09 13 2001 C of A MinutesCommittee of Adjustment Minutes
Thursday September 13th 2001, 9:30 a.m.
In Attendance: Chairman Dave Edwards (arrived late), Member Allan Johnson, Member
AI Pross, Member Joe Charles, Junior Planner Todd Weatherell, and Planner Andria
Absent: Member Ken Robbins
1. Communications and Correspondence
None Received.
2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
None Declared.
3. Aearin~s:
9:30 B-26,27,28/01 Bachly Investment Limited
Con 8, Lot 15 (Medonte)
In Attendance: Dave Bachly, Applicant, Peter Poehls, Applicant's
Consultant, Lloyd Penney, neighbour (Opposing Application)
Moved by, Al Pross seconded by Toe Charles
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Application B-26, 27,28/01 subject to the
following conditions:
1. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approves of the application, in rovriting.
2. That three copies of a Reference Plan of the subject lands prepared by an Ontario
Land Surveyor be submitted to the Committee Secretary or appropriate registerable
3. That three copies of deeds be submitted to the Committee Secretary to be stamped
using Form 2 as prescribed in the Planning Act.
4. That all Municipal taxes be paid to the Municipality.
5. That the conditions of consent imposed by the Committee be fulfilled within one
year from the date of giving of this notice.
9:40 B-15!01 Sheri-Ann Watt
1208 Line 5 N.
Con 5, East Pt Lot 13 (Oro)
In Attendance: No One
Moved by, Allan Johnson seconded by Toe Charles
"That the Committee hereby DEFER Application 8-15/Oi as requested by the applicant.
9:50 B-22,23/01 Donald Hubbert
Concession 9, W. Pt. Lot 24
(Former Township of Oro)
404 Ridge Road East
In Attendance: Don and Sherri Hubbert, Applicants, and Bob and Sharron
Reive, Neighbours (Opposing Application)
Moved by, Al Pross seconded by Joe Charles
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Application B-22/01 subject to the following
1. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approves of the application, in writing.
2. That three copies of a Reference Plan of the subject lands prepared by an Ontario
Land Surveyor be submitted to the Committee Secretary or appropriate registerable
3. That three copies of deeds be submitted to the Committee Secretary to be stamped
using Form 2 as prescribed in the Planning Act.
4. That all Municipal taxes be paid to the Municipality.
5. That the condifions of consent imposed by the Committee be fulfilled within one
year from the date of giving of this notice.
10:00 B-24/01 Jack Ksenych
Concession 7, West Half Lot 21,
. (Former Township of Oro)
17 Guest Road
In Attendance: Ed Ksenych, Applicant's Son
Moved by Albert Pross, seconded by Joe Charles
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Application B-24/01 subject to the
following conditions:
1. That the applicant pay to the Municipality the sum of $500.00 for each lot to
be created as cash-in-lieu of parkland pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O.
1990 c.P.13.
2. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
3. That three copies of a Reference Plan of the subject lands prepared by an
Ontario Land Surveyor be submitted to the Committee Secretary.
4. That three copies of deeds be submitted to the Committee Secretary to be
stamped using Form 4 as prescribed in the Planning Act.
5. That all Municipal taxes be paid to the Municipality.
• 6. That the conditions of consent imposed by the Committee be fulfilled within
one yeaz from the date of the giving of this notice.
7. That a Development Charges Fee be paid to the Township of Oro-Medonte in
the amount determined by Council as of the date the fee is received by the
10:10 B-29/01 Horseshoe Valley Lands Limited
Concession 4, Lots 3&4
(Former Township of Oro)
In Attendance: Celeste Phillips, Applicant's Consultant, Arthur Shapero,
Applicant's Solicitor
Moved by AI Pross, seconded by Joe Charles
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Application B-29101 subject to the
following conditions:
1. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approves of the application, iu
2. That three copies of a Reference Plan of the subject lands prepared by an
Ontario Land Surveyor be submitted to the Committee Secretary or
. appropriate registerable description.
3. That three copies of deeds be submitted to the Committee Secretary to be
stamped using Form 2 as prescribed in the Planning Act.
4. That all Municipal taxes be paid to the Municipality.
5. That the conditions of consent imposed by the Committee be fulfilled within
one year from the date of giving of this notice.
10:20 B-30/01 Joy Waldie
Concession 2, Part Lot 2
(Former Township of Oro}
2797 Ridge Road West
In Attendance: John Waldie, Applicant's Spouse
Moved by Al Pross, seconded by Joe Charles
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Application B-30/01 subject to the
following conditions:
• 1. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approves of The application, in
2. That three copies of a Reference Plan of the subject lands prepared by an
Ontario Land Surveyor be submitted to the Committee Secretary or
appropriate registerable description.
3. That three copies of deeds be submitted to the Committee Secretary to be
stamped using Form 2 as prescribed in the Planning Act.
4. That all Municipal taxes be paid to the Municipality.
5. That the conditions of consent imposed by the Committee be fulfilled within
one year from the date of giving of this notice.
10:30 A-16/01 Ron and Lori Cook
Concession 9, Plan 1291, Lot 69
12 Indian Road
In Attendance: Ron and Lori Cook, Applicants
Moved by Joe Charles, seconded by, Al Pross
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Minor Variance Application A-16/01
subject to the following conditions:
1. That the setbacks be in conformity with the dimensions as set out in the
application, as submitted;
2. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
3. That all municipal taxes be paid to the Township ofOro-Medonte.
10:40 A-19/01 John and Diane McCulloch
Plan 798, Lot 6 (Oro)
11 O'Connell Road
In Attendance: John McCulloch, Applicant
Moved by Joe Charles, seconded by, AI Pross
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Minor Variance Application A-19/01 subject to
. the following conditions:
1. That a sketch of surveylreal property report prepared by an Ontario Land
Surveyor be submitted to the Township once the construction reached grade
2. That the setbacks be inconformity with the dimensions as set out in the
application, as submitted;
3. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
4. That the appropriate building permit be obtained from the Township's Chief
Building Official only after the Committee's decision becomes final and
binding, as provided for within the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13;
5. That all municipal Taxes be paid to the Township ofOro-Medonte.
6. That an Entrance pernt be obtained from the Township's Road Superintendent.
11:00 A-22101 Jeff and Lori Howard
4244 Line 8 N.
Con 8, Part Lot 7 (Medonte)
In Attendance: Jeff Howard, Applicant
. Decision
Moved by Al Pross, seconded by Joe Charles
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Minor Variance Application A-22/01
. subject to the standard conditions of approval:
1. That a sketch of survey/real property report prepared by an Ontario Land
Surveyor be submitted to the Township once the construction reached grade
2. That the setbacks be in conformity with the dimensions as set out in the
application, as submitted;
3. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
4. That the appropriate building permit be obtained from the Township's Chief
Building Official only after the Committee's decision becomes final and
binding, as provided for within the Planning Act R.S,O. 1990, c.P. 13;
5. That all municipal taxes be paid to the Township ofOro-Medonte.
11:10 A-24/01 Carriage Hills Resort Corporation
Con. 4, Part Lot 2 (Oro)
90 Highland Drive
In Attendance: Graeme Clarke and Mitch Stewart, Applicant's Agents
. Decision
Moved by Al Pross, seconded by Joe Charles
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Minor Variance Application A-24/01
subject to the following conditions:
1. That a sketch of survey/real property report prepared by an Ontario Land
Surveyor be submitted to the Township once the construction reached grade
2. That the setbacks be in conformity with the dimensions as set out in the
application, as submitted;
3. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
4. That the appropriate building pernut be obtained from the Township's Chief
Building Official only after the Committee's decision becomes final and
binding, as provided for within the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13;
5. That all municipal taxes be paid to the Township ofOro-Medonte.
• 11:20 A-25/01 Esther Wilson
Con. 3, North Part Lot 6 (Oro)
2447 Line 2 North
In Attendance: Esther Wilson, Applicant
• Decision
Moved by Joe Charles, seconded by Al Pross
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Minor Variance Application A-25/01
subject to the following conditions:
1. That a sketch of survey/real property report prepared by an Ontario Land
Surveyor be submitted to the Township once the construction reached grade
2. That the setbacks be in conformity with the dimensions as set out in the
application, as submitted;
3. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
4. That the appropriate building permit be obtained from the Township's Chief
Building Official only after the Committee's decision becomes final and
binding, as provided for within the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13;
5. That all municipal taxes be paid to the Township of Oro-Medonte.
• 11:30 A-26/01 Margaret Dynes
Con. 11, Plan 626, Lot 63
(former Township of Oro)
36 Myrtle Ave.
In Attendance: Margaret Dynes, Applicant
Moved by Al Pross, seconded by Joe Charles
°That the Committee hereby GRANT' Minor Variance Application A-26/01
subject to the following conditions:
1. That a sketch of survey/real property report prepared by an Ontario Land
Surveyor be submitted to the Township once the construction reached grade
2. That the setbacks be in conformity with the dimensions as set out in the
application, as submitted;
3. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
4. That the appropriate building permit be obtained from the Township's Chief
Building Official only after the Committee's decision becomes final and
• binding, as provided for within the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13;
5. That all municipal taxes be paid to the Township ofOro-Medonte.
11:40 B-31/01 850892 Ontario Limited
Concession 7, South Part Lot 3
(Former Township of Oro)
2916 Line 7 N.
In Attendance: Patrick Capobianco and Guido Papa, Applicants, and
Peter Demartini, Neighbour (Supporting Application}
Moved by Al Pross, seconded by Joe Charles
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Application B-31!01 subject to the
following conditions:
1. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approves of the application, in
• 2. That three copies of a Reference Plan of the subject lands prepared by an
Ontario Land Surveyor be submitted to the Committee Secretary or
appropriate registerable description.
3. That three copies of deeds be submitted to the Committee Secretary to be
stamped using Form 2 as prescribed in the Planning Act.
4. That all Municipal taxes be paid to the Municipality.
5. That the conditions of consent imposed by the Committee be fulfilled within
one year from the date of giving of this notice.
11:50 A-27/01 Tassilo Hamstra
Con. 2, Lot 56 (Medonte)
In Attendance: Art Hamstra, Applicant's Father
Moved by Joe Charles, seconded by Al Pross
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Minor Variance Application A-27/01
subject to the following conditions:
1. That a sketch of survey/real property report prepared by an Ontario Land
Surveyor be submitted to the Township once the construction reached grade
• level;
2. That the setbacks be in conformity with the dimensions as set out in the
application, as submitted;
3. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
4. That the appropriate building permit be obtained from the Township's Chief
Building Official only after the Committee's decision becomes final and
binding, as provided for within the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13;
5. That all municipal taxes be paid to the Township of Oro-Medonte.
12:00 A-28/01 Ron Tansley
Con. 15, Plan 461 Part Block C
(former Township of Orillia)
In Attendance: Ron Tansley, Applicant, Paul Yarwood, Neighbour
(Opposing Application)
Moved by Dave Edwards, seconded by Al Pross
• "That the Committee hereby GRANT Minor Variance Application A-28/01 as
amended to a rear yard setback from Bass Lake from 15 metres (49.2 feet) to 7.5
metres (24.6 feet), relief from the interior side yard setback on the westerly side of
the property as requested, and relief for the detached garage as been withdrawn
and subject to the following conditions:
1. That a sketch of survey/real property report prepared by an Ontario Land
Surveyor be submitted to the Township once the construction reached grade
2. That the setbacks be in confornty with the dimensions as set out in the
application, as submitted;
3. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
4. That the appropriate building permit be obtained from the Township's Chief
Building Official only after the Committee's decision becomes final and
binding, as provided for within the Planning Act RS.O. 1990, c.P. 13;
5. That all municipal taxes be paid to the Township of Oro-Medonte.
12:10 A-29/01 Jon and Candice Auger
Con. 2, Lot 12 (Oro)
• 161 Line 1 N.
In Attendance: Aldo Santia, Applicant's Contractor
Moved by Albert Pross, seconded by Joe Charles
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Minor Variance Application A-29101
subject to the following conditions:
1. That an Ontario Land Surveyor provide verification to the Township of
compliance with the Committee's decision by 1) pinning the footing and 2)
verifying in writing prior to pouring of the foundation by way of survey/real
property report prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor.
2. That the setbacks be in conformity with the dimensions as set out ni the
application, as submitted;
3. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
4. That the appropriate building permit be obtained from the Township's Clvef
Building Official only after the Committee's decision becomes final and
binding, as provided for within the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13;
. 5. That all municipal taxes be paid to the Township of Oro-Medonte.
12:20 A-30/01 Michael Higgins
Con. 4, Lots 9 and 10, Plau M-187
(former Township of Oro)
31 Windfields Dr
In Attendance: Bill Pocock, Applicant's Agent
Moved by Dave Edwards, seconded by Al Pross
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Minor Variance Application A-30/01
subject to the following conditions:
1. That a sketch of survey/real property report prepared by an Ontario Land
Surveyor be submitted to the Township once the construction reached grade
• 2. That the setbacks be in conformity with the dimensions as set out in the
application, as submitted;
3. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, iii
• 4. That the appropriate building permit be obtained from the Township's Chief
Building Official only after the Committee's decision becomes final and
binding, as provided for within the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13;
5. That all municipal taxes be paid to the Township ofOro-Medonte.
12:30 A-31/01 Rita Marshall
Con. 14, West Part Lots 1 (Oro)
2555 Line 13 N.
In Attendance: Rita Marshall and Paul Koester, Applicants
Moved by Dave Edwards, seconded by Al Pross
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Minor Variance Application A-30/01
subject to the following conditions:
1. That a sketch of survey/real property report prepared by an Ontario Land
Surveyor be submitted to the Township once the construction reached grade
2. That the setbacks be in conformity with the dimensions as set out in the
application, as submitted;
3. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
4. That the appropriate building permit be obtained from the Township's Chief
Building Official only after the Committee's decision becomes final and
binding, as provided for within the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, aP. 13;
5. That all municipal taxes be paid to the Township ofOro-Medonte.
12:40 A-32/01 Roy Hastings
Con. 5, West Part Lots 20 (Oro)
• 2278 Highway 11
In Attendance: Pay Hastings and Pat Kenny, Applicants
Moved by Al Pross, seconded by Joe Charles
"That the Committee hereby GRANT Minor Variance Application A-32/01 as
amended to a maximum floor area for a detached accessory building to 297.28
square metres (3200 square feet), and subject to the following conditions:
1. That a sketch of survey/real property report prepared by an Ontario Land
Surveyor be submitted to the Township once the construction reached grade
2. That the setbacks be in conformity with the dimensions as set out in the
application, as submitted;
3. That the Simcoe County District Health Unit approve of the application, in
4. That the appropriate building permit be obtained from the Township's Chief
Building Official only after the Committee's decision becomes final and
binding, as provided for within the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, e.P. 13;
• 5. That all municipal taxes be paid to the Township of Oro-Medonte.
4. Other business
5. Adjournment
Moved by Al Pross
"That the meeting be adjourned at 4:00 p.m."
.. Carried.
(NOTE: A tape of this meeting is available for review.)