11 20 2008 OMEGA AgendaTOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE ORO-MEDONTE ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP ADVISORS (OMEGA) MEETING AGEND COUNCIL CHAMBERS I DATE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2008 TIME: 7:00 P.W ** The meeting will be digitally recorded ** 1. OPENING OF MEETING Lead: Mel C. — 1 minute 2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA (Motion) Lead: Mel C. — 1 minute 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: - "IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" — 1 minute 4. MINUTES Lead: Mel C. — 1 minute a) Minutes of OMEGA Meeting held on September 18, 2008. (Motion) 5. PRESENTATIONS Lead: Sandy A. — 20 minutes a) 7:05 p.m. Jennifer Brock, re: Zero Waste Group. (Motion) b) 7:15 p.m. Bruce Keeling, re: Grant Request for the Huronia Woodland Owners Association. (Motion) 6. ITEMS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING Lead: Mel C. — 3 minutes a) Highlight key messages. 7. WORKING GROUPS UPDATES Lead: Sandy A. — 20 minutes a) Oro Moraine • Oro Moraine Report Card. (Motion) b) Growth Issues c) Habitat • Draft Tree Preservation By-law. (Motion) d) Water Quality / Lake Management • Brochure distribution "Protecting Your Water & Shoreline Property. e) Sustainable Agriculture a) Update from Provincial Environmental Advisory Committee (Oshawa, October 4, 2008). (Motion) pjgmm��� b) Review of OMEGA'S first year. 10. NEXT MEETING DATE Lead: Mel C. — 3 minutes 11. ADJOURNMENT Lead: Mel C. — 1 minute (Motion) Approximately 1 hour 16 minutes 0 TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE EDONTE ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP ADVISORS (OMEGA) MEETING MINUTES Thursday, September 18, 2008 @ 7:38 p.m. Council Chambers Present: John Bosomworth Steve Cromwell Meryl Drake David Edwards Ruth Fountain Susan Grant David Kennedy Josephine Martensson-Hemsted Regrets: Bob Barlow Don Hanney Allan Johnson Jacinta McNairn Andy McNiven Council/Staff Mayor H.S. Hughes Present: Councillor Sandy Agnew Councillor Mel Coutanche Wilf McMechan Gerry Murphy Jim Purnell Doug Shelswell Beverley Smith Kim Wand Avery Parle Mike Vandergeest Peter Wigham Jim Woodford Doug Irwin, Director of Corporate Services/Clerk Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator Others Tim Crooks Barry Leigh Present: Susan Leigh 1. Councillor Coutanche called the meeting to order. I "01A11:10YEIR Moved by David Edwards, Seconded by Wilf McMechan It is recommended that the agenda for the Oro-Medonte Environmental Group Advisors (OMEGA) meeting of Thursday, September 18, 2008 be received and adopted. Carried. 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF — IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT: None declared. /-/r-A I �-'tj 4. MINUTES: Moved by Josephine Martensson-Hemsted, Seconded by David Edwards It is recommended that the minutes of the Oro-Medonte Environmental Group Advisors (OMEGA) meeting held on April 17, 2008 be received and adopted. Carried. b) Record of OMEGA Meeting scheduled on June 19, 2008. Moved by Kim Wand, Seconded by Susan Grant It is recommended that the Record of OMEGA Meeting scheduled on June 19, 2008, be received. Carried. 5. PRESENTATIONS: a) Susan Leigh, LB Landscaping and Greenhouse, re: Good Stewards of the Earth. Ms. Leigh distributed correspondence to the members of OMEGA. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-4 Moved by John Bosomworth, Seconded by Ruth Fountain It is recommended that the verbal information presented by Susan Leigh, LB Landscaping and Greenhouse, re: Good Stewards of the Earth, be received. It is recommended to Council that the Township endorses the principle of a program for school children that will instill practices to encourage environmentally friendly citizens for life. Carried. Page 2 OMEGA Meeting - September 18, 2008 fi 6. ITEM FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: a) Streamline the process for recommendations from OMEGA and the Working Groups. Moved by Susan Grant, Seconded by Gerry Murphy It is recommended that the verbal information presented by Councillor Coutanche, re: Streamline the process for recommendations from OMEGA and Working Groups be received. And That OMEGA agrees to the following guidelines for Working Group recommendations proceeding to Council without first being heard at a meeting of OMEGA: 1. Information will be e-mailed or faxed to OMEGA members for their consideration; 2. OMEGA members can provide their input via e-mail or fax; 3. OMEGA members will advise by e-mail or fax, to the Township Clerk, whether or not they concur with the recommendations of the Working Group; 4. That in order for a Working Group item to proceed to Council for their information, without first being heard at a regular OMEGA meeting, a total of one half plus one of the total OMEGA membership must agree to the Working Group recommendation by e-mail or fax. Carried. Councillor Agnew provided a verbal update on the following matters: i. Highlight Key Items. ii. Member Updates. Councillor Agnew provided a verbal updates on items 8a), 8b), 8c), 8e) and 8f). a) Oro Moraine. i. Oro Moraine Information Day September 23, 2008. ii. Oro Moraine Report Card. b) Growth Issues. c) Habitat. i. Draft Tree By-law. Page 3 OMEGA Meeting - September 18, 2008 �C> d) Water Quality/Lake Management. i. Minutes of Water Quality/Lake Management Working Group meeting held on May 6, 2008. Moved by Gerry Murphy, Seconded by Susan Grant It is recommended that the minutes of the Water Quality/Lake Management Group- OMEGA meeting of May 6, 2008 by received. Carried. Moved by David Edwards, Seconded by Susan Grant It is recommended that Oro-Medonte Council be requested to discourage people from driving on lakes within the Township by not facilitating parking (i.e. not plowing the ice) in order to prevent automotive contaminants from finding their way into the lake. Carried. Moved by Ruth Fountain, Seconded by Susan Grant That the motion with respect the request of the Water Quality/Lake Management Working Group re: up-to-date list of environmental by-laws be deferred back to the Working Group for further information at the next regularly scheduled OMEGA meeting. Carried. Moved by Ruth Fountain, Seconded by John Bosomworth It is recommended that Oro-Medonte Council provide OMEGA with an up-to-date list of environmental by-laws in the Township. Deferred. Page 4 OMEGA Meeting — September 18. 2008 ii. Draft Brochure — "Protecting Your Water & Shoreline Property". Motion No. OMEGA-080918-10 Moved by Ruth Fountain, Seconded by John Bosomworth It is recommended that the draft brochure "Protecting Your Water & Shoreline Property", be approved, as amended. It is recommended to Council that the Township proceed with the production and distribution of the "Protecting Your Water & Shoreline Property" brochure. Carried. e) Bass Lake — Sub-Group of Water Quality/Lake Management. f) Sustainable Agriculture. 9. COMMUNICATIONS: a) AMO Blue Box Information. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-11 Moved by Steve Cromwell, Seconded by Beverley Smith It is recommended that the correspondence dated May 28, 2008 from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), re: AMO Alert No. 08-023 - The AMO/AMRC Discussion Paper on an Alternative Approach to Ontario's Blue Box Funding Model be received. N-. b) Morris Gervais, President, Simcoe County Farm Fresh, correspondence dated June 3, 2008, re: Letter of Appreciation. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-12 Moved by Steve Cromwell, Seconded by David Kennedy It is recommended that correspondence dated June 3, 2008, from Morris Gervais, President, Simcoe County Farm Fresh, re: Letter of Appreciation, be received. Carried. Page 5 OMEGA Meeting - September 18, 2008 X (C c) 2008 Provincial Environmental Advisory Committee Symposium (Oshawa October 3-4, 2008). � i I • LY, I Xefllffll It is recommended that the following Members of OMEGA attend the 2008 Provincial Environmental Advisory Committee Symposium in Oshawa on October Tcl and 4th 2008: • Jim Purnell Carried. 9. OTHER BUSINESS/QUESTIONS Discussion occurred on the following items. a) Education. b) Bayview Memorial Park Creek Restoration. Motion No. OMEGA-080918-14 Moved by Doug Shelswell, Seconded by Meryl Drake It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 9:55 p.m. Carried. A digital recording of the meeting is available for review. Co-Chairperson, Councillor Coutanche Co-Chairperson, Councillor Agnew Clerk, J. Douglas Irwin Page 6 OMEGA Meeting — September 18, 2008 t "THE CORPORATION OF THE 148 Line 7 S., Box 100 Oro, Ontario LOL 2X0 TO XSHIP Phone (705) 487 -2171 Fax (705) 487 -0133 (�F www.c�ro- �►�ieclor���+�i APPLICATION FOR GRANT /SUBSIDY- Instructions: In order to process the application on fields including Appendix "A" financial information must be completed Note: Grants/Subsidies are not automatically renewed annually PART A — ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS INFORMATION Organization Name Address City Prov, r C ` Postal Code Z Contact Telephone E -mail ,n �`� ;',;i i7,- �` , �y ' r" ; :k Fax PART Q — ORGANIZATION GENERAL INFORMATION Number of Members Out of Town Membership Fee Residents If Applicable a� Geographic Area 1.11 . Date Served - ,-r .� % Formed Outline the mission, purpose and objectives of your organization. II Type of Organization (ie. Registered Charity, Non-Profit Organization, no status, etc.) and registration number if applicable. z-, Indicate the products services 1 benefits provided to the Township of Oro-Medonte by your organization: 141 '0Z 2 �e #of individuals served: PLEASE ATTACH DETAILED ANNUAL BUDGET INFORMATION INDICATING REVUNUES AND EXPENDITURES (Appendix "A") PART C - DETAILS OF REQUEST Grant is a request for a financial contribution from Council Subsidy is a request for a reduction or waiving of fees Application is for a (please check) Grant Subsidy Amount Requested: Purpose for which the grant/subsidy, if approved, would be used. Give complete details (i.e. project or event description, time frame, community benefits). 7 J Do you currently receive other grants or subsidies from the Township (facility subsidization, photocopying, secretarial, etc). . . i a;o-_.✓ �? ,, � �,.. ,+� ,;, :...� �;� ter", ° %k°% -✓.' , P°€`.�rr , rt .E F r , s� ✓ i r t o r , p ° r i' r _ � � > _� ,'� �: .d" .,,r .-'" r" % � a .-? ,. �� r �` e ..'`, "t i �'d , �' t, r''� •.,tea ,°' ,� ,a� , r y r` a, a r' F r t s r y ; ✓ r e µy a _.e.� -- �,: � r � � � � �� , , � -�' � �' ,. y ." � �.-- I .. �- d ``� -� i ��J f/ .-, i � t f. ,.:'' �° �` .�" �- � k,., � "t� ,,, ,-' F ,,�--„",r,f �s..,....;.�t'�.,�f „+� "�' � .:...? �,.%",....: rte.$-°'."?` "�! ;. 'r.�?°;. �`"; ., ..�'_ _,„-. ''.= ^= ....� -f ,i`�- -`..s, / %' ",�°°"•*' : " ,,' � ' J/ - � n r /� y � 3 y -` � j ? f �� �*` ,% � .--�� -_ j � �� 1- �. j _.,; ,� r� .�° �.,�, �,i P _ r' ;�, r �% , � �" f � n w, a !r �� �'' � x, "" ,,_ - -" ' � � �" �' ," �. __ _" _- � '' .. � y �, � s �- .� Amount Requested: $ Amount Approved: Year of Request: Year of Approval: PART D - SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL(S) Date: Name & Positiorr" Date: /V'0('� For office use only Approved: Denied: Amount $ NOTE- Date: Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility for grants. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Freedom of Information Co-ordinator, The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte, 148 Line 7 South, Box 100, Oro, Ontario. LOL 2X0 Please use additional sheet (and attach more if required) to complete the information requested on the Grant/Subsidy Application Form. far: Amount: TOTAL: EXPENDITURES: Item: Amount: TOTAL: SUMMARY: Surplus or deficit from previous year: Revenue Sub Total Minus Expenditures BALANCE: I g- rl Jt Lire APPENDIX "A" FINANCIAL INFORMATION NEXT YEAR PROPOSED: Year: REVENUE: Source: TOTAL EXPENDITURES: Item: TOTAL: SUMMARY- Surplus or deficit from previous year: Revenue Sub Total Minus Exp. Expenditures BALANCE: Amount: Amount: Cate- tms Moved by Agnew, Seconded by Evans Be it resolved that the Township endorses the principle of a program for school children that will instill practices to encourage environmentally friendly citizens for life. Carried. , U 11:11• M152 • Moved by Coutanche, Seconded by Allison Be it resolved that the following guidelines be approved for Working Group recommendations proceeding to Council without first being heard at a meeting of OMEGA: 1. Information will be e-mailed or faxed to OMEGA members for their consideration; 2. OMEGA members can provide their input via e-mail or fax; 3. OMEGA members will advise by e-mail or fax, to the Township Clerk, whether or not they concur with the recommendations of the Working Group; 4. That in order for a Working Group item to proceed to Council for their information, without first being heard at a regular OMEGA meeting, a total of one half plus one of the total OMEGA membership must agree to the Working Group recommendation by e-mail or fax. Carried. V � � �*-* Moved by Agnew, Seconded by Crawford Be it resolved that Oro-Medonte Council be requested to discourage people from driving on lakes within the Township by not facilitating parking (i.e. not plowing the ice) in order to prevent automotive contaminants from finding their way into the lake. Carried. Motion No. 0080924-21 Moved by Allison, Seconded by Coutanche Be it resolved that the Township proceed with the production and distribution of the "Protecting Your Water & Shoreline Property" brochure. Carried. Page 9 Council Meeting Minutes— September 24, 2008 Notes from the Tree Preservation Bylaw meeting – Oct 30-08 Working Group: Staff: —Council: Meryl Drake [}urvSkeldiog Me|Couianobe Kimberly Wand Alan Johnson Douu5hc|uweU Beverly Smith Draft notes Nm the meeting: |. Welcome & Introduction ofGucvSkcldhzg – Toxmybi Law Enforcement Officer 2. Purpose of the meeting was to got input on advice to Council on u/dhe7/ce Prcoenohnn Bylaw. Council asked the Habitat Working Group of OMEGA {o investigate this – after the Committee of Adjustment unanimously urged Council to "consider a Tree Preservation Bylaw as means to ensure that the Official Plan is adhered to." Key points from the discussions: a. Need Nbc consistent with the Skucoc County Official Plan b. There will be initial difficulties with enforcement – then it would evolve into acceptance and more compliance c. Any ^'c|eur-ou(` should bc offset with equivalent planting d. \&e should "ourvcy'` our residents first, before wc embark nou new bylaw. Npj�� The report handed out at the meeting has a sample survey which could be used. c. The Bylaw would have to address the issue of existing lots and homes which have never had a tree preservation bylaw / tree cutting restrictions. [ All new developments should have Tree Preservation in the Site Plan Agreements and the Plans ofSubdivision g. Any tree removal should require u^`/cp|ucernent^ tree planting h. The Bylaw would have "exceptions" such as: dead trees, unstable trees, trees used by owner (firewood), road construction, Crown wants/needs, Site Plan Agreements, Wood Lot Management, invasive species, official Building Permits, pit or quarry, surveying, etc. i Township should consider au EDUCATION step: (value of trees, species, tree management principles, etc. i The WG should evaluate the success / experience with [uledon`u7PB k. The TPB (Tree Preservation Bylaw) should bepart of the new OP l. The TPB should only apply to lots less than l hectare (2.5 acres) because the 8imooe County OP covers lots above l hectare.