2008-056 ADOPT THE ESTIMATES OF ALL AMOUNTS REQUIRED DURING THE YEAR AND FOR LEVYING THE TAX RATES FOR THE YEAR 2008TF[E CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LAW N0.2008-056 A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ESTIMATES OF ALL AMOUNTS RECIUIRED DURING TF[E YEAR AND FOR LEVYING TFIE TAX RATES FOR THE YEAR 2008. WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.Q. 2001, c.25, as amended, authorizes the Council of a local municipality to prepare and adopt estimates of all amounts reduired duril~~g the year; AND WHEREAS Section 312 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.Q.2001, c.25, as amended, authorizes the Council. of a local municipality to pass a by-law Levying a separate tax rate, as specified in the by-law, on the assessment in each property class in the local municipality rateable for local mlu~ricipality purposes; AND WHEREAS the County of Sii~ncae has established by by-law the following tax ratios far the year 2008: ResidentiallFarm 1.0000 Multi-Residential 1.5385 Commercial 1.2521 Industrial 1.5385 Pipelines 1.2966 Farmlands 0.2500 Mai~laged Forests 0).2500 And the County tax rates for the year 2008. AND WHEREAS Qntario Regulation 103108 establishes the Education tax rates for the year 2008; AND WJE[EREAS Section 329 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.Q. 2001, c.25, as amended establishes limitations on the taxes far the commercial, industrial and multi-residential classes; AND WHEREAS Section 391 of the Municipal Act, 200)1, S.Q. 2001, c.25, as amended, authorizes a municipality to pass by-laws imposing fees or charges for services provided by it, NOW THEFCEFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Ora-Medante enacts as follows: 1. That the estimates of Qperating Expenditures net of non-taxation revenue for the year 2008 for the purposes of the municipality shall be adapted as follows: Council $ 286,511 Administration 1,786,313 History Association 10,429 Emergency Services 1,136,570 Police 1,377,986 School Crossing Guards 31,337 Building 11.3,901 Animal ControllBy-law 114,283 Enviromnental Services 293,844 Planning 294,916 Economic Development 49,000 Public Works 3,287,453 Streetlighting 5,620 Lake Simcoe Regional Airport 87,478 Libraries 199,606 Parks and Recreation 522,576 Community Halls 11,401 Non-departmental excluding tax levy (2,038,658) 7,570,566 2 2. That the estimates of capital expenditures net of non- taxation revenue for the year 2008 for the purposes of the municipality shall be adopted as follows: Administration $ 160,700 Emergency Services 233,500 Public Works 1,551,660 Parks and Recreation 101,200 2,047,060 3. That the following amounts shall be raised by taxation with~i~~1 the Township of Oro- Medonte in the year 2008: Township General Purposes $9,617,626 County Purposes 7,793,111 School Board Purposes 9,002,512 Total Tax Levy $26,413,249 4. That the Tax Rates shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By- law shall be levied upon and collected from the whole of the assessment for real property, in accordance with the last retuned Assessment Roll for the Township of Oro-Medonte, as amended. 5. That in addition to the foregoing the following Special Charges and Collectibles be levied and collected: (a} A levy for the purposes of recovering amounts advanced under the provisions of the Tile Drainage Act, Chapter T.B, R.S.O. 1.990, as amended, frol~n benef fitting properties. (b) A special levy to collect for the annual estimates for the following Street Lighting Areas apportioned on a flat rate basis to the benefitting properties: Street Li~htin~ Areas Flat Rate per Prt~perty Shanty Bay $55.00 Hawkestone $30.00 Sugarbush, Plan M-367, Plan M-368 $32.00 Oro Hills, Plan M324 $28.00 Horseshoe Highlands, Plan M391, M447, M456 $26.00 Beachwood Crescent, Plan M-281 $55.00 Georgina, Plan M 1561 $$6.00 Warminster, Plan M92, M104 $38.00 Black Forest Estates, Plan M-1.91 $58.00 Canterbury, Plan M-343 $35.00 Harbourwood, Plan M-118 $40.00 Parkside Drive, Plan 875 $25.00 Mount St. Louis Estates, Plan M-112 $75.00 Day Subdivision, Plan M-162 $86.00 Corder Drive, RP51 R624, RP51 R2163 $15.00 Pritchard Subdivision, Plan 1626 $11.00 Snowshoe Trail, Plan M-174 $35.00 Robin Crest Subdivision, Plan M-101, Plan 1V1-123 $50.00 Cairns Estates, Plan 1676 $60.00 Kale Meadows, Plan M-340, Plan M-469 $50.00 Forest Glen, Plan M-264 $50.00 Craighurst Estates, Plan M510 $50.00 Windfield Estates $99.00 Sprueewood Plan M535 $85.00 Heights of Medonte $30.00 Maplehill ,Bidwell Rd, Woodland Estates, Huronia Homes $35.00 Lakewood Subdivision, Plan M-381 $35.00 Forest Home Industrial Park, Plan 171.9, Plan 1720 $105.00 3 Simoro $50.00 Winfull $38.()0 White Bros., Plan M593 $66.00 Martinbrook $65.00 Lauder Road M723 $35.00 (e) A special levy to collect for the annual esti~~~nates for County Waste Management apportioned on a flat rate basis per user: Flat Rate per User Residential, garbage collection, disposal & recycling $151.00 Commercial, garbage collection, disposal & recycling $151.00 Recycling only $ A~2.90 (d) An adjustment to taxes for the commercial, industrial and multi-residential classes as determined in accordance with Section 329 of the Municipal Aet, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended. (e) A levy for any or all other amounts collectable pursuant to any statute or by-law and chargeable to any or all real property and business andlor person or persons to be raised in the same manner and at the same time as all other levies, rates, charges andlor collections. 6. (a) That the final tax bi11 less the interim tax bi11 be due and payable in two equal installments on or before Thursday, July 31st, 2008 and Tuesday, September 30~`, 2008 for properties with no assessment in the Commercial, Industrial or Multi-residential classes. (b) That the final tax bill less the interim tax bill be due and payable in two equal installments on or before Friday, August 29`h, 2008 and Tuesday, September 30`x', 2008 far properties with assessment in the Commercial, industrial and Multi-residential classes. 7. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the person to whom such notice is required to be given as shown on the latest revised Assessnnent Roll. 8. A penalty far non-payment of taxes shall be imposed not exceeding 1'/a~a on the first day of default, and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter during the year 2008, until the taxes are paid. 9. That there be added an interest charge of I'l~~lo on the first day of each month on any outstanding tax arrears from the 31~` day of Decennber in the year in which the taxes wet°e levied until the taxes are paid. 10. That taxes may be paid either in full or by installments for rennittance payments to the credit of the Treasurer an or before the day an which such taxes fa11 due, at most financial institutions, which accept and process payments on behalf of customers, with the onus on the fi~iancial institution to remit payments on time. ll. That all taxes be paid into the Office of the Treasurer. 12. That the Treasurer be authorized and dizected to collect any penalty or interest or any other levies, rates, charges or collections in the same manner as empowered to collect taxes levied by the Council. 13. That the Treasurer be authorized to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due and to give a receipt for such part payment provided that acceptance of any such payment does not affect the collection of any penalty or interest or any other levies, rates, charges or collections imposed, collectable and due in respect to any non-payment. 4 14. That tax rates be applicable and levied upon any assessment that was not on the assessment roll as returned. 1S. That this by-law wine into force and take effect on and from the date of the final passing thereof for the current year 2008. BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS I4t" DAY OF MAY, 2008. BY-LAW READ A THIRD TI~~IE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 14t" DAY OF MAY, 2008. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE R~Iayu~`, H.S. Hughes Clerk, J. I3ouglas Irwin TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE SCHEDULE A BY-LAW No.2008-oss 200$ TAX RATES PROPERTY CLASS TOWNSHIP COUNTY EDUCATION TOTAL TAX RATE ResidentiallFarm 0.355661 % 0.288190% 0.264000% 0.907851 Multi-Residential 0.547184% 0.443380% 0.264000% 1.254564% Commercial Occupied 0.445323% 0.360842% 1.588125% 2.394290% Commercial Vacant 0.311726% 0.252590% 1.111687% 1.626003% Industrial Occupied 0.547184% 0.443380% 2.440180% 3.430744% Industrial Vacant 0.355670% 0.2$8197% 1.586117% 2.229984% Industrial -New Construction 0.547184% 0.443380% 1.600000% 2.590564°l° Pipelines 0.461150% 0.373667% 1.743895% 2.578712% Farmlands 0.088915% 0.072047% 0.066000% 0.226962% Managed Forest 0.088915% 0.072047% 0.066000% 0.226962% NOTE: Vacant includes vacant land and excess land Commercial class includes parking lots and shopping centres