03 06 2008 Rec Tech Minutes1 /t ORO-MEDONTE RECREATION TECHNICAL` SUPPORT GROUP SPECIAL_ MEETING MINUTES Thursday, March 6th, 2008 ~ 7:00 p.m. Administration Centre Present: Councillor Mel Cautanche, Mayor Harry Hughes, Councillor John Crawford, Reta Regelink, Ted Duncan Regrets: Mac Shiells, Carolyn Tripp Staff Present: Shawn i3inns, Manager of Recreation & Community Services Chair: Councillor Mel Cautanche called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 1. Adoption of Agenda RTS080306-01: Moved by Ted Duncan, Seconded by Reta Regelink It is recommended that the agenda iar the Qro-Medante Recreation Technica! Support Group meeting of Thursday, March 6"', 21708 be adapted. Carried 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: None. 3. Adoption of the Minutes: RTS080306-02: Motion by Reta Regelink, Seconded by Ted Duncan it is recommended that the minutes of the C"1ro-Medante Technical Support Group meeting of Tuesday, February i2'~', 2008 be adapted as written. Carried 4. Updates: a. Sweetwater Councillor Cautanche informed the group that a meeting was held an February 20`h to which only four out of the ten residents invited attended. The initial budget was $500,000. but the costs have risen to $800,000. Shawn indicated that he was still trying to get final casting from the consultant. The mechanicaUelectrical roam will cost approximately $60,000. 1 . Shawn further informed that the trip to Gwen Sound was very worthwhile. And as much as the sales person will tell you the regular refrigeration unit does not make a noise, the one we saw was very noisy. There is a concern that the noise would bounce between the toboggan hill and the lookout point and would be directed at the nearby residents. If the refrigerant is glycol based, there would be no need for the mechanicallelectrical room. It was suggested that the group visit Angus to look at their covered rink. The community could get involved with fundraising far the roof. RTS08t3306-03: Mohan by Ted Duncan, Seconded by Reta Regelink tt is recommended that the verbal update on fhe Sweetwater Park given by Shawn Sinns and Councillor Coutanche be received. Carried b. Sports Committee Ted informed that the turnout for their initial meeting with the various minor sports groups was good. The concept of helping these volunteer groups become better organized was received very well. There was great participation in the discussion which created a list of their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. The next meeting will be held on March 27th to which the Mayor and Councillors are invited. RTSt?$t3306-04: Moved by Reta Regelink, Seconded by Ted Duncan It is recommended that the draft minutes of fhe Sports Committee and the verbal update given by Ted Duncan be received. Carried c. Trail Committee Rita indicated that it was too early in the project to report. She is still searching for the best vehicle (brochure, bound cards, etc). 5. Review the Alcohol Risk Management Policy: Shawn explained the background leading up to the necessity of an Alcohol Risk Management Policy. In 1995 the health unit began pushing a Municipal Alcohol Policy. Again, in 2002 the health unit pushed again and the policies were revised. Shawn looked at best practices of the surrounding municipalities and incorporated them into our policy revision. The policy now ensures that all provincial laws are followed and reduced the Township's risk of potential liability as much as it can be. This draft had been taken to the Hall Board for their input. RTS080306-05: Moved by Reta Regelink, Seconded by Ted Duncan !t is recommended that the draft Municipal Alcohol Policy be received and adopted and forwarded to Council for consideration. Carried 2 / ~° 6. Facility Ftooking Procedures: _R Shawn tack the Group through the document highlighting the salient paints with explanations. RTS080306-06: Moved by Ted Duncan, Seconded by Rita Regelink It is recommended that the Draft Facility Booking Procedure (Regulations and Conditions) be received. Carried 7. Action Items From the Meeting: o March 27th Sports Group Committee meeting o Rita to continue an the Trails project o Ghair Gautanche will meet with IPA re: Sweetwater o Group to read the Facility Regulations & Conditions and send comments by March 215` to Shawn Adjournment RTSO$0306-07: Moved by Rita Regelink, Seconded by Ted Duncan It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 8:50 pm Carried. The next meeting wilt be held on Thursday, April 3'°, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the Neufeld Room of the Administration Centre.