2003-003 To rezone Part of Lot 1 and 2, Concession 2, Township of Oro-Medonte (formerly Township of Oro), County of Simcoe (Porter/Bell) .1 e e e " I i 'if THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LAW 2003- 003 A By-law to rezone Part of Lot 1 and 2, Concession 2, Township of Oro-Medonte (formerly Township of Oro), County of Simcoe (PorterlBell). WHEREAS Zoning By-law 1997-95 was enacted to regulate the use of land and the character, location, and use of buildings and structures within the Township of Oro-Medonte; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte deems it appropriate to further amend By-law 1997-95, as amended; AND WHEREAS this by-law is in conformity with the Official Plan of the Township of Oro- Medonte; AND WHEREAS authority is granted pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990 c. P. 13, to the Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte to exercise such powers. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule "AI" of By-law 1997-95 for the Township of Oro-Medonte, as amended, is hereby further amended by rezoning those lands shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto, from the Agricultural/Rural Exception (AlRU*135) Zone, the Shoreline Residential Exception (SR*135) Zone, and the Environmental (EP) Zone to the Agricultural/Rural Exception (AlRU*134) Zone, the Shoreline Residential Exception (SR*134) Zone, the Shoreline Residential Exception (SR*135) Zone, the Agricultural/Rural Exception (AlRU* 135) Zone, and the Environmental Protection Exception (EP* 135) Zone. 2. Schedule "AI" of By-law 1997-95 for the Township of Oro-Medonte, as amended, is hereby further amended by rezoning those lands shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto, from the AgriculturallRural (AlRU) Zone and Environmental Protection (EP) Zone to Agricultural/Rural Exception (AlRU*136) Zone, the Shoreline Residential Exception (SR * 136) Zone, and the Environmental Protection Exception (EP* 136) Zone. 3. That Subsection 7 of By-law 1997-95 is hereby amended by replacing subsection 135 with the following subsection: 7.135 *135 - PART OF LOTS 1 AND 2, CONCESSION 2 (FORMER ORO) Notwithstanding any other provision in this By-law, the minimum lot frontage required is approximately 138 metres (452 feet), and minimum lot area required is approximately 4.5 hectares (1l.1 acres) on the lands denoted by the symbol * 135 on the schedule to this By-law. Further notwithstanding any other provisions in this by-law buildings or structures are permitted on the lands zoned AgriculturallRural (AlRU) and denoted by the symbol * 135 on the schedule to this by-law. For the purposes of the Section such buildings or structures may include a swimming pool, a tennis court, change facilities, and garage/storage buildings, provided such buildings or structures are accessory to the residential use on the same lot. And further notwithstanding any other provisions in the By-law, including the provisions under Section 5.28, a deck located adjacent to the shoreline is permitted on the lands zoned Environmental Protection (EP) and on lands zoned Shoreline Residential (SR) and denoted by the symbol * 135 on the schedule to this By-law. J e e e j . 4. That subsection 7 of By-law 1997-95 is hereby amended by the addition of the following subsection: 7.136 *136 - PART OF LOTS 1 AND 2, CONCESSION 2 (FORMER ORO) Notwithstanding any other provision in this By-law, the minimum lot frontage required is approximately 75 metres (246 feet), and minimum lot area required is approximately 3.0 hectares (7.4 acres) on the lands denoted by the symbol * 136 on the schedule to this by-law. Further notwithstanding any other provisions in this by-law buildings or structures are permitted on the lands zoned Agricultural/Rural (AlRU) and denoted by the symbol *136 on the schedule to this by-law. For the purposes of the Section such buildings or structures may include a swimming pool, a tennis court, change facilities, and garage/storage buildings, provide such buildings or structures are accessory to the residential use on the same lot. And further notwithstanding any other provisions in the by-law, including the provisions under Section 5.28, a deck located adjacent to the shoreline is permitted on the lands zoned Environmental Protection (EP) and on lands zoned Shoreline Residential (SR) and denoted by the symbol * 136 on the schedule to this By-law. 5. Schedule "A", attached, forms part of this by-law. 6. This by-law shall take effect and come into force pursuant to the provisions of and regulations made under the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990 c. P. 13. BY-LA W READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME, THISS...tb DAY OF F ph. 2003. BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS5...tbDAY OF FphrlJA,ry 2003. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE ", J . e is SchedUle W to By-law 2003-003 Schedule ~ I to By-law 2nn3-nn< 5th day of February, 2003 9-L~ if. Neil Craig 50 PART or CONctSSlON GEOGRAPHIC TO~SHI NOW IN 1HE TO\\N or OR COUNTY or SIMCO[ 25 o / PA T 2 ~'!) ~ 1'1; tf (oj LEGEND fS2g RaoHt - <VIIuo1.. 1'0 <VIIuo1J< m RaoHt - ...... 1'0 ...... ~~ ntoIw,.,. '1'0 "AIM:.& ~....... - II> 1'0 ...... fEBJ--".1'O....... ~RaoHt _ ."'" 1'0 ."..,.,.. m& RaoHt - A/IIU ID ...... ........ - ". 1'0 ...... 0....... - II> 1'0....... e 'I ~ q'f !j."i ~ 1 ~ ,~ l/ / 'j, t q "O/Dii ~_'fCIpQp............ . REV'$'ON$ SCHEDULE A I ""'""-.. - PROPOSED ZONING CHANO S ( K.€"AlP["Nffl T SA Y ) LUcas & Associat ~.. In I'I<uuwtc _ I.oad 24 Debra ~I, Bw:n.. o"lwio IAN (706) 'nt-1III36 'or ?I/J-'1'3e7 ~ // . Township of OrO-Medonte