1989-005 Oro10/22/07 08:40 FAX 705 725 5941 SIMCOE ARCHIVES Tf18 CORPORATION OF THB TOWNSHIP OP ORO 8Y-LAW No. a9- 5 col HBING A BY^LAW TO APPOINT TOWNSHIP HN6INBERS WHEREAS th Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 206, Section 45~as amended, provides that the Council of a Municipality may by By-law appoint Engineers; AND WHEREAS the Council of the-COrporation"of'the Township-- of Oro enacts as follows: 1. That the firm of R.B. Robinson and Associates Ltd,. be appointed as the Engineers for the Corporation of the Township of Oro only. 2. That By-law No. 88-18 is hereby repealed. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the final passing thereof. ey-law read a first and second time-this 16th day of January, 1989. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1989. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO Re a Robert E. Drury ~~~~ Admini trator Cler Rob~~ W. Small