09 19 2000 PAC Agenda
1. Call to order by Chairman.
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General
Nature Thereof - in Accordance with the Act.
3. Adoption of the Minutes of June 20, 2000 and August 15, 2000.
4. Correspondence and Communication
5. Deputations
7:00 p.m. Oro-Medonte Golf Ltd. P-83/99
Concession 2, Pt Lot 10 and D (Oro)
7:30 p:m. Maurice Truax P-102/00
Concession 10, Part of West Haif Lot 7 (Oro)
Proposed Official Plan Amendment &
Zoning By-Iaw Amendment
8:00 p.m. Peter and Margaret Kells P-103/00
Concession 10, East Part of Lot 9 (Oro)
Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment
6. Other Business
- Update on Development Application P-105/00
- Rescheduling of October 17 meeting
7. Adjournment
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JUNE 20, 2000
PRESENT: Sue Grant, Peter Wigham, Paul Marshall, Councillor Ruth
Fountain, Deputy Mayor Don Bell, and Mayor Ian Beard
ABSENT: Garry Fell
1. Chairman Peter Wigham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
None Declared.
3. Minutes
• Moved by Deputy Mayor Don Bell, seconded by Paul Marshall
That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte
Planning Advisory Committee held on May 31, 2000 be adopted as
printed and circulated.
4. Correspondence and Communication
None Received.
5. Deputations
7:30 p.m. Peter and Margaret Kells P-103/00
Concession 10, East Part of Lot 9 (Medonte)
Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment
In Attendance: No One
• Ms. Leigh reviewed the application with the Committee and explained the
concerns raised by the Chief Building Official and the Fire Chief. She explained
• that she had talked to the applicant who could not attend the meeting and that
the requirements would be provided to the applicant for review prior to another
meeting. The Committee discussed the precedent that could be established by
such a use on a property. The Committee wanted the applicant to consider
other alternatives including: the possibility of an addition to the main dwelling to
function as a bed and breakfast or the addition of a cabin for sleeping
accommodation related to the agri-tourism use of the farm.
Moved by Councillor Ruth Fountain, seconded by Susan Grant
"It is recommended that Development Application P-103/00, a proposed
Zoning By-law Amendment, be deferred until the concerns of the Township
departments can be adequately addressed and further that this be brought
back to Planning Advisory Committee for future consideration."
8:00 p.m. Maurice Truax P-102/00
Concession 10, Part of West Half Lot 7 (Oro)
Proposed Official Plan Amendment &
Zoning By-law Amendment
• In Attendance: Maurice and Jackie Truax, Applicant, and Bill Fitzgerald,
Applicant's Consultant
Ms. Leigh reviewed the application with the Committee the process for this
application both through the Township and the Ministry of Natural Resources in
relation to the licensing. She explained the studies that had been received and
that these would be sent for peer reviews with comments being brought back to
the Committee in the summer.
Mr. Fitzgerald briefly explained the work which had occurred to date and that
they were waiting on the initiation of the licensing process to determine any
major concerns from the Township.
Moved by Susan Grant, seconded by Paul Marshall
"It is recommended that Development Application P-102100, a proposed
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, be deferred until
the appropriate peer review comments are received and reviewed; and
further that this be brought back to the Planning Advisory Committee for
future consideration."
• ...Carried.
8:30 p.m. Robert Spears P-98/99
Concession 13, Part of Lot 2 (Oro)
Proposed Official Plan Amendment &
Zoning By-law Amendment
In Attendance: Robert Spears, Applicant, and Ron Mills, Applicant's Consultant
Ms. Leigh updated that status of this application with the Committee and
explained the issues that had arisen at the Public meeting. She explained that
the majority of these issues were technical in nature and were being addressed
through the Site Plan application, which had been submitted and was currently
being reviewed by the Township's Engineering Consultant.
Mr. Mills reviewed the proposed site plan with the Committee and reviewed his
correspondence, which indicated how they were addressing the comments
raised at the public meeting.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Don Bell, seconded by Susan Grant
"It is recommended that Development Application P-97/99, a proposed
• Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, be presented to
Council for favorable consideration of the Official Plan Amendment and
that the Zoning By-law Amendment proceed subject to the final approval of
the Official Plan Amendment."
9:00 p.m. Oro-Medonte Golf Ltd. P-83/99
Status Update by Applicant's Consultant
In Attendance: Don Hanninen and Bruce Dodson, Applicants, and Ron Mills,
Applicant's Consultant
Ms. Leigh provided an update on this application including the letters received
from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority and the Ministry of
Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). She explained that at this time
the County had not provided any further letter as they were requesting
clarification from OMAFRA regarding the designation letter that had been sent.
• Ms. Leigh explained that a site visit had taken place with a planner from
OMAFRA at which the Township was not represented and therefore the
. Township was requesting further information regarding the OMAFRA letter which
suggested that the entire south west corner of the Municipality should be re-
designated to Rural. Ms. Leigh explained that both she and the County required
additional information regarding the criteria utilized by OMAFRA to determine
this land area. Discussion also occurred regarding the outstanding concern with
transportation issues and a meeting was to be established between the technical
parties with a report back to the Committee at a future meeting.
Moved by Mayor Ian Beard, seconded by Susan Grant
"It is recommended that further clarification be received from the County
Planning Department on Development Application P-83/99, a proposed
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. Additional
information is required with respect to County Official Plan conformity with
the Agricultural versus Rural designation in the local Official Plan and also
regarding the criteria utilized in the assessment by the Ministry of
Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs in their letter of June 10, 2000 and that
this be provided to the Planning Advisory Committee for future review."
6. Other Business
Discussion occurred with the members of the Committee regarding their
mandate and the process, which is currently utilized for the processing of
Planning applications. It was explained that the Planner would review this
with a report to Council and that the mandate for the Committee would
likely be updated for a new Committee in the new year. It was indicated
that for applications this year that subsequent to Public Meetings there
would be presented to the Committee for a final recommendation to
7. Adjournment
Moved by Deputy Mayor Don Bell
That this meeting now adjourn at 9:45 p.m.
Peter Wigham, Chairman
Andria Leigh, Planner
~.~ } A
AUGUST 15, 2000
PRESENT: Sue Grant, Peter Wigham, Paul Marshall, Garry Fell, Deputy
Mayor Don Bell, and Mayor Ian Beard
ABSENT: Councillor Ruth Fountain
1. Chairman Peter Wigham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
None Declared.
3. Minutes
• Deferred until September meeting to re-circulate additional page of
4. Correspondence and Communication
Received letter from Fred Hacker of Hacker Gignac Rice regarding
Development Application P-105/00
5. Deputations
7:00 p.m. Oro-Medonte Golf Ltd. P-83/99
Concession 2, Part of Lot 10 and D (Oro)
Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment
In Attendance: Ray Valaitis, Planner for the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Affairs
Ms. Leigh explained to the Committee the purpose of tonight's discussion
indicating that this was an opportunity for the Committee to discuss the letter
. which had been received from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs
(OMAFRA). She explained that the intent of this discussion was to determine the
• criteria utilized by OMAFRA in their technical assistance letter provided to the
County. Ms Leigh further explained that additional comments were being
requested from Mr. Toombs, the Township's Consultant, on both the OMAFRA
letter and the discussion tonight in order for the Committee to make a final
recommendation to Council on this application at their September meeting. She
explained that there was no intention of a recommendation emanating out of the
discussion tonight.
Mr. Valaitis from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs introduced
himself and proceeded to explain to the Committee the intent of his technical
letter and what it should mean to the Committee. He explained that what he had
assessed was agricultural lands which he felt in accordance with the Provincial
Policy Statement (PPS) should be considered Provincially significant. He further
explained that the PPS allowed individual municipalities to further define locally
significant agricultural lands and to designate these accordingly. He indicated
that in his assessment he had utilized the Canada Land Inventory Mapping and
the land use mapping available through the ministry as well as conducting a site
inspection of the area. He indicated that he did not utilize any aerial photos or
assessment mapping for his assessment. He explained that there were a
number of factors used in assessing what should be provincially significant
agricultural lands. He explained that the PPS identified Provincially significant
agricultural area as Class 1 - 3 lands as identified on the Canada Land Inventory
• mapping; however, he had reviewed other factors including: non farm
uses/incompatible uses, fragmentation, and wetland areas. Mr. Valaitis
explained that he knew of many municipalities that continued to designate lands
as Agricultural based on local criteria or to establish additional designations with
restrictive uses for these areas and that the PPS allowed for this. He also
explained that he would be happy to provide a review of the entire township once
time permitted if the Township so wished.
The Committee discussed the information provided by Mr. Valaitis and inquired
about the detail of the site inspection previously conducted. The inquired about
additional factors which would be considered to determine locally significant
lands and indicated that these were already defined in the Township's Official
7:30 p.m. Susan Woods P-107!00
Range 2, Part of Lot 2 (Oro)
Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment
In Attendance: Susan Woods and Fred Beck, Applicants
Ms. Leigh reviewed the application with the Committee indicating the existing
designation of the property was Rural and the specific policies relating to
rezoning for an institutional use were determined by the policies of Section
D3.3.2. She further indicated that the property was subject to a conditional
consent application for the 2-acre site, subject to the rezoning and site plan
The applicants provided background related to the history of the intended non-
profit "Abbeyfield House" and indicated that the intended use was for active
seniors to a maximum of 10 bedsitting rooms. They indicated that the house
was not intended to be a nursing home and no facilities for this purpose were
being included. The applicants had met with the Health Unit prior to the consent
• to determine the appropriate septic bed size and property parcel size for such a
Discussion occurred regarding tree buffering to adjacent properties, drainage
issues, and potential alternate locations.
Moved by Paul Marshall, seconded by Susan Grant
"It is recommended that Development Application P-107!00, a proposed
Zoning By-law Amendment for an institutional use, proceed to a Public
Meeting in accordance with the Planning Act."
8:00 p.m. Trinity Community Church P-104/00
Concession 7, Part of Lot 21 (Oro)
Proposed Official Plan Amendment &
Zoning By-law Amendment
In Attendance: Paul Miller, Applicant, and Ray Kelso, Applicant's Consultant
Ms. Leigh provided the Committee with the background on this application and
the Oro Centre Secondary Plan. This property is located within the Oro Centre
Plan area and would be subject to the policies within the secondary plan. Due to
the applicant's timing constraints, they have applied for a separate Official Plan
and Zoning By-law amendment; however Ms. Leigh explained the intent of the
Oro Centre Secondary Plan should be maintained with the application. Ms.
Leigh explained the two main issues with this application that still need to be
resolved are the transportationJentrance and the servicing and that additional
information is required in this regard.
Mr. Kelso provided the Committee with an overview of the proposed church and
its intended facilities. He explained the rationale for the location chosen by the
church and the time frame the church is currently under in regard to the
purchase of the property.
Discussion occurred with the Committee in regard to the Oro Centre Secondary
Plan and the proposed changes from the Ministry of Transportation. It was felt
that additional information might be available after the staff meeting with MTO on
August 29.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Don Bell, seconded by Garry Fell
• "It is recommended that Development Application P-103100, a proposed
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment for an
institutional use, not proceed to a Public Meeting until additional materials
are received regarding compliance with the Oro Centre policies and
comments are received from the Township Engineer."
8:30 p.m. Eric Bowes and Dawn Braden P-105/00
Concession 4, South Part of Lot 8 (Oro)
Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment
In Attendance: Eric Bowes and Dawn Braden, Applicant's
Ms. Leigh provided an overview of this application and explained that the
applicants had originally intended to operate a home industry in accordance with
the Official Plan and Zoning By-law requirements of the Municipality. The
difficulty arose when the business exceeded their original expectations and
expanded beyond a home industry standard as defined by the Township. She
explained that currently she required additional information from the applicant's
• related to amount of equipment, number of trucks, number of employees, noise
assessment before the application could be fully assessed. Ms. Leigh explained
that the applicant's had submitted a site plan at the time of initiating the home
industry that would require approval if the rezoning were to be considered by
The applicant's provided additional details regarding the type of business they
currently operate; they discussed the issue of the Asian beetle and the
inspection that had taken place of their property. The applicant's also discussed
whether there would be future expansion of the business.
The Committee discussed the location of the property and alternate sites within
industrial areas of the Township briefly with the applicant as potential alternatives
for the applicants to consider; however the applicant's preferred the ability to
work and live on the same property.
Moved by Susan Grant, seconded by Paul Marshall
"It is recommended that Development Application P-105/00, a proposed
Zoning By-law Amendment for an industrial use, be denied and the
applicant's be encouraged to review alternate sites within the
6. Other Business
7. Adjournment
Moved by Garry Fell
That this meeting now adjourn at 10:15 p.m.
Peter Wigham, Chairman Andria Leigh, Planner