05 21 2009 C of A MinutesAgenda Item # 12d) - Committee of Adjustment minutes, meeting held on May 21, 200... L1"g MAY 2 `l MEETING: COUNCIL[ C. OF W.El (W;t~ Proud Heritage, Exciting Future THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING MINUTES Council Chambers May 21, 2009 9:35 a.m. Present: Michelle Lynch, Chair Bruce Chappell Linda Aiken Garry Potter Rick Webster Staff Present: Steven Farquharson, Intermediate Planner/Secretary Treasurer Meghan Keelan, Planner Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator/Deputy Secretary Treasurer 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING BY THE CHAIR 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA a) Motion to adopt the agenda. CA090521-01 Moved by Chappell, Seconded by Potter It is recommended by the Committee of Adjustment that the agenda for the meeting of Thursday, May 21, 2009 be received and adopted. Carried. 3. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" None declared. 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES a) Minutes of April 16, 2009. CA090521-02 ° Moved by Webster, Seconded by Chappell It is recommended that the minutes of the Committee of Adjustment meeting of Thursday, April 16, 2009 be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. Page 1 of 7 Page 30 of 254 Agenda Item # 12d) - Committee of Adjustment minutes, meeting held on May 21, 200... Committee of Adjustment minutes of May 21, 2009. 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS: a) 2008-A-34 (Lane) 85 Moon Point Drive Variance from Front Side Yard Setback. No one was present to speak to the application. CA090521-03 Moved by Aiken, Seconded by Webster It is recommended that the Committee of Adjustment approves Variance Application 2008-A-34 (Revised), being to provide relief from the Township's Comprehensive Zoning By-law in relation to the required front yard setback, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the stairs be located no closer than 4.3 metres from the front lot line; 2. That the appropriate zoning certificate and building permit be obtained from the Township only after the Committee's decision becomes final and binding, as provided for within the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13. Carried. Page 2 of 7 Page 31 of 254 Agenda Item # 12d) - Committee of Adjustment minutes, meeting held on May 21, 200... Committee of Adjustment minutes of May 21, 2009. b) 2009-A-09 (Colquhoun) 327 Horseshoe Valley Road East Variance for garage in front of house and maximum floor area. Ms. Heather Colquhoun, applicant, was present. CA090521-04 Moved by Potter, Seconded by Chappell It is recommended that the Committee of Adjustment approves Variance Application 2009-A-09, being to provide relief from the Township's Comprehensive Zoning By-law in relation to the required location and maximum floor area for an accessory building provision, subject to the following conditions: 1. That an Ontario Land Surveyor provide verification to the Township of compliance with the Committee's decision by 1) pinning the footing and 2) verifying in writing prior to pouring of the foundation by way of survey/real property report that the detached garage be no larger than 75 square metres, 2. That the setbacks be in conformity with the dimensions as set out on the application and sketches submitted and approved by the Committee; 3. That notwithstanding Section 5.1.3(a) and 5.1.6 of Zoning By-law 97-95, the detached accessory structure will otherwise comply with all other applicable provisions for such structures as prescribed by Zoning By-law 97- 95; 4. That the appropriate zoning certificate and building permit be obtained from the Township only after the Committee's decision becomes final and binding, as provided for within the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13. Carried. Page 3 of 7 Page 32 of 254 Agenda Item # 12d) - Committee of Adjustment minutes, meeting held on May 21, 200... Committee of Adjustment minutes of May 21, 2009, c) 2009-B-13 (Del Coin Holdings Inc) 13 Line 14 South Boundary adjustment to enhance lands of 5219 Highway 11 North. Mr. David Walker, applicant, was present. CA090521-05 Moved by Aiken, Seconded by Chappell It is recommended that the Committee of Adjustment grants provisional approval to Consent Application 2009-B-13, to permit a boundary adjustment to convey approximately 0.4 hectares (0.98 acres) from the subject property to the neighbouring commercial lot being 5219 Highway 11 North, subject to the following conditions: 1. That three copies of a Reference Plan for the subject land indicating the severed parcel be prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer; 2. That the severed lands be merged in title with 5219 Highway 11 North and that the provisions of Subsection 3 or 5 of Section 50 of the Planning Act apply to any subsequent conveyance or transaction involving the subject lands; 3. That the applicant's solicitor prepare and submit a copy of the proposed conveyance for the parcel severed, for review by the Municipality; 4. That the applicant's solicitor provide an undertaking that the severed lands and the lands to be enhanced will merge in title; 5. That the conditions of consent imposed by the Committee be fulfilled within one year from the date of the giving of the notice. Defeated. CA090521-06 Moved by Potter, Seconded by Webster It is recommended that the Committee of Adjustment grants provisional approval to Consent Application 2009-B-13, to permit a boundary adjustment to convey approximately 0.4 hectares (0.98 acres) from the subject property to the neighbouring commercial lot being 5219 Highway 11 North, subject to the following conditions: 1. That three copies of a Reference Plan for the subject land indicating the severed parcel be prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer. 2. That the severed lands be merged in title with 5219 Highway 11 North and that the provisions of Subsection 3 or 5 of Section 50 of the Planning Act apply to any subsequent conveyance or transaction involving the subject lands; Page 4 of 7 Page 33 of 254 Agenda Item # 12d) - Committee of Adjustment minutes, meeting held on May 21, 200... Committee of Adjustment minutes of May 21, 2009. 3. That the applicant's solicitor prepare and submit a copy of the proposed conveyance for the parcel severed, for review by the Municipality; 4. That the applicant's solicitor provide an undertaking that the severed lands and the lands to be enhanced will merge in title; 5. That the conditions of consent imposed by the Committee be fulfilled within one year from the date of the giving of the notice. 6. That the applicant apply for and obtain a rezoning. CA090521-07 Moved by Chappell, Seconded by Aiken Defeated. It is recommended that the Committee of Adjustment grants provisional approval to Consent Application 2009-B-13, to permit a boundary adjustment to convey approximately 0.4 hectares (0.98 acres) from the subject property to the neighbouring commercial lot being 5219 Highway 11 North, subject to the following conditions: 1. That three copies of a Reference Plan for the subject land indicating the severed parcel be prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer; 2. That the severed lands be merged in title with 5219 Highway 11 North and that the provisions of Subsection 3 or 5 of Section 50 of the Planning Act apply to any subsequent conveyance or transaction involving the subject lands; 3. That the applicant's solicitor prepare and submit a copy of the proposed conveyance for the parcel severed, for review by the Municipality; 4. That the applicant's solicitor provide an undertaking that the severed lands and the lands to be enhanced will merge in title; 5. That the conditions of consent imposed by the Committee be fulfilled within one year from the date of the giving of the notice. 6. That the applicant apply for a rezoning. Carried. Page 5 of 7 Page 34 of 254 Agenda Item # 12d) - Committee of Adjustment minutes, meeting held on May 21, 200... Committee of Adjustment minutes of May 21, 2009. d) 2009-B-14 (Beaton) Part of Lot 15, Concession 1, Plan 51 R-29496 Boundary adjustment to enhance lands of 336 Horseshoe Valley Road East. Mr. Bill Beaton, applicant, was present. CA090521-08 Moved by Chappell, Seconded by Webster It is recommended that the Committee of Adjustment grants provisional approval to Consent Application 2009-B-14, to permit a boundary adjustment to convey approximately 0.2 hectares (0.49 acres) from the subject property to the neighbouring residential lot being 336 Horseshoe Valley Road East, subject to the following conditions: 1. That three copies of a Reference Plan for the subject land indicating the severed parcel be prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer; 2. That the severed lands be merged in title with 336 Horseshoe Valley Road East and that the provisions of Subsection 3 or 5 of Section 50 of the Planning Act apply to any subsequent conveyance or transaction involving the subject lands; 3. That the applicant's solicitor prepare and submit a copy of the proposed conveyance for the parcel severed, for review by the Municipality; 4. That the applicant's solicitor provide an undertaking that the severed lands and the lands to be enhanced will merge in title; 5. That the conditions of consent imposed by the Committee be fulfilled within one year from the date of the giving of the notice. Carried. Page 6 of 7 Page 35 of 254 Agenda Item # 12d) - Committee of Adjustment minutes, meeting held on May 21, 200... Committee of Adjustment minutes of May 21, 2009. 6. NEW BUSINESS: a) Steven Farquharson, Intermediate Planner/Secretary Treasurer, verbal update, re: OMB Appeal, 2008-A-51 (Gannon). CA090521-09 Moved by Chappell, Seconded by Aiken It is recommended that the verbal update presented by Steven Farquharson, Intermediate Planner/Secretary Treasurer re: OMB Appeal, 2008-A-51 (Gannon), be received. Carried. 7. NEXT MEETING DATE June 18, 2009. 8. ADJOURNMENT a) Motion to adjourn. CA090521-10 Moved by Chappell, Seconded by Aiken It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 11:10 a.m. Carried. Sfe en Farquh on, Se ary Treasurer Michelle Lynch, Chair Page 7 of 7 Page 36 of 254