09 18 2008 OMEGA Minutes~` ~~ ~~ ~` '~ 1' ~ ~ TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE O~RO-MEDONTE ENVIRONMENTAL. GROUP ADVISORS (OMEGA) € MEETING MINUTES Thursday, September 18, 2008 (~ 7:38 p.m» Council Chambers ~` Present: Jahn Bosomworth Wilf McMechan Steve Cromwell Gerry Murphy Meryl Drake Jim Purnell David Edwards Doug Shelswell Ruth Fountain Beverley Smith Susan Grant Kim Wand David Kennedy Josephine Martensson-Hemsted Regrets: Bob Barlow Avery Parle Don Hanney Mike Vandergeest Allan Johnson Peter Wigham Jacinto McNairn Jim Woodford Andy McNiven Council/Staff Mayor H.S. Hughes Daug Irwin, Director of Corporate Present: Cauncillar Sandy Agnew Services/Clerk Cauncillar Mel Cautanche Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator Others Tim Croaks Barry Leigh Presenfi Susan ~.eigh 1. Councillor Coutanche called the meeting to order. 2» ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Motion No. OMEGA-080918-1 Moved by David Edwards, Seconded by Wilf McMechan It is recommended that the agenda for the Oro-Medonte Environmental Group Advisors (OMEGA) meeting of Thursday, September 18, 2008 be received and adapted. Carried. 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - tN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT: None declared. °r~ 4. MINUTES: a) Minutes of OMEGA Meeting held on April 17, 2008. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-2 Moved by Josephine Markensson-Hemsted, Seconded by David Edwards It is recommended that the minutes of the Oro-Medonte Environmental Group Advisors (OMEGA) meeting held on April 17, 2008 be received and adopted. Carried. b) Record of OMEGA Meeting scheduled an June 19, 2008. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-3 Moved by Kim Wand, Seconded by Susan Grant It is recommended that the Record of OMEGA Meeting scheduled on June 19, 2008, be received. Carried. 5. PRESENTATIONS: a) Susan Leigh, LB Landscaping and Greenhouse, re: Good Stewards of the Earth. Ms. Leigh distributed correspondence to the members of OMEGA. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-4 Moved by John Bosomworth, Seconded by Ruth Fountain It is recommended that the verbal information presented by Susan Leigh, LB Landscaping and Greenhouse, re: Good Stewards of the Earth, be received. It is recommended to Council that the Township endorses the principle of a program for school children that will instill practices to encourage environmentally friendly citizens far life. Carried. Page 2 OMEGA Meeting -September 18, 2fl08 6. ITEM FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: a} Streamline the process for recommendations from OMEGA and the Working Groups. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-5 Moved by Susan Grant, Seconded by Gerry Murphy It is recommended that the verbal information presented by Councillor Coutanche, re: Streamline the process for recommendations from OMEGA and Working Groups be received. And That OMEGA agrees to the following guidelines for Working Group recommendations proceeding to Council without first being heard at a meeting of OMEGA: 1. Information will be e-mailed or faxed to OMEGA members for their consideration; 2. OMEGA members can provide their input via e-mail or fax; 3. OMEGA members will advise by e-mail or fax, to the Township Clerk, whether or not they concur with the recommendations of the Working Group; 4. That in order far a Working Group item to proceed to Council for their information, without first being heard at a regular OMEGA meeting, a total of one half plus one of the total OMEGA membership must agree to the Working Group recommendation by e-mail or fax. Carried. 7. UPDATES FROM CO-CHAIRPERSONS: Councillor Agnew provided a verbal update on the fallowing matters: i. Highlight Key items. ii. Member Updates. 8. WORKING GROUPS UPDATES: Councillor Agnew provided a verbal updates on items 8a), 8b}, 8c}, 8e} and 8f). a} Oro Moraine. i. Oro Moraine Information Day September 23, 2008. ii. Ora Moraine Report Card. b} Growth Issues. c} Habitat. i. Draft Tree By-law. Page 3 OMEGA Meeting -September 18, 2408 d} Water QualityJLake Management. i. Minutes of Water QualityJLake Management Working Group meeting held on May 6, 2008. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-6 Moved by Gerry Murphy, Seconded by Susan Grant It is recarnmended that the minutes of the Water QualityJLake Management Graup- OMEGA meeting of May 6, 2008 by received. Carried. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-7 Moved by David Edwards, Seconded by Susan Grant It is recommended that Oro-Medonte Council be requested to discourage people from driving on lakes within the Township by not facilitating parking {i.e. not plowing the ice} in order to prevent automotive contaminants from finding their way into the lake. Carried. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-$ Moved by Ruth Fountain, Seconded by Susan Grant That the motion with respect the request of the Water QualityJLake Management Working Group re: up-to-date list of environmental by-laws be deferred back to the Working Group for further information at the next regularly scheduled OMEGA meeting. Carried. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-9 Moved by Ruth Fountain, Seconded by John Bosomwarth It is recommended that Ora-Medonte Council provide OMEGA with an up-to-date list of environmental by-laws in the Township. Deferred. Page 4 OMEGA Meeting -September 18. 2008 ii. Draft Brochure -- "Protecting Your Water & Shoreline Property" Motion No. C?MEGA-0180918-10 Maned By Ruth Fountain, Seconded By Jahn Bosomwarth It is recammended that the draft Brachure "Protecting Yaur Water &Shareline Property" be approved, as amended. It is recammended to Council that the Township proceed with the production and distribution of the "Pratecting Yaur Water &Shareline Property" Brochure. Carried. e) Bass Lake -Sub-Group of Water Quality/Lake Management, f) SustainaBle Agriculture. 9. COMMUNICATIC?NS: a} AMO Blue Box Information. Motion No. OMEGA-480918-11 Maned by Steve Cramwell, Secanded by Beverley Smith It is recommended that the carrespandence dated May 28, 2008 fram the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), re: AMQ Alert Na. 08-023 -The AMOIAMRC Discussion Paper on an Alternative Approach to Ontario's Blue Bax Funding Model be received. Carried. b) Morris Genrais, President, Simcoe County Farm Fresh, carrespandence dated June 3, 2008, re: Letter of Appreciation. Motion No. OMEGA-48091$-12 Moved By Steve Cramwell, Secanded by David Kennedy It is recammended that correspondence dated June 3, 2008, fram Morris Gervais, President, Simcoe County Farm Fresh, re: Letter of Appreciation, be received. Carried. Page 5 OMEGA Meeting -September 18. 2048 c) 2008 Provincial Environmental Advisory Committee Symposium (Oshawa October 3-4, 2008). Motion No. OMEGA-080918-13 Moved by David Kennedy, Seconded by Meryl Drake It is recommended that the following Members of OMEGA attend the 2008 Provincial Environmental Advisory Committee Symposium in Oshawa on October 8rd and 4tn 2008: • Jim Purnell Carried. 9. OTNER BUSINESSJQUESTIONS Discussion occurred on the fallowing items. a) Education. b) Bayview Memorial Park Creek Restoration. 11. NEXT MEETING DATE -November 20, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. 12. ADJOURNMENT Motion No. OMEGA-080918-14 Moved by Daug Shelswell, Seconded by Meryl Drake It is recommended that we da now adjourn at 9:55 p.m. Carried. A digital recording of the meeting is available far review. Co-Chairperson, Councillor Cautanche Co-Chairperson, Councillor Agnew Clerk, J. Douglas Irwin Page 8 OMEGA Meeting - September t8. 2008