06 14 2007 Rec Tech Minutes_._ ___ ; ~~~- ~ t~ ORO-MEDONTE ; ~ ~ ` P~10TION# ~~4`~ RECREATION TECHNICAL SUPPORT GROUP MINUTES JUL 1 9 2007 Thursday, June 14'n, 2007 @ 7:00 p.m. METING. COUNCIL^ Administration Centre C_ OF W. Present: Councillor John Crawford, Mayor Harry Hughes, Councillor Mel Coutanche, Ted Duncan, Carolyn Tripp, Mac Shiells Regrets: Reta Regelink, Bob Gregory Statf Present: Shawn Binns, Manager of Recreation & Community Services Chair: Councillor John Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. 1. Adoption of Agenda RTS070614-01: Moved by Mac Shiells, Seconded by Ted Duncan It is recommended that the agenda for the ©ro-Medonte Recreation Technical Support Group meeting of Thursday, June 74"', 2007 be adopted. Carried 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: None. 3. Adoption of the Minutes: RTS0706'14-02: Moved by Mac Shiells, Seconded by Carolyn Tripp It is recommended that the Minutes of the Oro-Medonte Recreation Technical Support Group meeting o1 Thursday, May 3'd> 2007 be adopted. Carried 4. Deputations: Advertising Partnership: Carol Benedetti gave a presentation regarding a proposed partnership between the Township of Ora-Medonte Parks & Recreation Department and the Oro-Medonte Chamber of Commerce wherein the Chamber would sell advertising. The advertising would be displayed in the Oro-Medonte Community Arena on rink boards, arena walls lobby benches and the ice resurfacer. Pricing would be per year based on a three year mandatory contract. li the demand for advertising became Large enough, it was suggested that advertising could then be placed ai Ball Diamonds, and at Bayview Memorial Park. Carol indicated that only Chamber members would be targeted for advertising and Thai the Chamber would receive 35% of the advertising revenue as their 4ee with the additional 65% going to the Recreation Department i f w !t was suggested that the target may be too narrow and that perhaps to entice Chamber members to advertise a discounted price could be offered to them. It was further suggested that a business card holder could be placed on the wall in the lobby and 'rf someone did not want to go to the expense of a large advertisement they could place their business cards there for a nominal fee. Carol also discussed that the Township would have an initial expense for the purchase of Lexan for the arena boards. To commence this ice season there is a tight timeline. RTS070614-03: Moved by Ted Duncan, Seconded by Carolyn Tripp It is recommended that the deputation by Carol Benedetti, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, regarding an advertising partnership between the Chamber of Commerce and the Township of Oro-Medonte be received. Carried 5. Items for Consideration/Discussion: Evaluation of Functioning -Councilor Crawford and Councilor Coutanche proposed developing a evalua#ion to ensure that the committee was working cowards goals. A template will be prepared and will report back to group. 6. Correspondence: None. 7. Unfinished Business: {a) SCDSB Joint Use Agreement Shawn informed that the agreement had to be revised since it was last presented to the Group. More facility time {excluding the ice pad) had been given to the schools. Council has received a report on the updated agreement and it was adopted. The agreement will be going before the SCDSB early next week and we are honing to have .t ~n place verb soon as we are working en our t;f; programs now and would like to include some school locations. RTS070614-04: Moved by Mac Shiells, Seconded by Carolyn Tripp It is recommended that the update on the Simcoe County District School Board Joint Use Agreement given by Shawn 8inns be received. Carried (b) Parkland Development Policy Shawn indicated that the Director of Planning as welt as the Cferk has requested copies of Parkland Development Policies from the surrounding Municipalities. Orillia has indicated that parkland development is handfed on a "case by case" basis. Barrie has indicated that their policy is quite comprehensive. Shawn further informed the Group that this is a very busy time for all Parks and Recreation Departments and we should not expect to receive answers until much later. / )~~'~~ RTS070614-05 Moved by Carolyn Tripp, Seconded by Mac Shiells it is recommended that the report on the Parkland Development Policy given by Shawn Binns be received. Carried 8. OtherfNew Business (Iniormaiion or request for future information}: (a} Recreation Fees Shawn presented the proposed new schedule of facility rental fees to the group and informed that because ice time was increased in 2006, it was not increased on this schedule. However, he proposed that the timing of prime time be changed t0 begin at 4:00 pm rather than 5:00 pm (other municipalities begin their prime time at 3:00 pm} and chat all holidays be charged a prime time also. Shawn also pointed out that we would be adding SflCAN {society of Composers, Authors & Music Publishers of Canada} charges to applicable events. In the past we have absorbed this cost which is actually lost revenue. A discussion ensued and some of the salient points that were made were: - AAA Icemen should be removed from the schedule - it is better to have small incremental increases each year than to have a large increase every X years. - public skating is a loss leader and as such the fees should remain the same to promote family activity • floor rental fee should remain the same as we don't receive many bookings - a sub committee should be struck consisting of two Group members and Shawn Binns to look into minor sports organizations fees and expenditures. Shawn indicated that as we are ~NOrking on ic~:,ookings now we need tc have the Clerk present the proposed increases to Council as soon as possible. RTS070614-06 Moved by Carolyn Tripp, Seconded by Mac Shiells 1f is recommended that the presentation given by Shawn Binns regarding the Recreation Facility Fee structure be received. And further that it is recommended to Council that they give favorable consideration to the draft 2008 Parks and Recreation fees as amended: - prime Time and non prime ice time to increase by 4% -non ice rentals, public skating, banquet hall rentals be accepted as presented And further that Ball Diamond and Soccer pitch rentals be deferred. Carried _. ~~ {b) Simcoe County Trails Program Shawn informed the Group that the Huronia Trails and Greenways is rallying for a "Trails Go-ordinator". Within Oro-Medonte we don't spend time linking with trails or organizations beyond our boarders. If there was a Simcoe County Trails Co-ordinator, trail management throughout the County would be much more consistent. A# this point, Huronia Trails and Greenways are only asking for support from Simcoe County municipalities in the form of a Council resolution. RTS070614-07 Motion by Carolyn Tripp, Seconded by Mac Shiells It is recommended that the presentation given by Shawn Binns regarding fhe Simcoe county Traits Program be received. And further chat Council give favoratrle consideration to drafting a resolution supporting the County initiative in creating a County Trails Program. Carried. (c) Arena Board Advertising Motion by Mac Shiells, Seconded by Carolyn Tripp It is recommended that Council give favorable consideration to entering into a partnership with fhe Oro-Medonte Chamber of Commerce regarding the sale of advertising displayed within a recreatipn facility. Carried. {d) Summer Recess Shawn, propnsed that the Gr~~ ~p recess for the months of July and August as had been done in the past. It was suggested that the Group had several projects which needed their attention i.e. Sweetwater Park and Line 4 Park The Group should meet again on June 2616 to review the latest public input regarding Sweetwater Park as recommendations should go to Council for their meeting on July t $`n RTS070614-09 Motion by Carolyn Tripp, Seconded by Mac Shiells It is recommended that the Recreation Technical Support Group meets as required at the call of the Chak for the months of July and August and resume their monthly meetings beginning on September 6`h, 2007. Carried. (d) Change of Members r'~Gt ~!'""~ It was suggested that an advertisement be placed the North Simcoe News August edition fora 'youth" io join the Recreation Technical Support Group as a replacement for Mr. Bob Gregory who will be leaving us toward the end of the year. 9. Adjournment: RTS070614-10 Motion by Carolyn Tripp, Seconded by Mac Shielis Jt is recommended that we do now adjourn at 9:74 p.m. Carried. The next meeting will be hetd on Tuesday. June 26`" at 7:00 pm in the Robinson Room a/ the Administration Centre.