04 16 2009 OMEGA MinutesTOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE ORO-MEDONTE ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP ADVISORS (OMEGA) MEETING MINUTES Thursday, April 16, 2009 @ 7:35 p.m. Council Chambers Due to technical difficulties, no digital recording of the meeting is available. Present: David Edwards Wilf McMechan Meryl Drake Steve Cromwell Ruth Fountain David Kennedy Jim Purnell Regrets: Councillor Terry Allison Gerry Murphy Allan Johnson Andy McNiven Doug Shelswell Mike Vandergeest Kim Wand Josephine Martensson-Hemsted Bob Barlow John Bosomworth Council/Staff Mayor Harry Hughes Councillor Sandy Agnew Present: Councillor Mel Coutanche Lisa McNiven, Manager Engineering Marie Brissette, Committee and Environmental Services Coordinator 1. Councillor Coutanche called the meeting to order. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Motion No. OMEGA-090416-01 Moved by David Edwards, Seconded by Steve Cromwell It is recommended that the agenda for the Oro-Medonte Environmental Group Advisors (OMEGA) meeting of Thursday, April 16, 2009 be received and adopted as amended to include: 7 c) Bruce Keeling, Chairman, The Maple Tree Committee (branch of Maple Leaves Forever), correspondence dated April 8, 2009 re: Grant for Maple Trees. 8 f) Content and timing of minutes. Carried. 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT: None declared. 4. MINUTES: a) Minutes of OMEGA Meeting held on February 19, 2009. Motion No. OMEGA-090416-02 Moved by Meryl Drake, Seconded by Ruth Fountain It is recommended that the minutes of the Oro-Medonte Environmental Group Advisors (OMEGA) meeting held on February 19, 2009 be adopted as amended: 1. Remove the hyphen in Oro-Moraine Brochure, Motion No. OMEGA-090219-7; 2. Add Couchiching Conservancy and Oro Moraine Association after NVCA, Motion No. OMEGA-090219-8. Carried. 5. ITEMS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: a) Highlight key messages. The recommendations from the previous OMEGA meeting that were considered by Council, were reviewed. 6. WORKING GROUPS UPDATES: a) Oro Moraine • Oro Moraine - Indicators Report Card. It was noted that the Working Group met with the Couchiching Conservancy, NVCA, LSRCA, Oro Moraine Association and Members of Council on March 31, 2009. Motion No. OMEGA-090416-03 Moved by Andy McNiven, Seconded by David Kennedy It is recommended that the verbal update from the Oro Moraine Working Group re: Oro Moraine - Indicators Report Card Working Document, be received. Carried. Page 2 OMEGA Meeting -April 16, 2009 b) Growth Issues • Process for input into the upcoming Official Plan Review. The Group discussed the benefit of having a joint meeting with the Planning Advisory Committee in order to review the current Official Plan and applicable Provincial requirements. Councillor Coutanche distributed a chart listing groups that could provide input to an OP review. Motion No. OMEGA-090416-04 Moved by Steve Cromwell, Seconded by Ruth Fountain It is recommended that the verbal update from the Growth Issues Working Group re: Process for input into the upcoming Official Plan Review be received. Carried. c) Habitat • Draft Tree Preservation By-law. The Working Group felt it would be beneficial to review the requirements from the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan in order to utilize that template. It was also suggested to invite members of the Committee of Adjustment to participate in the drafting of the by-law. Motion No. OMEGA-090416-05 Moved by Meryl Drake, Seconded by Kim Wand It is recommended that the verbal update from the Habitat Working Group re: Draft Tree Preservation By-law be received. Carried. d) Water Quality / Lake Management • "Ribbon of Life" Waterfront Property Owners Workshop - June 13, 2009. Motion No. OMEGA-090416-06 Moved by Josephine Martensson-Hemsted, Seconded by David Edwards It is recommended that the verbal update from the Water Quality / Lake Management Working Group re: "Ribbon for Life" Waterfront Property Owners Workshop - June 13, 2009, be received. Carried. Page 3 OMEGA Meeting -April 16, 2009 e) Sustainable Agriculture It was noted that a meeting to discuss developing a local food procurement policy was to be held with representatives from Simcoe County Farm Fresh and Local Food Plus on Friday, May 8, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. at the Township Office. Motion No. OMEGA-090416-07 Moved by Josephine Martensson-Hemsted, Seconded by Andy McNiven It is recommended that the verbal information from the Sustainable Agriculture Group be received. Carried. 7. COMMUNICATIONS: a) Keith Sherman, Co-ordinator, Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA), correspondence dated April 1, 2009 re: Formation of the Interim Sustainability Plan Steering Committee. The item was noted. b) George Smitherman, Deputy Premier, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, correspondence dated March 26, 2009 re: Official Plan, Growth Plan Conformity. The item was noted. c) Bruce Keeling, Chairman, The Maple Tree Committee (branch of Maple Leaves Forever), correspondence dated April 8, 2009 re: Grant for Maple Trees. Motion No. OMEGA-090416-08 Moved by Doug Shelswell, Seconded by Meryl Drake It is recommended that correspondence dated April 8, 2009 from Bruce Keeling, Chairman, The Maple Tree Committee (branch of Maple Leaves Forever) re: Grant for Maple Trees, be received. Carried. Page 4 OMEGA Meeting-April 16, 2009 8. OTHER BUSINESS/QUESTIONS: a) Funding requests. Councillor Coutanche provided a chart outlining the process for funding requests. The Group asked that requests be submitted utilizing the Township's current Grant/Subsidy Form in order to acquire the appropriate information, and that requests be reviewed by the Group bi-yearly rather than sporadically. It was noted that this item, supported with a current list of all Environmental Initiative requests granted to date, and a copy of the Township's Grant/Subsidy Form, would be on the next agenda. Motion No. OMEGA-090416-09 Moved by Mike Vandergeest, Seconded by Meryl Drake It is recommended that 1. The correspondence dated February 20, 2009 from Andy McNiven re: Funding requests to OMEGA, be received. 2. That OMEGA reviews any funding requests at their meeting of June 15, 2009 and October 19, 2009. 3. And that OMEGA utilizes the Township of Oro-Medonte's current Grant Request Form for any subsequent Environmental Initiatives requests. Carried. b) North Simcoe Community News - OMEGA information. The Group read the article and commented that future articles should reference the items being reviewed by OMEGA rather than simply noting funding requests the Advisory Group has approved. c) Issues and Opportunities from Council. No matters had been referred from Council for this meeting. d) Review of Issues and Opportunities from November 15, 2007. Motion No. OMEGA-090416-10 Moved by Mike Vandergeest, Seconded by David Kennedy It is recommended that the excerpt from the November 15, 2007 OMEGA minutes, and excerpt from the November 28, 2007 Council minutes, be received. Carried. Page 5 OMEGA Meeting -April 16, 2009 e) Severn Sound Environmental Association Tree Seedling Distribution Project. It was noted that the trees were to be distributed in the coming weeks. f) Content and timing of minutes. Members requested that the minutes offer an outline of the discussions and that the minutes be provided to members in a timely manner. 9. NEXT MEETING DATE: Members noted that the suggested change of meeting date to Monday had previously been discussed and was not favourable to the Advisory Group. Motion No. OMEGA-090416-11 Moved by Mike Vandergeest, Seconded by Andy McNiven It is recommended that OMEGA meets every third Thursday of every second month with meetings starting at 7:30 p.m. from May to September and 7:00 p.m. from October to April. Carried. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Motion No. OMEGA-090416-12 Moved by Steve Cromwell, Seconded by Wilf McMechan It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 9:24 p.m. Carried. ~z Co-Chairperson, Councillor Coutanche Absent Co-Chairperson, Councillor Allison Co-Chairperson, Councillor Agnew i ~ Committee oordinator, Marie Brissette Page 6 OMEGA Meeting -April 16, 2009