04 24 2001 PAC Agenda• TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TUESDAY APRIL 24, 2001 1. Call to order by Chairman. 2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof - in Accordance with the Act. 3. Adoption of the Minutes of February 2Q 2001 4. Correspondence and Communication Letter from Eveline Hird, Re:Pallets North (Bowes and Braden), Concession 4, South Part of Lot 8 (Oro) 5. Deputations 7:15 pm. Pallets North (Eric Bowes & Dawn Braden) Concession 2, Part of Lot 10 and D (Oro) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment 7:35 p.m. Urs Beuchin Concession 11, Part of Lot 20 (Oro) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment 7:50 p.m. Sinton Holdings - Craighurst Settlement Area Concession 1, Part of Lot 41 (Medonte) 6. Other Business 7. Adjournment P-105/00 P-119/01 • PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 19, 2001 Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Part of Lots 16 &17, Concession 6, and Part of Lots 17 & 18, Concession 7 (Oro) Proposal P-120/01 The subject property is located in Concessions 6 and 7, Part of Lots 16 to 18 and is located west of Line 7 North between Highway 11 and 15/15 Side Road. The property is a total of 555.56 acres in size and is the site of the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport. The applicant's have applied for a rezoning application for a portion of the subject property to provide Site Specific Airport zone provisions. County Official Plan Township Official Plan Township Zoning By-law Department Head Comments Currently - Rural and Agricultural -identified as Airport Site Existing -Airport Existing -Airport (AP) Zone Proposed -Site Specific Airport (AP") Zone Roads Superintendent - No Concerns Fire Chief - No Objections or Comments Clerk -Only comment relates to reduction in parking requirement, never enough at airport especially if catering, etc ever a factor Chief Building Official - No Objection Engineering and Environmental Services -The existing Part 1 is serviced by its own well, the proposed Parts 2-5 be services by this weU-or connected to the existing water system, no other concerns 1 Planning Department Comments The proposal before the Committee is a request for a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a site specific zone provision for a portion of the airport lands. As the property is designated Airport in the Township's Official Plan, Section D12 - Airport would be the applicable section of the Official Plan in regards to the proposed zoning by-law amendment. The Airport designation is intended to recognize the location of the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport and the role it plays in the regional economy. As such, there are a number of uses permitted within the context of the Official Plan which include airport facilities and accessory uses, airport related manufacturing, assembly, maintenance, processing, fabrication, storage and/or warehousing uses, research establishments, business offices, and wholesaling establishments. The objective of the Airport designation and the intended usage is reflected in the Township's Zoning By-law 97-95, as amended, as it relates to the Airport (AP) Zone. Table A3 of the Zoning By-law reflects the permitted uses and Table B3 reflects the relevant zone provisions related to setbacks. The applicant's proposed amendment relates to the provisions found in Table B3 as well as one of the general provisions (Section 5.10 related to development on a public street). The applicant is intending to only rezone a portion of the subject property as shown on the attached drawings identified as the south west development strip and/or Parts 1 to 5 on the draft reference plan. A copy of the proposed site-specific amendment is attached to this report as submitted by the applicant. The proposed standards would be in keeping with the general intent of the Airport designation in the Official Plan and the overall intent of the Zoning By-law and on this basis this application should be considered to proceed forward to a Public Meeting in accordance with the Planning Act. Recommendation ~ ~ _. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. It is recommended that Development Application P-120/01, Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Commission, proceed to a Public Meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. c ~ l?~, c i~ 2 Tot+rishiy of Oro-Medonte, PO Box 100. Oro, Ortlario, LOL 2X0 Development Application Application No. P- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Application to amend the Official Plan of the Township Application to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Application for a Temporary Use By-law Application to consider a Draft Plan of Subdivision Application to Remove a Holding Provision on an assumed public street Other, please specify i t%`Ne hereby apply, as specified above, to the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte. It is expressly understood that this application is in regard only to the landsas hereinafter ctoscribed, and is made pursuant to the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990. All costs associated with the appncation shall be paid as per the Tariff of Fees By-law including all costs associated with an appeal of the application to the Ontario Municipal Board. 17We enclose herewith application and processing fees in the amount of $2450.00 for an amendment to the Official Plan ($1200.00 is a refundable deposit in accordance with the Tariff of Fees By-law). 1'We enclose herewith application and processing fees in the amount of $2450.00 for an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law ($1200.00 is a refundable deposit in accordance with the Tariff of Fees By-law'). 1/We enclose herewith application and processing fees in the amount of $2450.00 for a Temporary Use By-law ($1200.00 is a refundable deposit in accordance with the Tariff ofFees By-law). 1/We enclose herewith application and processing fees in the amount of $1250.00 for a Removal of Holding Provision ($1000.00 is a refundable deposit in accordance with the Tariff of Fees By-law). 1/W'e enclose herewith application and processing fees in the amount of 8,500.00 (100 lots or less); 8,750.00 (101 to 1991ots); or 9,000.00 (2001ots or more) for a draft Plan of Subdivision ($5500.00 is a refundable deposit in accordance with the Tariff of Fees By-law). DATED AT THEE-~,..,..c u t p OF :+n _hn n-„nf IN THE <a;,ti~ ~~ OF Sti-.r~ G THIS 5 ~t' DAY OF T(i>Jt- 2001 ~- ~~y,, ~~ Signature o Appheant ar Authonzed Agent (T~ 6e witnessed'by a Commissioner) Sienatuie of Commissioner Toi~~nship of Oro-A4edor~le, PO Boa 100, Oro, Ontario, LOL 2X0 Development Application Application No. P- To be completed by the Applicant or Authorized Agent (Please print or type) Name of Applicant Full Mai]ing Address 6ro»~irs~ o -~.-> . ~ ~ ~' /~ ~ ~'~ C~T/9.~'/d ram Telephone Number Name of Applicant's Agent Full Mailing Address Telephone Number iif/o! T 1VOTE: Al! eorresporrdenee mtd coraunaoricatiotrs will be directed to the Applicant's Agent unless otherwise specified Full legal description of the property which is the subject of this Application including the nan~e of the former Municipality in which it is located, e.g. Lot I, Concession 1, Township of Orillia, and, if known, the area of the land covered by the proposed amendment. To lae answered by the Applicant (Please print or type) 4: I . L. Are you the registered owner of the subject lands? Yes_ Nom L2 Do you act on behalf of the registered owner? Yes No_ 2:1 Do you have an option to purchase the subject lands? Yes_ No~ 2i2 If so, wha: is the expiry date of the Option? Township of Oro-Medonte, PO Boz 100, Oro, Ontario, LOL 2X0 ' Development Application Application No. P- 2.3 Have you an offer to Purchase or Agreement of Sale in respect of the subject lands, or am portion thereof with the Registered Owner? Yes_ No~_ 2.4 What is the expiry date of any Offer or Agreement mentioned in 4.23? 2'.5 Is the above noted Option, Offer or Agreement conditional on the success or failure of this Application? Yes_No 5. Present Official Plan designation(s) /.~Po ~ T 6. Present Zone classification(s) 7. Present Use of subject lands 8. .Proposed use of subject lands 9. Official Plan designation required 10, Zone Classification required 1if~°o.Q T C k P~ ;~hc As nr~~,~~ 1 I. Applicant's reason, argument andlorjustification for requiring the proposed Amendment(s) (attach a supplementary schedule if necessary). ~i~ f /'Y T7i9C /~ F/~" 3 Township of Oro-Iv9edonie, PO Box 100, Oro, Ontario, LOL 2a'0 I~eveloy~n~ent Application Application No. P- 12. Supplementar}= and supporting material to be submitted by the Applicant: I. All inforntation as required under the Township of Oro-Medonte Development Guidelines. 2. Survey or sketch prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor showing: ~] Applicant's/O~~mer's total holdings of land in the subject area. [ ] Land which is to be subject of the requested Amendment clearly indicated thereon (in the case of an amendment, please provide ten (10) 1]" X 17" copies of the site plan or boundary surve}). [ ] The location, size and use of all existing buildings or sUuctures on the subject lands and. on immediately adjacent properties. All topographical features shall also be shown. [ ] The location, width and names. of. all road allowance, rights-of--ways, streets or highways s~=ithin or abutting the property, indicating whether they aze public travelled roads,: private roads, rights-of--way or unopened road allowances. Li. What other Provincial Ministries or other Agencies or individuals have been consulted with prior to the submission of this Application? (eg. Ministry of Municipal Affairs, School Boards. District Health Unii, County Engineer, etc.) l4. Is the subject land or any ]and within 120 m (400 ft) of the subject ]and the subject of another Development Application made by the applicant for approval of an Official Plan amendment, a Zoning By-lay;= amendment, a Plan of Subdivision, a Minor Variance, a Consent, or a Site Plan? Yes_ No~ If yes, please state which type of application, if known, the application number, and describe the lands which are subject to this application. Toia nship of Oro-n9edonte, PO Box IOQ Oro. Ontario, LOL 2X0 Develo~3n~ent Application Application No. P- NOTE: Only fully completed applications neconrpmried b~~ the necessary supporting materials will be processed. It is acknowledged Drat dte npp(icntion will not be deemed to be complete nrrtil a1! of the relevurrl prescribed information set out irr the Schedule to Ontario Regr+lntion 260//00 (formerly Ontario regulation 198/96) is subrrritled in accordance with Section 22(9) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990 c.P. 13. In addition, it is acknowledged that dre lime periods referred to irr Section 22(~)(a) to (d).of the PlnnniagAct, R.S.O. 1990 c.P. 13 do not begin until it has been determined by the Township that al/ of the relevant prescribed injornuitiorr set out irr the Scheduled to Ontario regulation 260/00 (formerly Ontario Regulation 198/96) is submitted in accordance with Section 22 (4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P. 13. The persons! information on this form is being collected pursuant to 'he Plnmring Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P.13 and will be used irr retntiorr to the processing of this Development Application. If you have mry questiars, please ask nt the Oro-.M1ledmrte Township Offices s REZONING APPLICATION Currently the Township's comprehensive zoning by-law designates all of the Lands controlled by The Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Commission as Airport. The Airport has a "Master Plan" & "Development Regulations" which sets out development criteria and standards. These criteria are generally more restrictive than municipal land use controls. They are also site specific to definitive areas on the airport property and are not all encompassing. It is the Commission's intention to have each area site specifically rezoned so that the Townships comprehensive by-law matches the Airports Development Regulations. Phase 1 of the Southwest Commercial Development. Area is the site specific area for this rezoning application. STANDARDS FOR AIRPORT ZONE Current Proposed Minimum lot area .4ha .4ha Minimum lot frontage 40m 50m Minimum required llm 15m front yard Minimum required llm 5m exterior side yard Minimum required 6m 5m interior side yard Minimum required llm 22m ~ ~~ ~USV .u£~rc.~C~ rear yard S~?:~~~ rn~ ~}.3'iiRA;~S Width of planting strip adjacent to front lot lin e 6m N/A Width of planting strip 6m N/A adjacent to exterior lot line Maximum height N1A 15m Minimum parking Spaces 1 per 45 sq.m 1 per 60 sq.m gross floor area gross .floor area `~~ `Y,;aartpJ~ tss~:~~f3 AG~~, t k 1 Z :s :o '>^u ~` #~> k~ PERMITTED USES: Permitted uses would be those related to commercial aviation use: i.e. Aircraft storage, Aircraft maintenance & repair, Aircraft finishing, ~c~r~a`t~,esales, Fixed Based Operation, Airfreight services{is~8ra~g~; Commercial Air Services, Charter Flight Services, Flight training. EXEMPTION: It is requested that this site specific zoning be exempt from section 5.10 of the Townships zoning by-law. Airport 1000 0 1000 2000 Meters -6 0 C S+ -In a. .a ... w .„a i, ~v~> H~ ~ -r ,M ,s~ ~~ ~ - -~ - _ _ ,,p , ~, ~ ,,,o. s `~, f ~$ Jg 8g + a / r~ a '~ ~ _ _ n.~o ~ ~ ~t x ~°T ~~ ., ,, ~ / ~, ~~ , _.._, ~..tt ,~~ ~. , . a _... _. _._._. ,...~.. . ~~; ^`~ ~ 5.. Z~~ ~~r _ a ~`-~ 4 € €m'3 ' e ~ ~ ? Nan ~ a r ~ aF:, £ ~~ ~' a nZO/ N qNa ~c Z Ag a i _ ~~ 8 H .. ~` A~ ......y. .-...... ; rQn $ ~ ® ~ 3 m ~ - o§i4~ '-h..... a ~ 2 WF 6 P H ~ ~ m y2 a ~ _ °E~, ~ D ~ - - ~¢~ ~ Z ~ ~€~ ~ ~ °E' ~` A .. i ~~'~ I ~ .a ~~ ,;:~j,>,~~;,w;~6~S.,y.s~r:~~ ~ y~ ~ YY icy wu ~ tP. ~:s iii. 7l, ,. m~ ~ ~ C ~Z b L ' ~ ~ ~ ! mo w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g~ a r) e ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ `m D~ a r 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ) `O~O` m IM~~ii h^~ °" J l