2008-027 Issuance of Certificate of Substantial Completion and Acceptance (Aboveground Works) for Martin Brook Subdivision, Plan 51M-710THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LAW NO. 2008-027 A By-Law to Authorize the Issuance of Certificate of Substantial Completion and Acceptance (Aboveground Works} for Martin Brook Subdivision, Plan 51 M-710 WHEREAS Section 224 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2009, c.25, as amended, states that it is the role of Council to ensure that administrative policies, practices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of Council; AND WHEREAS Section 51, Subsection (26} of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P. 93, as amended, provides that municipalities may enter into agreements imposed as a condition to the approval of a plan of subdivision and such agreements may be registered against the land to which the subdivision plan applies; AND WHEREAS Council far the Corporation of the Township of C?ro-Medonte entered into a Subdivision Agreement with 1391191 Ontario t_imited in February, 2002 to construct an eighteen (1$} lot subdivision located at tine 2 North and Ski Trails Road. AND WHEREAS the requirements of this Subdivision Agreement with respect to the aboveground works have now been met; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Township of C)ro-Medonte hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the Certificate of Substantial Completion and Acceptance (Aboveground Works) for Martin Brook Subdivision may now be issued by the Township Engineers {Totten Sims Hubicki Associates} in compliance with the Subdivision Agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Ora-Medonte and 1391191 Ontario Limited. 2. That the attached Schedule "A", Certificate of Substantial Completion and Acceptance (Aboveground Works} shall form part of this By-t_aw. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect an the final date of passing thereof. BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 27T" DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2008. BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 27T" DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2008. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE Mayor, H.S. Hughes ~' Clerk, J. Dcauglas Irwin FILE No.139 01:24 '08 1136 ID~TSH EAFtRIE FAX:705 734 0764 PAGE 2i 2 anpine:.s s~cfilt~cfs P 1~ttR~I• TOWNSHIP ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE OF MUNICIPALITY PR0.1EC7 DEVELOPER FILE NO. Deucription of the Works: Schedule "A" To By-Law No. 2008-27 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION ANp ACCEPTANCE jAt30VEGROUND WORKS Township ~ Oro-Modorsal Martin Brook Subdivision Plan S1ti1-710 1391181 Ontaric- Limited 12-9103Q-51 {MMA 43-T-91Q45,~ Roadways in the Martin &ook Subdivision consisting of • Martin ook Crescent from Ski Trays Road to 2n° Line Oro-AAedonto; a distarx;e of 647 metres (2,122 fe®t) We, Totten Sims Hubic~Ci, notify the Municipality that the above mentioned works were inspected on January 24, 2008, and to the best of our knowledge and judgrner~t, are complete in accordance with the Subdivision Agn3emeM except for the deficiencies below: • Subject to a site inspection in the Spring of 2008; As-Constructed Drawings 8 (3LS Certification at tt~e end of Maintenance Period; We hereby accept these works for use and operation by the Municipality subject to the rectification of the above noted deficiencies arxi io the rectification of any further defiaenaes that may become apparent during the maintenance period and to the maintenance that is required by the Subdivision Agreement. The date of Substantial Completion and Acoepbr~oe (Abav nd orks) is by tfie Certficate as of January 24. 2008. Qate: Z ~ Signature: K19103C}51LS.c. ~ A. Abovaground.doc TOTAL P.002