03 14 1995 PAC MinutesORO-MEDONTE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES TUESDAY MARCH 14 1995 AT T:00 P.M. Present: Mayor Ian Beard, Betty Veitch, Councillor Don Bell, Allan Baker, Garry Fell, Susan Leigh, Peter Wigham. Absent: Councillor Larry Cotton Staff Present: Mark Stagg, Al Lees, Gary Cunnington, Meryl Drake Also Present: Andria Leigh, Councillor Ron Sommers, Councillor Neil Craig, Deputy Mayor Murray Martin, Councillor Walter Dickie, Nancy Stoddart, Lloyd Fletcher, Robert Drury. 1. Garry Fell welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. "DISCLOSURE OF PECIINIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" None Declared. 3. MINUTES• Moved by Peter Wigham, and Seconded by Allan Baker That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning Advisory Committee held February 14, 1995 be adopted as circulated. Carried. 4. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: None 5. (a) 7:05 p.m. P-35/95 Oro Station Project Inc. Part Lot 26, Concession 6 and Part of Lots 25 and 26, Concession 7 (former Township of Oro). Jim Kyle of Alcorn & Associates outlined the proposal for a cluster condominium lifestyle retirement community including three types of housing including townhouses, linked housing, and seniors apartments, a country club with a golf course and curling rink and restaurant. He outlined the proposal for a communal septic system with a sewage treatment plant and pond using the water for irrigating the golf course. Also the possible hook-up to the existing Harbourwood water system. • -2 There were questions from Committee members regarding the responsibility for the upkeep of the sewage treatment system, it was determined that the cost would be covered by the condominium corporation, garbage pickup, future studies to determine if this is a significant habitat, setbacks from ponds to houses, also having the 10th hole run along the back of the Harbourwood homes, floodplains, and protection for streams. There was some discussion of how this proposal can fit in with the new Official Plan. Moved by Peter Wigham, seconded by Susan Leigh It is recommended to Council that this application be tabled, not proceed to a public meeting at this time and not be examined until the preparation of the new Official Plan has proceeded sufficiently to allow strategic issues posed by the application to be rationalized, and that the Oro-Medonte Planner be directed to ensure that this application be lifted from the table as soon as the foregoing permits. Carried. 7:50 p.m. P-36/95 Outlet Shoppes at Lake Simcoe Part Lot 21, Concession 7 (former Township of Oro). Mr. John R. Sorokolit, President of Consulate Development Group, Mr. Barry Smith, Counsel for the Company, Mr. Allan Ross Architect and Mr. Paul Miller, Real Estate agent appeased before the Planning Advisory Committee to explain the proposal for a manufacturers' retail outlet mall with amusement park to be developed in four phases. There were questions from the Committee members regarding septic system there has not been any room left for it on the site plan, impact on existing businesses in the area, employment, entrances and exits off Highway 11 and County Road 27, the factory outlet shops at Highway 84 and 400. There was some discussion about the feasibility of starting out with Phase 1 by just getting a building permit to square off the existing Fuda's building with approvals required from the Simcoe County Health Unit and Ministry of Transportation. Moved by Don Bell, seconded by Allan Baker It is recommended that the application proceed to a public meeting. Carried. 7. OTHER BIISINESS• None -3 8. ADJOIIRNlg.'NT: Moved by Peter Wigham, and Seconded by Allan Baker That the meeting now be adjourned @ 9:00 p.m. /' Carried. Garry Meryl Drak , Recording Secretary `~