01 30 2008 History MinutesG -~ Oro-Medante History Association Minutes ~0 Jan 2008 ~._mv_.. ~~~~~ V ~~ FAH ~ ~ l~i~l~ f ~ C?RC}-MEbONTE TO~vNSNiP Attendance: Allan Howard-Chairperson, Jadeen Hcf~dersan, Bruce Wiggins, Margaret Prewer, Sheila Kirkland-Secretary, Geoffrey Booth-Vi~'e-~;hairperson Guest: Shawn B inns Minutes of Dec meeting not circulated-deferred. {7Id Business: • Shawn reports that the presentation to Council re: budget is ongoing and will update when info available as to which projects are approved for this year. • Shawn states that they are looking at a strategic facilities plan and a needs analysis will be done which will cover culture so it will lock at our issues around storage etc. (for next 20 years} • Heritage Day update by Bruce Wiggins-August 9, 2008 is an antique tractor rally being planned in conjunction with the Oro Agricultural Society. Distributed draft of announcement, sign-up sheet and proposed route. Crown Hill Women's Institute will be providing lunch on the route at Brewis Park. Once the route is finalized it will be forwarded to Shawn Binns, as it will need a motion of Council to use the rail trail. Next meeting is February 5 at 7pm which Bruce and Allan will attend. Shawn will supply picnic tables from the township if he has lots of notice. Shawn suggested using the draft notice for our upcoming heritage page in the Parks & Rec. brochure for spring. Bruce will email to Margaret. • Guthrie Church update-- report to Council in December-circulated. • Quote for African church repairs from Don Robinson will be signed and sent to the Township by Allan Correspondence • Email-transportation survey from Simcoe County • Email-heritage page submission from Margaret Prewer for SpringlSummer brochure (see update under old business) • Email-November minutes from Margaret Prewer. Two motions from Council dealt with. Motion No. CWO'71219-10 re: Terms of Reference was discussed. We updated them at the April 26, 2007 meeting but apparently they never made it to Council. Again reviewed and changes suggested by Shawn Binns regarding reference to the Ontario Heritage Act under #4 of Purpose section and mention should be made of the National Historic Site --sa will be brought to next meeting far final approval and forwarded to CaunciL • Email-Ann Andn.tsyszyn re: technology in the Arts Call for Session Proposals • Email-National Historic Sites of Canada Presentation Initiative. This was discussed but we do not qualify, as we are part of a municipal government. • Email-Christie Pearson re: Lucius O'Brien facade. We discussed obtaining this and the panels and passible storage somewhere. Orillia Leacock museum may have same space we could use-unfortunate it would have to be outside the Township, Sheila to contact Christie about viewing the pieces. ri .~ Email---Margaret Prewer regarding asking far a quote on engineering a cantainer to be used at the African church site. Margaret updated us that she has not received a reply as yet. We felt we didn't need a bathroarn as we have a portable toilet on site but we would need lighting. Could only use as starage if not engineered. The Fair Board would allow us to use their property far a cantainer and far now we would keep them there far starage-if Council approves purchase. Email-Ann Andrusyszyn about the upcoming series of web conferences at the Barrie Library and a list of topics relating to fundraising. Mew )3usiness • Request from Caralyne & Sylvia Wilson about a Callingwoad coffee meeting with a discussion of history projects an Wednesday February 6 was discussed. Allan will ga and da a presentation. He has a Nigerian doll that he will be giving to her far their museum. + Geoffrey is presenting a movie on Thursday, February 14 at 7 pm about Africville at Georgian College-everyone welcome. Oriilia campus is purchasing "Bloodlines"-the docudrama filmed at the African Church NHS. Next meeting Wednesday February 2'7 at 7pm Madan to adjourn moved by Geoffrey and seconded by Bruce. Passed. Minutes done by Sheila I1~~L1 V ~U Terms of Reference F~E3 Z 8 244 ~`~ C}Rt)-MEDC7NTE The C}ro-Medonte History Association will be referred to throughout this document as the Association or QMHA. Purpose l . To promote histary/heritage conservation and preservation as well as to co- ordinate the work and plans of the Association. 2. Ta provide representation at special events of historic interest. 3. "Ta provide interpretation of local history including our rate with the Oro African Church NHS under Parks Canada Guiding Principles & Operational Policy-Part III. ~. Under the Ontario Heritage Act (Part IV & V) we are to advice and assist Council an identifying, protecting and promoting cultural heritage resources that make our community unique and sustainable and any other heritage matters that Council may specify. This includes compiling a municipal register of heritage properties, recommending designating properties, and helping to involve the cornrnunity in heritage conservation opportunities and issues in Oro-Medonte. 5. To preserve all articles of historic significance. Policy 1. In the conduct of its' affairs and in every phase of its' work the Association shall be non-partisan, non-sectarian and non-racial. It shall be operated far the equal goad of all citizens in a democratic manner to ensure that proper opportunity is provided far the expression of opinions and that the rights of everyone are respected. 2. The Association shall not function far the financial gain to individual members. Membership Qualifications 1. An interest in history. 2. A willingness to attend meetings and related events. 3. Lives or works in the greater Oro-Medonte area. Terms of Office 1. Officers shall be elected and/or appointed at the January meeting far a term of na more than three consecutive years in the same position, without the unanimous consent of the Association, 2. A vacancy in office shall be filled by election held at the meeting following the announcement, with the exception of the Chairperson, in which case the Vice- ~~ " 2 Chairperson shall automatically become Chairperson and the office of the Vice- Chairpcrson shall become vacant. 3. The As~ueiation sha11 be comprised of no more than five members plus at least one staff pc;rson, if interested. ~. New members will be sought from the community when a position becomes vacant. 5. Members and officers will be relieved if found negligent in the performance of their dunes, or move away. Members should: 1. Attend tricrtin~s, participate, cooperate and be courteous at all times. 2. Be given the opportunity to express their opinion on the subject or motion under discussion. 3. Discuss matters freely and state their opinion, but support the decision of the majority. 4. Have the right to appeal the ruling of the Chairperson, in which case the Chair asks, "Shall the decision of the Chair stand?" and take a vote of the members present. Chairperson Should: I. Follow good form. 2. Start the meeting on time, speak clearly and maintain order. 3. Ensure ail business is conducted in a prompt, orderly and democratic manner. 4. Make out the agenda with the secretary. 5. In the event of a tie vote the chair casts the deciding vote. 6. Have general supervision of OMHA activities. 7. Advise successor of any unfinished business upon leaving office. S. Introduce and thank speakers or appoint someone to do so. 9. Ask for a motion to adjourn. Vice-Chairperson Should: 1. Will preside in the absence of or at the request of the Chairperson and perform the duties of the Chairperson. Secretary Should: 1. Keep the minutes. 2. EZead a(nd attend to correspondence as required in accordance with the Township procedures. 3. Transfer to successor ail Association related materials. Treasurer Should: 1. Keep accurate accounting of all monies. 2. Report periodically to the Association. 3. All banking accounts will have the Treasurer and Chairperson as the signing authorities. Meetings 1. At least ten regular meetings shall be held each. year. 2. Sixty percent of the membership shall farm a quorum at these meetings. 3. No business shall be transacted unless a quorum is present. Subcommittees 1. Are created by membership of the Association. 2. Authority and responsibility of the subcommittee should be stated. 3. A meeting of the Association must approve the work of the subcommittee. 4. The subcommittee has na power to add to its numbers unless otherwise stated. 5. An OMHA member will chair all subcommittees. 6. The Chairperson of the Association, by virtue of office, is an ex-officio member of all subcommittees and has a vote if elected or appointed to a committee. fi. The subcommittee will dissolve once its purpose ar mandate is completed. ~; _ ~.