2002 07 10 Citizen of the Year Minutes11b THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE CITIZEN OF THE YEAR COMMITTEE MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 2002 10:00 a.m. ROBINSON ROOM 1 Present: Bill McCuaig, Reta Caldwell, Evelyn Reid, Don Walker, Donald McArthur, Berit McArthur, Alastair Crawford, Jean Crawford, Bessie Crawford, Fay Craig Regrets: Hazel Shellswell, Allan Brown, Donald Hanney, Loreen Rice Lucas (voted by proxy), Joanna McEwen, Morris Shelswell, Joanne Tinney, Betty Veitch (voted by proxy), Peter and Gerry Kurtz, Staff Present: Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk; Donna Worthington, Administrative Secretary; Diane Wideman, Clerk's Department 1. Opening of Meeting by Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, assumed the chair and called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. There were no changes to the agenda as printed and circulated. 2. Adoption of Minutes of the Oro-Medonte Citizen of The Year Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, August 8, 2001 and subsequent report to Council. Motion No. 1 Moved by Donald McArthur, Seconded by Jean Crawford It is recommended that the minutes of the Citizen of the Year Committee meeting held Wednesday, August 8, 2001 be received as printed and circulated. Carried. 3. Selection of Chairperson. Motion No. 2 Moved by Donald Walker, Seconded by Reta Caldwell It is recommended that the Chairperson for the Citizen of the Year 2002 Committee be Alastair Crawford as voted by the Committee. Carried. 4. Presentation of Letters of Nomination and Discussion re: Nominees. Mr. Crawford provided time for the Committee to review the nomination letters. Discussion ensued regarding the criteria for nomination. 5. Voting. A vote was taken by ballot. The result of the vote was that Joan Reid be recommended to Council as the Oro-Medonte Citizen of the Year for the year 2002. Motion No. 3 Moved by Donald Walker, Seconded by Donald McArthur It is recommended that the Oro-Medonte Citizen of the Year 2002 be Joan Reid, as voted by the Committee. Carried. 6. Further Business a) Motion No. 4 Moved by Fay Craig, Seconded by Reta Caldwell It is recommended that Jim and Pat Shellswell be named as runners up for the 2002 Oro-Medonte Citizen of the Year, and that their nomination be brought forward in 2003. Carried. b) Discussion took place regarding the plaques for the Oro-Medonte Citizen of the Year. It was noted that there are two large plaques in the main lobby of the Township Administration Building on which winners' names are engraved, and that the winner of the award also receives a smaller plaque to keep. c) Further discussion ensued regarding criteria for the Oro Medonte Citizen of the Year nominations. The Clerk posed the question as to whether or not the Committee would like to draft criteria or whether they would like to keep the status quo. The Committee voted to continue as they have in the past. 7. Adjournment Motion No. 5 Moved by Donald Walker It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 10:37 a.m. Carried.