01 13 2009 Site Plan Control AgendaTOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE SITE PLAN CONTROL TECHNICAL SUPPORT GROUP AGENDA NEUFELD ROOM DATE: TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2009 TIME: 8:30 a.m. 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: - "IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 2008 4. SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS a) Application: 2008-SPA-15 Applicant: Melissa Elliott Address: 47 Springhome Road, West Part Lot 26, Concession 9, 51 R-36216, Part 3. Proposal: The Applicant is proposing to construct a dwelling on the south side of Springhome Road, on the east side of Line 8 South. The property is designated Shoreline and Environmental Protection One by the Official Plan, and Zoned Shoreline Residential Exception 179 Hold (SR*179 (H)) Zone and Environmental Protection (EP) Zone. The Applicant requires a Site Plan Agreement to remove the Holding Provision that is placed on the lands as a result of By-law 2007-127. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT :, ,. ''~ ~ i , _~ 1 ' ''~'~~ TOWNSHIP OF ORd-MEDONTE ,SITE PLAN CdNTROl. TECHNICAL. SUPPORT GROUP MINUTES ~;„~ ~~ _, ~ Robinson Room Wednesday, December 3, 2008 TIME: 2:45 p.m. Present: Mayor H. S. Hughes Councillor Dwight Evans Staff Present: Andria Leigh, Director of Development Services; Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services; Kim Allen, Chief Building Official; Glenn White, Manager of Planning; Steven Farquharson, Intermediate Planner; Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator. Andria Leigh, Director of Development Services, assumed the Chair and called the meeting to order. 1. DISCLOSURE dF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREdF: - "IN ACCdRDANCE WITH THE ACT" None declared. Motion No. SPTSG081203-1 Moved by Evans, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the agenda for the meeting of Wednesday, December 3, 2088 be received and adopted. Carried. Motion No. SPTSG081203-2 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Evans It is recommended that the minutes of the meeting held on October 20, 2008 be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. 2. SITE PLAN APPIICATIt7N a) Russell Hill Homes (Diamond Valley Draft Plan), Lot 3, Concession 7, Township of Ora-Medonte. Motion No. SPTSG0812t)3-3 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Evans It is recommended that the verbal information presented by Andria Leigh, Director of Development Services, re: Russell Hill Homes (Diamond Valley Draft Plan) -Site Plan Application, Lot 3, Concession 7, Township of Ora-Medonte be received. Carried. b) Lois and Beverley Crawford, Lot 16, Plan 798, Concession 8, 29 O'Connell Lane, Township of Oro-Medonte. Motion No. SPTSGO$1203-4 Moved by Evans, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the verbal information presented by Andria Leigh, Director of Development Services, re: Lois and Beverley Crawford -Site Plan Application, Lot 16, Plan 798, Concession $, 29 O'Connell Lane, Township of Oro-Medante be received. Carried. 3. ADJOURNMENT Motion No. SPTSG481203-5 Moved by Evans, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 2:56 p.m. Carried. A digital recording of the meeting is available for review at the Township Administration Centre, 148 Line 7 South. ...........__ Andria Leigh, Director of Development Services Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator Page 2 ~,ita Pfan C~nnirn! Tn~hnirhl G~.,...,.+f1...~.., tie...a:.,...•:_...__ n_____._ __., .... THE CORPt)RATI~N (JF THE TOVt'NSHIP OF ORO-MEDC}NTE SITE PLAN APPLICATItJN SUI3MISSION NU. ZU(l8-SPA- t'~ ASSESSMENT#: ~tt~ _ ~~ -¢~~ ~ ~ MUNICIPAL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: Township of Cho-Medante P.4. Bax 100 Oro, Ontario LQL 2XU L©CATIC}N: 148 LINE 7 Sauth PHtONE: (70S) 487-2171 FAX: (705) 487-0133 Application for Site Plan Approval [ ] UWe enclose herewith application and pracessing fees in the amount of 1250.04 far a Site Plar. Appro"val'v+7ith Site Improvements having an estimated valtsc of under ~ SO,OOt't.in! ( ~ 1000.(}0 of which is potentially refundable}. [) UWe enclase herewith application and processing fees in the amaunt of 5504.00 far a Site Plan Approval with Site Irnpravements having an estimate value of over $ SO,Q00.00 {$5000.00 of which is potentially refundable}. Application for Si#e Plan Revision [) UWe enclose herewith applicatian and processing fees in the amount of 304.00 for a Site Plan Revision (:200.00 of which is potentially refundable). Application for Site Plan Agreement & Removal of Holding Provision regarding Private or Unassumed Roads [ ] IIWe enclose herewith application and processing fees in the amaunt of 250.04 for a Site Plan Approval & Removal of Halding Pravision regarding Private or Unassumed Roads (none of which is patentially refundable). Application for Site Plan Agreement & Removal of Holding Provision Assumed Public Roads [~ 1JWe enclase herewith applicatian and processing fees in the amaunt of ,x,254.44 far a Site Plan Appraval & Removal of Holding Provisian Assumed Pubiie Roads (none of which is potentially refundable}. To be romt~leted by the owner or authorized acnt Please print or type: 1. Name of owner ~.~-!~~'~` ~~~~~~ Eull Mailing Address ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~`~~'~ ~'`'~~ ~ ~` Telephone Number ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'- ~' ~ ~ 2. Name of Authorized Agent {if applicable) ~ '~ ""t t ~ G~--l--t t~T`7` I"ull Mailing Address 1 ~. \ '~~ ~-`~"~ ~' ~~ ~ ~ ~`- P ~C?.tc t b r~ t_....y ,~ p 2 t Telephone Number ~~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. Please specify to which of the following all communications should be sent: ]owner [~. agent [ ~ solicitor 4. Full legal description of the property which is the ]and subject of this application including name of former municipality in which it was located. E.g. Lot 1, Concession 1, Township of Orillia. , (Note; a copy of the Land Transfer or Deed to the satisfaction of the Township is required to verify legal description at the time of the initial application being submitted) ~l~ ~r V T 2 (.~ Gt~l~-~ ~ ~ P~ ~Ef NCB ~`I'" ~i ~'1... `5 l 1~. ~b `fit to 5. Ta be answered by the Applscant: 5.1 Are you the registered owner of the subject lands? Yes_.~ rNo ~ 5.2 Do you act an behalf of the registered owner? Yes / Na 5.3 Do you have an option to purchase the subject lands? Yes Na 5.4 If applie:able what is the expiry date of the Uption as mentioned in 5.37 5.5 Have you made an offer to Purchase or Agreement f Sale in respect of the subject ]ands, or any portion thereof with the Registered Owner? ~ Yes No 5.6 if applic I what is the expiry date of any t7 fer or Agreement as mentioned in 5.57 5.7 if appli able, is the CJffer or Agreement as mentio ed in 5.5 conditional on the success or failure of this Application? Yes Irlo 5.8 Do you have an offer to lease the subject lands. Yes No 6. Present gfficial Plan designations} _,, ~=~~.-- 7. Present Zone classification(s) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~a ~~s-- 8. Present Use of subject lands _ ~ ~~~~ 9. Proposed use of subject lands ~ i ~ ~~f ~- ~-~' ip, Applicants reasons, argument and/or justification for requiring the proposed Site Plan Approval {attach a supplementary schedule if necessary). 11. Has a site plan sket ,adhering to Site Plan Review Guidelines, been included with this submission? Yes No 12. What other Provincial Ministries or other Agencies car individuals have been consulted prior to the submission or Application? {e.g. Ministry of Municipal Affairs, School Boards, District Health Unit, County Engineer, etc.} Please note only fully camr~h~tc~d :applications accompanied by the necessary supporting materials and fees ~+~ill be procc~ss~>d and are considered complete applications. Please refer to the Site flan Guidelines for a complete list of information requirements. Uwe _ M ~.,.~.5s t~ ~ ~ ~ o"t"~ of the r r ~tir of rr j r~ in the _t:..c~--'r,.~-,~-y of ~., ~,t.:_~r~aE hereby apply, as previously specified, to the Corporation of the Township of ©ra-Medante. It is expressly understand that this application is in regard only to the lands described, and is made pursuant to the provision of The Planning Act, 1983. I understand that the personal information an this farm is being collected pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990 c.P.l3 and will be used in relation to the processing of this development application. I solemnly declare that all the statements contained in this application are true, and I make this salernn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same farce and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. DATED at the ~7c~t~t~35H~P of QRU M e"~iE)N+"~:` ~,, day of i~ t,: G-~T~t~~`"~.- , 20. , of Applicant So ' tor, or Au"thgjr`iized Agent) llECLARED before meat the ? ~~~~rJ~~ of ~~z o - n ~a*~3 c ~ in theC~v*t't~ of ~irti~~ ) this f day of ~~-ct=r~i~CL. 20~~) G1erm ABen Wh~e, a Commissioner, etc., Catmty of Simcoe, for the Co~oraiian of ire Township of Qro-Medor~e, E~~;es September 25, 201Q. A Commissioner, etc. V' f (SI`gnature of Appli an ,Solicitor, or Agent) The personal information on this farm is being collected pursuant to the Planning Act, RS.O., 1990 and will be used in relation to the procession of this consent application. If you have any questions, please ask at the Oro-Medante Township Office. y~ ,~ 5PRINGHOM E ROAD F • ~ ~ { ~ ~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~ P ~ ~ go ~j~ , I~-~ rte. f ~g (~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~; ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ F ~~ ~r gg k~4 ~ ~ ~ ~i ~8 ~~ ~~ e i~ i ~ 2 i ~i i ~ r m -~ N m m r m n 0 z i~ 79 ~. ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ (~ ~~ ~ '~ F ~ ~~ ~ ~ b i ~ ~` ~ t j i ~ 7 ~ d R ~ a a ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~~ g~ ~ ~ ~~c ~~ iD m n A m r m 0 z '- r -T ~3 ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ I~ bg .g ~~ -.-- I~ ~I ~~ ~ t ~, ~~ iI I~ ~~ ~) ~ _ ~~ j~ ~4~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~wi ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~_. ~pp ~~ F ~ Y ~ ~4~ ~ ~~ ~4~ ~ ~~ ~I i~ ~~=- , -~ ~ ~~g ~ ~~ ~~-~~ ~~ ~ !i :~ it ~~~ ~ ~ fi ii q =_- FiL. ~ _- -i~y-~: ~- - - 1l ~~~ -~ b a ,,;~ ~ ~~ - ~g~ --- ~ '~ j -~3 ~` ,~ _ ~, !a~ "s_ I j~ a jl ~~ ~ ,~ _,- -_- -- II ,~ ~ ~ ji E ~' JO P i~ ~ ~ ~~ ~$~ ~ ~~ ~g~ ~ ~ ;~ ~~ I~ 31 ~ I ~~~ A 0 N d m m r m D O z ~ •~•r ~ '~--"' ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ( ~~ ~ a ~ , ~~4 ~ , ~ ~F54 I~ ~ a I~ ~~ ~~ 3 ~~~ 0 I~ 1 ~ I { ~ ~ ~ ~ { a a ~ ~W ~ Q ~# ~~ JR ~~~ ~~~ ~~i ~~ m r m D 0 z ~~'~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ a~ ~~~e ~~ ~~ a ~~ JAN-12-2009 15:08 TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE 01/12/2009 MON 14:06 FAX •. . Sant by Facsimile 1-705-487-0133 a~..•r ~,,,, 3anualy 12, 2009 ,4 Mr. Steven Farquharson Colporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte Tel: 905 -895-1281 P Q BOX 1 ~~ I-800-465-0437 Fax: 905-853-5881 01'0, ON LOL 2X0 F Mxil: iuk~(a~lerc~t.oo.ca !Y/cb: ~~na~~~.lsrca.ou.ca Dear Mr. Farquharson: P.0O1i002 X001/002 z r r~L i~ j File No.: 2008-SPA-15 IMS No.: PSPC1119C2 120 BUyVICW Pa[k~vay Box 2$2 rrew,na[ket, on«[~~ Re: Site Plan Control Application -Proposed Single Family Dwelling L3Y ax1 Melissa >llliott, Owner Part of Lot 26, Concession 9 (Former Township of Oro) S/S Springhome Road, Plan Lot 3, Plan S1R-36216 Township of Oro-Medonte, County of Simcoe We have completed our review of the first submission, received by this office on December 11, 2008, consisting of the following: S1 Site Plan, No Revisions, dated November 2b, 2008 • A3 )levations, No Revisions, dated November 26, 2008 • A4 I~levations, No Revisions, dated November 26, 2008 The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA} has reviewed the above noted Site flan application in the context of the Provincial Policy Statement 2005 (PPS - 2005) and in accordance with Ontario Regulation 179/06 made under the Conse~-vation,4uthor~ties ~1c1. "1'he applicant is proposing to construct a single family dwelling with associated driveway at the above noted site. The subjeetpropel'ty is within the jurisdiction ofthe Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and is currently located adjacent to the Regulated area of this Authority. A permit wiiI not be required from this Authority prior to any fu1-ther development or site alteration of the above noted property. ~ Based on our review, we offer the following comments: 1. The site plan drawing indicates that the single family dwelling and all associated features Watershed are outside ofthe area zoned)nvironmental Protection (EP} based an the By-law 2007-127 and designated as Environmental Protection One in Official Plan Amendment No. 24. f0Y Lrfe 2• The proposed development is outside of the regulated area of this Authority. Based on the above noted information, we have no objection at this time to the above noted Site flan application, subject to the following conditions: That the owner shall agree in the Site Plan Agreement to carry out or cause to be carried out the recommendations and measures contained within the plans and reports set out above. Page 1 of 2 JAN-12-2009 15:09 TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE 01/12/2009 MON 14:07 FAX ,. ~, January 12, 2009 » ~~ -~ ~" ~ File No.: 2008-SPA-15 IMS No.: PSPC1119C2 "' Mr. Steven Farquharson Corporation of the "I'owrlslaip of Oro-Medontc Page 2 of 2 P.D02iD02 ®ooz/ooz ~C ~~ ~) That no vegetation shall be removed from the area zoned as EP in By-law 2007-12'1, and designated as Environmental Protection One in Official Plan .Amendment No. 24. That prior to any site alteration, proper erosion and sediment control measures must be in place. Please be advised that the LSRCA development fee for this Site Plan application is $500.00 in accordance with our Planning and Development Fees Policy. The applicant should be advised shat currently this fee is outstanding and to please forward the above mentioned fee as soon as possible. Ay copy of this letter to the applicant, we request that they submit the above mentioned fee at this time. I mist this meets your requirements at this time. In order to facilitate our processing of this file, please reference the above noted file numbers in future correspondence. 1f you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 905-895-1281, extension 287. Please advise us of your decision in this matter. Yours truly, F ~fU ~~ Ian Walker Environmental Planner I Wlph c. Jamie Elliott, Applicant, 191 Thrushwood Drive, I3a}~•ie, ON, L4N OZl - By Mail \U-tawkeslanc\ahnredllanlh~lCorrespondcncc\PlnnninglSirc PimrlOro-Medonte\20D912008-SPA-I S (Silc Plan - El1io1Q S-S Springlrome Road • }.wptl