03 30 2009 History MinutesAgenda Item # 14a) - Oro-Medonte History Association minutes, meetings held on Fe...
l 1:z 1 7 2009
Oro-Medonte History Association Minutes
VV. 01 March 30, 2009
Attendance: Allan Howard, Margaret Prewer, Bruce Wiggins, Sheila Kirkland, Geoffrey Booth
Regrets: Jadeen Henderson
Invited: Sandy Agnew, Councilor and Shawn Binns, Director Park & Rec.
Minutes of February meeting: Moved by Margaret and seconded by Geoff they are accepted as circulated.
Old Business
1. Shawn discussed letter about buildings of historic interest. Suggest Carley Hall as a start it is in
the Facilities Plan. To be on the agenda at the next meeting so someone from Clerk's office can attend.
Margaret also put forward the Coulson United Church as an interested group wish to have it designated.
OMHA members should review the process for designation prior to the meeting. Allan will forward the
Davenport's email as an example to follow.
2. Budget for Anniversary service will go to Council this week--$5300.
3. Anniversary service-AME Mississauga may be able to get us a Minister-updates will be at the
planning meeting this Thursday.
4. Allan will complete the application form to get funding--"Building Communities through Arts and
New Business
1. Heritage Day update by Bruce. OPP arranged, buildings booked, rail trail notified,
2. Discussed the need for cleaning and chinking and white washing of the African church.
3. Shawn Binns is ordering banners that we may be interested in Banner is $110, stand is $100, and
the graphics are $25.
4. Launch of National Historic Sites of Canada Cost-sharing program. Margaret is filling out the
form to apply. 50% of eligible costs incurred in the conservation and presentation of a national historic site
are eligible. Must be submitted by Apri124.
1. Email: Thunder Bridge brass plaque from Paul Marshall looking for information on this missing?
2. Email: from Margaret about The Grey and Simcoe Foresters September 12-13 anniversary event
that we have not been invited to participate in so for information only.
3. Email: OAC Anniversary also looking at update of "A Pioneer and His Famous Son"
4. Programme for 160'h Anniversary service "A" and "B"
5. Email: from Geoffrey updating on attempts to contact choirs and Fifth Estate pitch.
6. Email: several emails about the 160d' Anniversary service
7. Email: Own Sound Marine & Rail Museum a media release about riding the rails.
8. Email: Patterson Pond - no one had information on this pond
9. Email: re: Duncan Fletcher being a Reeve of Oro-no information found to support this.
10. Email: ground penetrating radar asking if they can hand draw over one of the charts to indicate
where the bodies may be buried. He wants to feature the work they did for us in his next newsletter.
11. Email: regarding ongoing issues around the Alma House /Simcoe House in Hillsdale.
12. Email: invitation to Sheila Kirkland's 50`s Birthday party
13. Email: information on Margaret Davenport's family homestead built by William Davenport about
1902. They are looking to designate it as a heritage site.
14. Email: Bill #149 from Janie Wilson re: petition to legislation about preserving Ontario's
15. Email: Opportunity for Canadian museums re: air quality
16. Email: from Janie Wilson accepting MC for the 160a' Anniversary service for the African church
17. Email: from Geoffrey Booth re: Tiki and cost for her presentation
18. Email: from NHSA chair for training-no one interested at this time
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Agenda Item # 14a) - Oro-Medonte History Association minutes, meetings held on Fe...
19. Email: from Shawn re: Champlain ceremonies to be celebrated in 2010. Looking for input and
ideas for upcoming celebrations. We have no tourist type-sites for this event.
20. 160`h Anniversary several emails amongst the planners discussing things like budgets, participants,
invitation to Governor General, etc.
21. Email: from Gord Miles looking for anyone else interested in supporting the Alma House-Allan
has been attending. Gord is also looking at getting quotes on moving the building.
22. Email: re: copy of poster for the Anniversary service
23. Email: re: Parks Canada withdrawing funding for members of NHSA going to conferences, etc.
This directly affects us. Suggest writing a letter to protest this action. Allan will forward to all OMHA
members to write a letter.
24. Email: re: Canadiana Museum in Coldwater partnering with us in filming for Janie Wilson's
current production.
25. Email: re: Sarah Jane Smith family tree and a picture of Sarah (Rix)
26. Email: re: Douglass family in Medonte book
27. Email: re: NHSA October 21-24 in Hamilton this year with Industrial Strength: Conserving
Canada's Industrial Heritage as the theme.
28. Letter from Shawn Binns re: a motion passed by Council to Orval Hutchinson Oro-Medonte
Agricultural Society regarding Heritage Day events.
Next meeting April 22 at 6pm at the Administration Office.
Adjourned at 8pm
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