04 18 2007 PAC Agenda• TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2000 !~ ~i -e-t G ~ D A~u c.~ P F ~ GR- , R-o. -, t3 i ih~ Da v G,/~R~-'7 Dh v ~ 5~ S A ~1 1. Call to order by Chairman. 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof - in Accordance with the Act. 3. Adoption of the Minutes of February 15, 2000. ~~, (LF ~ (>, - S (r- 4. Correspondence and Communication None _ ~E~~-- (~~tf;,.> Cor-.~(uti; ~ t~Ci ~s~ hn r~~65 a~ (L~- P-lbojaa _ /~~- ~-LGS 5. Deputations ~ ~''~1s~C S~~C-5 . ~iJ h+`i~uA~4!v~E 7:00 p.m. Horseshoe Resort Corporation P-100/00 Concession 4, Part of Lots 2 and 3 (Oro) jc2~s hc~~.12. ~ Proposed Rezoning and Comprehensive Development Plan T-i1bR ~t~ 1~~~,J3~-~ ~vGv',wE Mr,N'dsa~: 6. Other Business iLJ2-ice ~~diuso~.l 7. Adjournment Q~ . ~~ ~~ ~~~