2000-081 . '.... -"'. . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LAW NO. 2000- 81 A By-law to Rezone Part of Lot 2, Range 2, Township ofOro-Medonte (formerly Townsbip or Oro), County of Simcoe. WHEREAS Zoning By-law 1997-95 was enacted to regulate the use of land and the character, location, and use of buildings and structures within the Township ofOro-Medonte; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte deems I! appropriate to further amend By-law 1997-95, as amended; AND WHEREAS this By-law is in confonnity with the Official Plan of the Township of 01'0- Medonte; AND WHEREAS authority is granted pursuant to Section 34 of the Plamling Act, RS.O., 1990 c. P. 13, to the Council of the Corporation of the Township ofOro-Medonte to exercise such powers. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TO\VNSHTP OF ORO-MEDONTE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule "A2" of By-law 97-95 for the Township of Oro-Medonte, as amended, is hereby further amended by rezoning those lands shown on Schedule "A", attached hereto, fi'om the AgriculturallRural (NRU) to a Site Specific Institutional (1* 137(H)) Zone. 2. That subsection 7 of By-law 97-95 be and is hereby amended by the addition of the following subsection: "7.137 *137 - PART OF LOT 2, RANGE 2 (FORMER ORO) Notwithstanding any other provision in this By-law, only the following use as a non-profit seniors home with a maximul11 of ten (10) residents and one housekeeping unit is pel111itted on the !<inc!s denoted by the symbol *137 on the schedule to this By-law." 3. Schedule, !fA", attached, fonns part of this By-law. 4. The Holding Provision shall not be removed rrom the subject lands until such time as a Site Plan Control Agreement is executed by Council and registered on title. 5. This By-law shall take effect and come into force pursuant to the provisions of and regulations made under the Planning Act, RS.O., 1990 c. P. 13. BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME, THIS 4tlDAY OF OCTOBER,2000. BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th OCTOBER, 2000. DAY OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE . ~. . Schedule 'A' to By-Law 2000-81 This is Schedule 'A' to By-law 2000-81 . passed the 4 th day of October, 2000 Mayor Clerk /~~ "/. ~/ /~ ,// \~\, \ ,~ .-.".,,/ ...../ ..-/.. ----..- L.....E ....COf . ~ PROPERTY TO BE REZONED FROM THE AGRICULTURAL/RURAL (A/RU) ZONE TO A SITE SPECIFIC INSTITUTIONAL (1* 137(H)) ZONE. Township of Oro-Medonte