04 22 2009 History MinutesAgenda Item # 14a) - Oro-Medonte History Association minutes, meetings held on Fe... 9 OWi~ 'HIP I y i l u - MAY 2 7 2009 I ING., COUNCIL C. O F W. ❑ Oro-Medonte History Association Minutes April 22, 2009 Attendance: Allan Howard, Margaret Prewer, Bruce Wiggins, Sheila Kirkland, Geoffrey Booth Regrets: Jadeen Henderson Invited: Sandy Agnew-Councilor, Samah Othman- Executive Assistant/Corporate Communications Specialist Township of Oro-Medonte, Roy Menaugh-Music Director of 160`h celebration, Carol Benedetti-Chamber of Commerce 160th Anniversary planning meeting: • Roy gave report on Dett Choir: the manager wants to be involved but Collingwood has negotiated that this choir will play for the Festival there and exclude anyone from 100mile radius of Collingwood which excludes us. Discussed going outside of the contract dates which would be October 3. Changing would give more time to organize the event. More ability to involve the larger TV channels. Roy spoke with Brainard himself and he is very keen on doing this-it coincides with the 66`h anniversary of Nathaniel Dett's death. Collingwood is charging $35 per ticket and we were planning on $20 per ticket. He also spoke to Tiki Mercury-Smith and she is also willing to attend and perform. • Group consensus was that we change the date to get the Den choir. • Geoff emailed Dr.Bruce Meyer that the date may change. • Samah gave report on a grant application that Margaret had been working on and apparently we do not qualify. Samah is willing to work on assisting in fund raising for this event. May 6 Allan will present an update to Council Councilor Agnew, Carol, Roy, and Samah left meeting as their portion complete. Minutes of March meeting: Moved by Geoff and seconded by Bruce they are accepted as circulated. Old Business 1. Carley Hall: moved by Geoff and seconded by Margaret that we work on making it a historic desi ation. Will meet May 4 at 5pm at Carley Hall to view the hall and take pictures. 2. Margaret sent the forms to designate the Coulson United Church to the representative of the church to start the process. 3. Bruce and Allan will inspect the African church for problems. 4. Alma House update by Allan. No movement on that front as yet. Correspondence 1. Email: link to the funding that only qualifies if 50,000 or more population. Www.ic.gc. ca/eic/site/ic 1.nsf/eng/04553.htm1 2. Copy of proposed budget for the 160th Anniversary. Page 50 of 254 Agenda Item # 14a) -Oro-Medonte History Association minutes, meetings held on Fe... 3. Email: Carol Benedetti re: use of the Trinity Church for $250 instead of $1000 they usually charge. Possible $200 more for sound and custodian. 4. Email: Wilma Morrison contact to get a minister for the 160th Anniversary. bmechurch @ bellnet.ca 5. Email: summary from meeting with Dr. Bruce Meyer, artistic director of the Leacock Literary Festival re: working together to do a gala in conjecture with the festival. We have less to offer now if we change the date. We do want to continue to work with them July 25 if it can be done. 6. Email: from Geoff regarding using "Raise the Spirit" A Choral Celebration of African Cultural Heritage in Oro-Medonte as a theme. 7. Email: copy of letter from Council to Orval Hutchinson re: tractor rally. 8. Mandatory Canadian History Petition for Ontario High Schools received and signed by all. Margaret will circulate here at the office. No New Business on agenda. Next meeting May 20 at 6um at the Administration Office. Moved by Geoff and seconded by Brice that we adjourn. Adjourned at 7:45pm Page 51 of 254