 17, 2009. Motion No. OMEGA091119-02 Moved by Martensson-Hemsted, Seconded by Bosomworth It is recommended that the minutes of the OMEGA meeting held on September 17, 2009 be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. 5. PRESENTATIONS: a) Zero Waste Simcoe. Motion No. OMEGA091119-03 Moved by Barlow, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that 1. That the powerpoint presentation presented by Councillor Agnew, re: Zero Waste Simcoe be received. 2. And That Council considers implementing Zero Waste Initiatives at Township facilities. Carried. Motion No. OMEGA091119-04 Moved by Drake, Seconded by Bosomworth It is recommended that 1. Council establish an OMEGA Zero Waste Working Group. 2. And That Joshepine Martensson-Hemsted and Ruth Fountain be appointed to the OMEGA Zero Waste Working Group. Carried. 6. ITEMS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: None. Page 2 of 6 OMEGA minutes of meeting held on Thursday, November 19, 2009. 7. WORKING GROUP UPDATES: a) Oro Moraine Working Group, re: Oro Moraine Report Card. Motion No. OMEGA091119-05 Moved by Bosomworth, Seconded by McNiven It is recommended 1. That the update from the Oro Moraine Working Group, re: Oro Moraine Report Card be received. 2. That OMEGA endorses the work to date by the Oro Moraine Working Group. 3. And That OMEGA supports the completion of the recommended indicators. Carried. b) Growth Issues None. c) Habitat None. d) Water Quality /Lake Management Working Group, re: Re-vegetation of Ditch on Barrie Terrace. Motion No. OMEGA091119-06 Moved by Martensson-Hemsted, Seconded by Edwards It is recommended that the update from the Water Quality /Lake Management Working Group, re: Re-vegetation of Ditch on Barrie Terrace be received. And That OMEGA requests that Council considers funding the project as an environmental initiative in the amount up to $1000.00. Carried. e) Sustainable Agriculture None. Page 3 of 6 OMEGA minutes of meeting held on Thursday, November 19, 2009. 8. COMMUNICATIONS: a) Correspondence dated May 4, 2009 from Holly Lillico, re: Rain Barrels. Motion No. OMEGA091119-07 Moved by Shelswell, Seconded by Barlow It is recommended that 1. The correspondence dated May 4, 2009 from Holly Lillico, re: Rain Barrels be received. 2. And That the Water Quality /Lake Management Working Group investigates the merits of rain barrels. Carried. b) Correspondence dated October 19, 2009 from James Waterhouse, Kids for Turtles Environmental Education, re: Bluffs Creek Stream Assessment and Rehabilitation Program. The item was deferred until the January 21, 2010 OMEGA meeting. c) Application for Grant/Subsidy received October 9, 2009 from Bruce Keeling, Director and Committee Chair, Huronia Woodland Owners Association, re: Application for Grant/Subsidy, Huronia Woodland Owners Association. Motion No. OMEGA091119-08 Moved by Vandergeest, Seconded by Johnson It is recommended that 1. The Application for Grant/Subsidy from Bruce Keeling, Director and Committee Chair, Huronia Woodland Owners Association be received. 2. And That the Application for Grant/Subsidy from Bruce Keeling, Director and Committee Chair, Huronia Woodland Owners Association be granted in the amount of $4250.00 as an environmental initiative. Carried. Motion No. OMEGA091119-09 Moved by Barlow, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that 1. OMEGA receives all Applications for Grants or Subsidies no later than September 1st for consideration at their next scheduled meeting and failing that, applications will not be considered by OMEGA in that calendar year. 2. And That notice of this be printed in the Oro-Medonte Recreation Brochure and in the North Simcoe Community News. Carried. Page 4 of 6 OMEGA minutes of meeting held on Thursday, November 19, 2009. d) Correspondence dated October 15, 2009 from the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and adressed to OMEGA's Water Quality/Lake Management Working Group, re: You're a Watershed Hero! Motion No. OMEGA091119-10 Moved by McNiven, Seconded by Shelswell It is recommended that the correspondence dated October 15, 2009 from the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and adressed to OMEGA's Water Quality/Lake Management Working Group, re: You're a Watershed Hero! be received. Carried. 9. OTHER BUSINESS /QUESTIONS a) Update of lists from October/November 2007. Motion No. OMEGA091119-11 Moved by Martensson-Hemsted, Seconded by Edwards It is recommended that the November 2009 Update of Issues and Opportunities be received. Carried b) Mandatory training, re: Accessibility Standards for Customer Service. Training was provided by Vanessa Cooper, Administrative Assistant and Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator. 10. NEXT MEETING DATE Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Page 5 of 6 OMEGA minutes of meeting held on Thursday, November 19, 2009. 11. ADJOURNMENT a) Motion to adjourn. Motion No. OMEGA091119-12 Moved by Drake, Seconded by McNiven It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 9:50 p.m. Councillor Mel Coutanche, Co-Chair Absent Carried. Councillo~Sandy Agne ;, Co- hair Councillor Terry Allison, Co-Chair Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator Page 6 of 6