09 22 2008 History Minutes4
Oro-Medonte History Association
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~~. Septernber ?2, 2~(1$ Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Geoffrey Booth, Vice-chair; Bruce Wiggins; Margaret Prewer; and Sheila
Kirkland, recording secretary
Allan Howard, Chair joined later in meeting
Absent: Jadeen Henderson
Minutes of August 25: Moved by Bruce Wiggins and seconded by Geoffrey Booth that
the minutes be accepted as circulated. Passed.
Old Business:
1. Inventory Margaret continues working on the history files held at the
Administration Office.
2. Geoffrey has contacted the conservator and will follow-up with a date to view the
church. The gentleman is very busy so may not be able to assist us.
3. Bruce has purchased an indent tool for labeling our articles and he witl keep it and
has donated the cost.
4. Bruce supplied the quotes on two samples of plaques for labeling our artifacts.
Plastic is $4.95 + tax each and the aluminum is $4.00 + tax each. The aluminum
was chosen and will be purchased by Bn~ce to be billed to the Association. (as per
August minutes},
S. Br~~celAllan have not been able to move the displays from Guthrie church yet.
6. Margaret will give the copy of the map showing historical sites in the township to
the Planning department when she is able.
7. 160`h Anniversary African church: Jadeen to get contact information on the
gospel choir from York`? University. Buxton Museum will be at the N.H.S.A.
meeting in October and we can ask them for a suggestion for a Minister to take
the service. The Methodist Episcopal Church will also be invited to attend.
New Business
1. OMHA has heard that our storage area in Guthrie arena needs to be moved.
Township staff can notify Alton or Sheila when they want it moved so we can
check it against our previously recorded inventory.
2. Fair update: Bruce has asked the Fair Board for space in the President's building
next year if able as we were completely blocked by vendors this year and many
never saw us. Bruce and Geoffrey made the A Channel Morning Show for a brief
history note. Brice thanked all who helped get the displays ready and looked after
Geoffrey will contact A Channel for Heritage Day next year.
3. Suggestion made to ask A Channel if they want to do a Black History day in
February-maybe Janie Wilson could be interviewed. (Sheila thought!" Or the
lfi0`h Ar~liversary service instead??)
Mayor Hughes joined the meeting:
He has a line on a trailer that is 35--i0ft. long and has a gabled roof, side door,
air-conditioning, and has two transfon~u~rs. It is on cement slabs and we can possibly
have for the price of moving it. A second one is farther away in Collingwood and
may be available as well. He request direction on getting them and where to place.
1~e all unanimously agreed that we would like to have them with one being placed at
the African church on the new lot :end one at the Fairgrounds. Mayor Hughes to
contact Allan or Brnee when plans finalized so they can give direction on where to
place the buildingltrailer.
Mayor Hughes will investigate getting landfill for the new lot especially the front
corner and a culvert will need placed for vehicle access.
Mayor Hughes was thanked and Left the meeting.
~. Don Robinson has completed the repairs at the African Church.
5. October l S, 16, ~'z 17 NHSA annual meeting is being held in Oshawa. Margaret
will be attending as will Allan. Sheila and Jadeen may attend for one day,
Margaret will email Sheila the registration details.
6. Facilities consulting meeting tomorrow. Allan is attending one and so are
Geoffrey and Julianne. Vtre discussed our needs to be put forward.
7. Allan reported on the Funders Forum at Casino Rama. He will email each of us a
brief overview. They don't cover equipment, buildings or wages when
sponsoring. Remember to thank everyone who sponsors our events.
$. Buffalo Springs is a new development on the 8th Concession and they have
uncovered an old foundation from a homestead in the area designated as parkland.
Shawn Binns has asked them to preserve it in the park.
1. Email: Ground radar-Margaret sent updated measurements and the new price
is $x,275. Shawn Binns and Margaret will be checking the references given next
week sa work can be done before winter. This will mean the groundcover will
need to be cut back. Bruce will investigate what is needed to do this.
Next meeting is October 27 at 6pm at the Administration Centre
Adjourned at 7:50pm