03 06 2007 History Minutes ~,~c~ - ~ Oro-Medonte History Association Minutes March 6`h, 2007-03-08 Present: Sheila Kirkland Jadeen Henderson Bruce Higgins Allan Howard Margaret Prewer Regrets: Geoff Booth The minutes of the January 22ntl meeting were accepted as printed. ~~OTION# ~ t$ ~~ t~ APR 2 5 2002 ~.~°;":EYING: COUP~CIL~ C. OF W. ~ Business Arising 1. Budget Council is now in Budget deliberations and we can't proceed with any major projects until the deliberations are completed. 2. Repairs to African Church -Spring We have received a quotation of $370.00 to replace popped nails and some of the clabboards. 3. Interpretive Cenire Leiter to land owner We have received a copy of the letter addressed to Mr. John Goldsmith & Ms. Glenda Gardner informing them of the termination of their Farm Lease. We must wait until June 21, 2007 before we do any work on the land. Stones -Bruce Chappett/Shelswell & Sons L?uote Sheila informed that Shelswell & Sons had given us a quote of $3250.00 to pick up, move and place the donated stones from George and Edna Caldwell. Motion: Moved by Bruce Higgins and seconded by Jadeen Henderson That we recommend to Council that they accept the quotation from Shelswell F~ Sons in the amount of $3250.00 to pick up, move and place the donated stones from George and Edna Caldwell. Carried Storage Containers as suggested by Mayor Sheila indicated that Mayor Hughes has offered to procure trailers to use as a temporary Interpretive Centre. It was the general consensus that too much work and cost would be required to make them accessible (ramp and stairs) to make them a viable alternative. Update Proposal Sheila informed that Margaret has returned the proposal with same suggested additions, deletions and corrections. Allan took the copy and indicated he would look it over and give his input. (~c,_~ 4. Trillium grant process The group agreed that we were all very interested in meeting with Shawn Binns to take advantage of his expertise on the Trillium Grant Process. 5. Canada Revenue Agency -Black Nisiory Presentation Sheila and Allan accepted an invitation on behalf of the Oro-Medonte History Association from the Canada Revenue Agency to attend a seminar as a guest speaker. She gave a presentation on the Oro African Church and the important role our Black settlers played. The presentation was very well received. 6. Ontario Heritage Act - by-laws Sheila asked the group to ensure that they read the Ontario Heritage Act as we will be discussing it at an upcoming meeting in great depth to enable us to recommend to Council the enactment of by-laws to protect historic buildings and with them Oro-Medonte history. 7. Guthrie Church -correspondence and new committee Sheila brought the group up to date regarding the Guthrie Church. She informed that the group had been asked to spearhead a citizen's group to investigate opportunities regarding the church. The citizen group would be comprised of Edna Caldwell, Don Campbell, Fred Beck, Susan Woods and one other person and Sheila Kirkland will spearhead. Mayor Hughes has offered to be ex-officio. S. Foiia signs and signage on raittraii -grant proposal We received information from Ms. Dunsmore along with a suggestion that we explore the HBC website for grant monies for signs which could be placed along the railtrail. It was agreed that it was not within the History Association's sphere to become involved with railtrail signage. However, we could certainly look into the grant monies to place a sign at either end of the Glouchester trail which is of "historic significance". New Business y. Pin design Jadeen was working on Jadeen is still working on the design of the pin. 2. Jane Wilson -suggested fundraiser Sheila informed the group chat during a conversation with Jane Wilson, who has heritage ties to the Oro Black Settlement, she indicated that she would be interested in donating copies of her book "Morgan Seat" to be used as a fundraiser. Jane Indicated that she would be willing to participate in a fundraiser "An Evening with the Author" wherein people could purchase $50.00 tickets and receive a signed copy of her book, a presentation and a light luncheon. We would receive $10.00 of every $50.00 sold for the interpretive centre. It was agreed that we were far from this stage as of yet but we would put it on our list of fundraising ideas. 3. Choirs project -African church June 1-4 weekend -are we interested The History Association has been approached by the Hawkestone Choir regarding a joint event in June. They will be hosting a choir from ? ~~a. Saskatchewan who is learning black music. After a short discussion, ii was agreed that due to manpower constraints we would be willing, if weather permitted, 1o allow the Hawkestone Choir to host a gathering on the grounds. We would supply the generator for sound, request St. John Ambulance presence, and open the church. Bruce and Allan would be the guides. It would be up to the choir to cover advertising. Sheila will get in touch with Marilyn Gregory. 4. Photos and documents generated by the Township office as historical records. Sheila indicated that the township has a collection of photographs taken of special events, staff functions, etc. that, in time, will become historic information and should be preserved. Motion: Moved by Bruce Higgins and seconded by Jadeen Henderson That it is recommended to Council that they give favourable consideration to allowing the History Association to view such photographs and documents that may become historically significant. And further, that the History Association may set aside and save from destruction such photographs and documents they deem of historic significance. Carried 5. Wat-Mart Canada -Green grants Sheila gave us information regarding the Wal-Mart Green grants. These grants are strictly for landscaping. The group felt that our landscaping needs could be met by a request to the Oro-Medonte Horticultural Society. 6. 775`" Anniversary of St. George's Fairvatley on September 9107 at 2:OOpm The group was asked to make note of the date of this important anniversary to try to attend if possible. 7. African church -spring cleanup and summer hours The summer hours are set and spring cleanup will be scheduled at a future date. 8. August heritage days and Oro Fad Fair/Cotdwater Fair Allan suggested we look into purchasing a large portable garage on sale at Canadian Tire for around 5390.00. This would serve as a booth. Bruce was asked to look into the garage to see if the side could be raised to allow a breeze in hot wea#her. Correspondence 7. E-mail for historical names - Butfalo Springs Subdivision Sheila presented correspondence from Buffalo Springs Subdivision requesting our input on historic names that could be used for the development. It was agreed that only those historic names that were pertinent to the area should be used. ~4 ~. 2. Brochure NHSAO Conference Drat! agenda for Oct f-3 The group was asked if everyone has received a copy of the invitation to the NHSAP Conference to be held on Oct 1-3. Margaret will make copies and forward them to the members. 3. Receipt of Dec t l meeting minutes and motion from Council We have been informed bX the Clerk of the following resolution by Council during their December 11' meeting. "Be it resolved that the request from the Oro-medonte History Association to increase the Oro-Medonte History Association's Education budget portion from 52,040 to $4,000 be referred to the 2007 budget deliberations." 4. E-mail proposed street names for Moon Point Corporation 5. E-Mail's re Owt Pen farm 6. North Simcoe Commuity News Febl07 article by Tim Crawford is excellent. 7. Site Lines - NHSAO newsletter -note picture courtesy of Allan On the front page of Site Lines, they have used one of the pictures taken by Allan at the conference. Margaret will scan the newsletter and ensure everyone has a copy. 8. E-Mail's Doug Thomson African church book reprint confirmed delivery date Feb 21/07 Margaret confirmed that the books were delivered. She also informed that the Director of Fire and Emergency Services has requested that all History Association book stored ihthe upstairs mechanical room be removed within 10 days. Allan and Bruce have removed two thirds of the books and they are now stored downstairs in the basement. Margaret is trying to find more room in the basement to store the remaining books. 9. E-Mail D. trwin re: Books for SC museum We received an inquiry regarding The Story of Oro, The Oro African Church and Woman of Vision book from Sharron Valley, Council of Simcoe via Doug Irwin. Doug was informed that all requests for the purchase of book are handled by Bonnie McPhee. The History Association delivers the books locally. 10. Letter from City of Barrie We received a letter from the City of Barrie informing us that the Committee has met and discussed a contribution towards the proposed "Morris Interpretation Centre" and tank no action. !t was decided that when we are actively involved in the Interpretive Centre fundraising, we will approach the City of Barrie again. 11, Letter of Corrections for Medonte: A Township Remembered and a picture ~~~~- We received a letter and a photograph from Lois Moon and Dolley Rose (nee Moon) with several corrections to the pages referring to the Moon family in the book. 12. News & Views SCHA newsletter We received a letter regarding the Simcoe County Archive's 40t° anniversary and a copy of the SCA Historyt_etter. Margaret will scan and forward copies to our group. Motion: We now do adjourn the meeting at 8:35pm Next meeting will be held on March 30`h ~ 6:30 pm at the Northway Restaurant