1977-1134 Oroi~riurut i3:aa rr~a ~Ua tGa x341 Slbi(:U~ AltCH1VES tQ04 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO BY-I,AW No. 113/+ Being Amendment No. 2 to The &iiilding $y-law No. 11Q4 GH~:Et1'sAS an the 31st dsy of Mey, 1476, The Miusicipality of The Tawtiship of Oro did pass Bui.ldi.ng By-law No. u04. WHL'RI;AS Amendment No. 1 to $Y law No. ~..7.a4 was passed. as $y-law No. 71x.2 an July 19, 1876. AND WHE`~R;EAS SECTION 2.9.2 OF THE ONTARIO ~'J'II.DING CORE HAS ~t ~~ TO FAT COUNCILS TO REQJIBE A BtTII.D7:NG PERMIT FUR A(H?SCULTURAL AND FARM 8T3ILDINGS AND WfiERF,A.S TEIE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE 2'OGtA~IIP OF QRO DEII~f IT EgFF~~+TT to pass a further Amendment to the said wilding $q-law Na. 1104, by Awandi.tlg Schedule "Ate of $Y-Iaw Na. 1104. NOW TEI~~EFORE HE IT B1iAC~t'1 Big HY-ZaAW OF TEIE CORPORATZQ~ii OF THE ZUW~iSHIP OF ORLI THAT: 1. Schedule "A" be amended - by adding as item 7, the following: CLASS OF PST At~CULTfJF?AL t~R FARM PERMITS ~~~+~ A set Fee off` ~5.OQ. 2. This By-law shall come into farce and have effect fratn the passing thereof. Law read a first, second and third time, and fin,slly passed. this 1Bth day of Mays 1477. ~- ~ -r._-.___ CLERK