1970-941 Oro1L/tu/U/ ts:4~s rya /ua /~a oast atmvuc, nn~,nirc,a ~~-
`~' ~~. COB.POI~ATItud ~` `~~
~ By~w to provide for the issua.ng of builxij.r-g puts far the+
erection of uena' bur~7~li.n8s, far the repair, alteration or addition
~,, ~ exist,~.ng building ar the removal of a build3sig from one
location to atusther within the territorial liurits of the Township
of Oro, and provide for the apPE-~.ntmeat of the Btii~.d:ing Inspector
to carry out the provisions of the said By-.Law sad to define his
duties in connection theremdth.
W ' ~ ~ AS it is necessary to regulate ttheeTowctti~p ~ ~tion,
repairing and, construction of building wyt~ ector euci ,~ provide for
provide for the aPPo~tment of a btxildi~ag sp
the issuing of Building perarits.
Wf~;S section 31 (1) of the Pla~~~8 Act, Statutes of Ontar~ia,
~.gb0 as amended thereto provides Co~+uzcils of a Municipality may' pass a
By..I.aw to regulate and pxnvide for this.
1. This By Law sha7.l be la~owa as the Building By-Lear of the Township
of Ora . `
~. This By-T.iaw shall apply to a1~- buil,dings, construeted, altered,
moved, repaired or aided to, within the Township aY Oro, but
shall not affect any iateriar alteration or construction, and
sha11 apply' to the extterior of said buildings only.
(a~Wh®re not inconsistent with the terms of this By-I.aw, The National
Building Code of .Canada shall apply to e7~. bu3,7~3::inga constructed,
erected, altered or repaired within the Township .o.E' Ozv.
3. No person shall. car~m-ence the erection of any' new bui:L:E~.ng, °r or
the repair, alteration, or addition to any e'~o-sting bui]~ding,
the removal of a building from one location to anathe~t f~em
anal tmtil he shall have first obtained a building p
the Building Inspector to proceed w;.th the erection, alteration,
repair, addition or ~ovaa., with the axaeptian that where the
repsa.rs, do not exceed Five Hundred Dollars 3n cost, no perm~.t
shall. be required. .
(a) Any budder or contractor who, on behalf of any Person or corporation,
constructs, erects, repairs or removes azsy bui:ld3ag prior to 'the
obtaining of a building permit in accordance with thi9 By-~•ayr,
shall be liable to the same penalties as the owner.
k. For every permit isaasd~ownshi ~ h3 chafes shall be ~Ated
Inspector of the a P~
as follows:
(~) inhere the permit applied for is far the canstructi.on ar
erection oR a garage or baat~house or au addition to a garage
or boat house or with respect to the construction of an addition
to a resa.dence or coz~erci.al alai induatria~. establishments, or say
accessory buildings, or for the moving of aq4 buildings.
.. A fee oP $5.~ where the estimated value of the work does not
exceed $2,000.00 grid where the value oY the work to be done is
estimated at mare than $2,400.00, the fee payable shall be $5.00
for the first $2 000.00 of the estimated value, plus $2.00 for
each additional1,000.00 or portion thereof: Estimates to be
based on rate of $9.00 per square foot.
Cb) a~resid.ential r 19comm~ercial or Industrial estab].a.~~ttion of
wn r i n u~ r xur~ rx~:v i uu5 rAU~; uu 1
II "`I `i ~ I'
_ A fee of $10.00 where the estimated value of the work dose not
e~oceed $3,000.00 and where the Value of the work to be done is
estimated at more than $3,000.00, the fee payable shall be $10.00
for the first $3,000.00 of the estimated ~a1ue plus $2.00
for each ad,di'~ional $1,000.00 or portion thereof, estimates to be
based on rate of $16.00 per square foot.
5. A build:i.ng for which a permit is issued must be completed within
three pears. A ,ild~nr perndt shall be va15.d fox a period
of one gear Yrom the date of issuance, and should the construction,
erection, alteration or moveu-ent of ,auy building continue after
a period of one year from the date of issuance of the per~.t, the
said permit may be renewed for a further period of one year only
by application to the b~ri 1~ inspector on paym~t of a fee for
such renewal of Flve Dollars $5•~)• In the event the bvil.ding for which
the permit is granted is not completed by the end of one year
renewal period, no ftu'thar renexala shall be ,granted and a new
permit must be applied for, and no renewal on second permit be
(a) No basemeu~t, garage or boathouse or other accessory building
shall be used for the purpose of human habitation.
6. Every application. for a permit shall be Yon the completed bui ino,
and shall state the estimated coat, and the proposed occupancy
of the building, and shall set forth the type of construction
and d®scribe the materials to be used and sha11 be accompanied
b9 sketch or plane of the amended btdlyd~g, repairs, alteratiot>$
or addition.
7. The Comzcil of the Township of Oro shaL1 appoint a Huldtng
Inspector who shall hold office from year to,year or until
s successor be appointed.
(a) Remtmeration or terms of employment of Auildit-g Inspector to be
under separate Bp~.aw.
8. The duties of the Inspector so appointed:
(a) The building inspector shall maintain a RF~2~T F~ INSPECrIC~i B0~
in the Office of the Township Clerk which steal]. be signed by the
Owner or Contractor or the Applicant for such HuiJlding~ Permit advising
that an inspection is required in accordance with t11e fo]1.owing schedule,
sad the &131disig Inspector sha11 carry otit~ such inspection wlth7.n
three working days. .
(i) when the excavation for footings is complete, or when the
footings are foamed, but prior to the pouring of concrete.
(ii) in b"'mss where the plans call for a Youndation, when
such foundation is complete, but before bay 'iii., .
(iii) when the ~amix~g of Such b"iii is completed. .
(iv) when the building is rem for occupancy.
(b) to ascertain and require that the said erection, alteration,
reconstruction, repair or removal complies with this By~.aw.
(c) to receive applications for permits to erect, alter, repair
or Dove a~ dwe]ling or b~dldipg, to inspect all buildings,
acid enforce the requirea-ente of this By~.aw to keep record
of aLt applications for permits, plans, etc. as well as a record
o~ al1 permits issued: snd to act tinder the direction of Cotaicil
iA all matters pe-rtedning to the ~i l~ Hy-S.azr.
(d) the auiaaing Inspector shall. refuse to issue a permit if be
considers that this Hy-Saw is not beda,g complied with in gill.,
and the applicant may then appeal to the Council of the
Township of Oro and their decision shall be and binding.
t;UN l' 1 N U!~r r btUCl YKr:V 1 UUS YAtalr UUL
Towasbip of Oro and their decision sha11 be firka;L and binding.
9. No buil.ttir~. Aeside~ntial. Cott~nercial or 7~dustrial shall be erected,
Y ~!
lA, No par~it shall be issued for a new dwel l i ~; ~til building site has
been approved. by Simeoe County Flealth Unit. Dio dw~aJU;3~lg house shall
hate fir area on the tint ~tor~y of Zso~ ~ e3~at h~u1r~;
or not less than seven htmdred and fifty square feet for storey
and a half and two storey buildxtlg, exclusive of porches and verandas.
Mere by reason of the e~ti.st~ce of any subdivir~3.on $greement or Bet-Zaw
with respect to any parti.cul.ar subdivision a greater area is called
for, such greater area shall apps' to the issuing of arty' buz.l.dS~lg
paxmi.t within any such Bubdivis3.on. ' Na pent for a dwelling to
accomodate mare than one fami~.y dwelling shall be issued prior to bedng
presented to Coun.czl..
11. No bui~.ding incl~.,ng arty porch or veranda shall be erected
nearer to the lot line in front than twenty feet, or as designated
by ?acing By-Lair.
12. No buildng shaL1 be erected closer to Gray s5.ds lot line than faux
feet including projections or as designated by Zoning By-hair.
13.. No building sh~~7..1. be erected ar atruetura,Lly altered unless the
exterior waL1s theraf consist of dressed lumber or better materials
and the roof covered w3.th cedar or aepha].t sh~~ugl.es or better material.
?.xi no Such build~sig steal], rolled zvo~ or ei ; n,~ ba used.
7.!}. No person shall pass any stove or .furnace pipes nor a11ow a»,p
such pipes to pass or ba carried through the roof or sides of
any building owned or occupied by h3.m but alt stove and furnace
pipes must be proper],q secured and fitted or carried inter keys
constructed of brick, concrete, atone, or tile, or other material
approved by the Qntarao Fire Marshall.
15. No garage erected shaL1 contain less than 2100 square feet of
floor space and shad..]. be set on concrete block or concrete. The
eicterior walls of a~qy such garage sha11 be constructed of dressed
lumber or better material and roof3.ng material sh,a:11 be asphalt or
cedar shu~2.es or better material, in na such building shall. rolled
roofing or siding be used. .
16. Notwithstand:ix.-g the provisions under sections 9,' lA, 11, 12 and
1.3 aforesaid, any building used for the purpose of a private
garage or boathouse onlq may be erected ~w~:thin t~ feet of the
side lot line azld 3,t shall be in na event closer to the fzvnt
of the lot line than twenty feet. Front lot line for the
Purpose of th5.a By-Sant bei.ug the road allowance,
17. ALl toilets, septic tanks, lavatories and privys shall. be
constructed in accordance i~,tth th® requ~.reznauts of the Department
of Health of Ontario and the Saancoe County Health UrL~I,t, and
shall rent in any case be erected closer than four feet to
.adjaitung lot Lva~es nor closer than twenty feet from the
front or street line.
(a) No butldi.ng perm~,t shall be issued or buildls~ plans approved
for any toux~.et establishment u~eas fomual t~otificat3,on has
been sent to Ontario Department of ~rTourisaa and Infariuation~~,
out]ining the details of the pro3ect and approval from them received.
(Tourist Establishments include accommodation that is made
available to the travelling azui vacationing public such as
cabins, cottages, motels, lodges, inns, hotels, ate.)
18. T'he provis3.ons of the wit~a3.n Bit-haw sha~3. not apg],y to the
following, e~crcept that a permit must be issued at nab charge for the
(a) erection, alteration, repair, addit~,on to, or removal of farm
buildings other than farm dwe11' tee, hovges and garages.
14_ Anv rQrann ~rnm~ au-il.ty df a via2atian of anP provisions of this
12J10I07„ 1x:48 NAB 7U5 7G5 5641 `~N y 5tmuur, nx~ntvr,a ~;,....
- A fee of $10.00 where tie estimated vales of the work does n+ot
succeed $3,000.W and where the value of the work to be dens is
estimated at more than $3,0Q0.00, the fee pagable shalt bs X10.00
far the first $3;000.00 of the estimated value plus $2.00
for each additional $1,000.00 or portion thereof, estimates to be
based on rate of $16.00 per square foot.
~. A buildixg for which a perm9.t is issued must be completed wS.thin
three years. A builc~Lng permit sha71 be valid for a period
of ane year from the date of issuar-ce, atul should the construction,
erection, alteration or moveesent of ,any builcL~.ng continue after
a period of one pear from the date of i,ssuancp of -the permit, the
said permit mad be renewed for a furt~ier period of ane gear only
by application to th® bui:Ldin,~ inspector on pa~tmaat of a fee ,for
such renewal of F`i.vs Dollars $5.00. In the event the btiil.dix'lg for
the permit is granted is not completed by the emd of one gear
rene~ral period, na further renewals shalt ba granted and a new
permit must be applied for, ax-d na renewal on second permit be
(a) I3o basement, garage or boathouse ar other accessory building
sha11 bs used for the purpose of ham: habitation.
b. Tvery application for a psrmi.t shall be for the completed buil~d3s~g,
and shall state the estimated cost, and the proposed occupancy
of the buiding, and shall set Earth the type of construction
and describe the materials to be used and shale.. be aaco~auied
by sketch or plane of the intended building, repairs, alterations
or addition.
7. The Gouucil of the 2ownahip of Oro shall. point a Buil,d~ng
Inspector who sha11 hold office from gear to.gear ar until
a successor be appointed.
(a) kemuneration or terms of emplaymant of Bui.1d.~.ng Inspector to be
under separate B9 I.Qw.
8. Tha duties of the Snspector so appointed:
(a) The building inspector aha.L1." maintain a R~Qt1EST FOR INSP~TIt~+i BOOK
in the Office of the Township Clerk which shall be sigAed try the
Owner or Contractor ar the Applx,cant far such Hu3lding Perrm3..t advi.siAg
that an inspect3.on ie requi.red in accordance with the foll.~rwing schedule,
and the Building Inspector shall Carry out such iuspectian wxttun
three workix~,g daps.
(i) when the excavation far footings is complete, or when the
footings ors farmed, but prior to the pouring of concrete.
(ii) in buildings where the p3.ans ca11 far a foundation, rhea
such fota~dation ie complete, but before ba~~~ ~?~.
(iii.) wheA the framing of such bu3ldiug is completed.
(iv) wher- ~,he building i.s r~r far occupancy.
(b) to ascertain and require that the said erection, alteration,
reconstruction, repair or removal complies with this Bg~,.aw.
(c) to receive applications far pexs~i.ts to erect, alter, repair
ox mva any dwel'Ling or bta,lri~,ng, to inspect all buil,d.~s,
and enforce the requirements of this By-Za~w'to keep record
of aL1 applications for perari.ts, plans, etc. as well as a record
of all pexznits issued: and to act under the direction of Council
iA all matters perta; nom, to the Bui.l ~ry n By-Law.
{d) the Bui1d.9.ng Inspector shall refuse to issue a psrurit if he
considers 'that this By-Law is not be-xng complied iri..th ~ full.,
and the applicant may then appeal to the Counca~. of the
Township of Oro and their decision shah. be final and binding.
9. No building, Resi.denti.al,, Cominsrcial ar Industrial shall bs erected,
except upon a stone or concrete, or aancrete block foundation not
less thou 8~~ thick, upon a concrete footing z~at le-se than bn thick
and net less than k~~ an either side of the foundation and set at least
below ground level.
ltrlurui ta:4M rHa Iua tL5 5:541 51bi{.:U~ AK(;tl1Vr;5 ~IUL
- 3-
10. No permit sha11 be issued for a new dwell3x~g until building sits bas
been approved by Simone County Health Unit« Na dweJ..ling hawse shall
have Hoar area ax: the first storey of lees than eig3at htmdz`sd,
or sot less than seven heu,~+3red --a~ndqq fiPt~t square feat for atoreg
and a half and two storey bix'ild+ry,,, exclt>aivS of porches and varandas«
There by reason of the exLsteace of any subdivision agreement ar Bg-~a~r
with respect to at~y particular sulxlivi.ai,on a greater area is called
for, such greater area shall apply to the issu3wg of any build~.a8
permit within az~q such subdivision. No pezm7.t for a dw+all.:'tng t4
accomodate mare than one family dwelling eha11 bs issued prior to being
presented to Comical. ,
11. No builtling ancluriiug anar porch or veranda shall be erected
nearer to the lot line in fzcnt than twenty feet, ar as designated
by Zaza~.~g Bg-Law.
12. No bu3l,ding shaL1 be erected closer to any side lot liz-e than four
fast including pxnject5.ons or as designated by Zan3.ng Bye-Iaw.
13. No building sUa1.l be erected or structura3l~t altered ut7l.eas the
exterior walls themf consist of dressed Mbar ar batter mater3.als
azid the 2'oof covered with cedar ar asphalt sh tea or better matet~.al.
In no such builcLing shall rolled roofi,a,g or s:id~ be 'used.
1~4. Na person shall pass any stove ar furnace pipes x~ar a11ow
such pipes to pass or bs carried tbxvugh the z~oof or sides of
air bu:ilciing owned ar occupied by him but aL'1. stove and fuxnace
pipes must be properly secured and fitted or carried iota c~h~.eys
constructed of br3.ck, aoucreta, stare, or tile, or other material
approved by the Ontario Fire Nareha7l.
15. No garage erected shal.~. contain less than 200 square Pest of
floor space sad shall be set on concrete block or concrete. The
eXteriar Taal ~ 9 of any such garage shall be constructed of dressed
lumber or better material and roofing material sha11 be asphalt ar
cedar shingles or better material, in na such btal.ding shall railed
i"aofing or siding be used.
lb. Natwithstar~dirr~g the prov~.sioas ceder sections 9; 10, 11, 12 and
23 aforesaid, any building used for the purpose of a private
garage or boathouse only may be erected with~.n two feet of the
side lot line and it sha71 be in na event closer to the front
of the lot line than twenty fast. Front lot line for the
purpose of this By I~aw being the ziaad allowance.
17. All toilets, septic tanks, lavatories and privga shall be
constructed in accordance with the rsquirezaents of the Dspartm~ent
of Health of Ontario axed the Sixncae County Health Unit, and
shall not in ax.~y ease be erected closer than Pour feet to
.adjoixLing lot lines nor closer thantwenty fast from the
front or street line.
(a) Na bu~.lcli~ng pexzni.t shall be issued or build3.ng plaaa approved
fox ar~,y tourist establishmexit unless foz~al ratification has
been sent to Qnta2'.i.o Depart~e~nt of "Tourism and I.nf'armation"',
outl~t.n3s~,g the details of the project and approval fmx~, them received..
(Tourist ~stablistuaents include aeco~adation that is made
available to the Crave. ~~;n~ a~td vacationing puhli.c such as
cabins, cottages, motels, lodges, inns, hotels, etc.)
16. The provisions of the within By-d,aw shall sot apply to the
following, except that a parna.t must be issued at noi~ charge for the
(a) erection, alteration, repair, addition ta, or removal of farm
buildings other than farm dwellir~s, houses and garages.
19. ~ person found guilty of a violation of any pmvis3.ona of this
Sy-Law, shall on conviction thereof, be liable to a fine not exceed~.ng
$300.00, and «fsts and, in default of payment thereof, the said
fine acid casts may be levied by distress and sale of the goods of the
offender. The offender shall, on any such conviction be liable to
be impra.soned for a period not exceeding twenty- ors days in lieu
of or in addit3.on to the Pane and costs aforesaid.
1G/ tuf U t td: 4ii CAA / Va ! Ga aJ41 J1u~1l.UC~ AK(.t111rC,J ~! Ud
20. Under conviction for a breach of any of the provisions of this Byr-Law,
a convicting Magistrate, besides ia-po~,g the pesraS.tg under Section 19
of this $g may order the offender to carry out the regairemsnts of
this By-I~w, wi~tkiin a time to~' be ~ 13mi.ted by the order: Ix~ dst`ault of
the offender carrying out s~ucYt order the said magistrate mag order the
Inspector of BuiLs, ar ~axay other gsrrson, to forth~},th enter upon `
the premises where the said breach has taiga place and demolish or
remove, at the expense of the offsz~der, the said structure or the part
thereof erected contrary to the provisions of this Bg-Law, the expense
thereof with casts shalt ba recoverable by action ar distress, and in
case of non payzaeut, siuvlarly to m~mi.cipal Taxes.
~].. The conviction of an offender 'upon a breach of any of the pmv.~.sions
of this $y-~aw shaJ1 not operate as a bar to a prosecution against
the same offender upon anq subsequent breach of the same or anq other
provisions of -this By-;Law. the presiding M:a,g~.strate may cauvict
any aff~~der repeated],y for repeated breaches of this Hy-~.aw and
may at his discretion impose upon each' conviction any of the peaatties
provided for by th:i.s By-~.aw.
And further that By Law No. 73a as amended is hersbg repealed and that
this Bp~.aw $ha7.1. come into force and have affect i~exiiately after the
paesS.ng thereof.
By,Iaw read a First ark Ssc~nd. time
this ~ day of ,G2~~~~r:( 197x. ~~~~~~ 1~ ,,r~~
By-yaw read a Third. time andf~a a'isy .
passed this ~ j dog of ~~Y~( 19?4. .