2002-002 To authorize the Issuance of a Certificate of Maintenance and Final Acceptance (Aboveground Services) for Horseshoe Highlands Subdivision - Phase 4A(Horseshoe Resort Corporation) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE e BY-LAW NO. 2002-002 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Issuance of a Certificate of Maintenance and Final Acceptance (Aboveground Services) for Horseshoe Highlands Subdivision - Phase 4A (Horseshoe Resort Corporation) WHEREAS Council for The Corporation of the Township of Ora entered into a Subdivision Agreement, pursuant to Section 51(26) of The Planning Act, 1990, as amended, for Horseshoe Highlands Subdivision - Phase 4A (Horseshoe Resort Corporation) ; AND WHEREAS Bill 51, an Act respecting the Restructuring of the County of Simcoe was passed December 14, 1993 and amalgamated that portion of land upon which Horseshoe Highlands Subdivision - Phase 4A (Horseshoe Resort Corporation) is situate; e AND WHEREAS the requirements of this Subdivision Agreement have now been met; NOW THEREFORE The Corporation of the Township of Ora-Medonte hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the Certificate of Maintenance and Final Acceptance (Aboveground Services) for Horseshoe Highlands Subdivision - Phase 4A (Horseshoe Resort Corporation) may now be issued by the Township Engineer in compliance with the Subdivision Agreement between The Corporation of the Township of Ora and Horseshoe Resort Corporation; 2. That this By-Law shall come into force and take effect on the final date of passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 16th DAY OF JANUARY, 2002. e READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF January 2002. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE "'/~ - ~e~ Mayor, Ian Beard e 7!4,,~t 4 ''(IifOi Clerk, Ma yn Pennyco k e . e e .,' . ,. R.G. ROBINSON AND ASSOCIATES (BARRIE) LTD. TOWNSHIP ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE OF MAINTENANCE AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE (ABOVE GROUNDWORKS) MUNICIPALITY Township of Oro-Medonte(formerlv Township of Oro) PROJECT Horseshoe Hi!!hlands -PbaseIVA --Plan 51M-456 DEVELOPER Horseshoe Resort Corporation FlliE NO. File #12...8847 -54(MMA 43-T...89022) Descriptionofthe Works: RoadwaysintheHorseshoe Highlands -Phase IV A Subdivision consisting of: .mGIll..AND DRIVE from Line 3.ofOro.;Medonte,easteI'ly.to the west limit of Phase J,adistance. of 1;049.21 metres (3,442.3 feet). . ALPINEW AY from Line 40fOro~Medonte, westerly to Highland Drive, a distanceof833.0 1. metres (2,733.0feet). . BRIDLE PATH from Alpine Way., northerly to cul-de-sac, a distance of 523.35.metres(1,717.03 feet). . NORDIC TRAIL from AlpineW ay, southerly.then westerly.towest limit of PhaseIVA,adistanceof 704.40 metres (2,31 1.02 feet) . CHESTNUT LANE from Nordic Trail,.. westerly to ..cul-de-sac,adistance .of250.32metres ..(821.26 feet). . POD'S LANE from Alpine Way, northerly then west tocu1-de-sac, >adistance of 295.00 metres (967.85 feet). . BUNKERS PLACE from Alpine Way ,southerly to cul-de-sac, a distance of 99.25 metres (325 .63 feet). We, KG. Robinson and. Associates (Barrie) Ltd., notify the Municipality that to the best of our knowledge and judgement: 1. The Developer . naIIledhereinhas. completed the required maintenance work, ..has ..rectifiedknown deficiencies and has fulfilled the other terms of the Subdivision Agreement. 2. The . period of maintenance Certificate. issuance of this Z-oGl2...- Signature