07 08 1995 PAC Minutes~ ~- • ~ ORO-MEDONTE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINIITES TIIESDAY JIILY 8 1995 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: Betty Veitch, Councillor Don Bell, Garry Fell, Susan Leigh, Absent: Peter Wigham, Allan Baker, Councillor Larry Cotton Staff Present: Mark Stagg, Al Lees, Meryl Drake. 1. Garry Fell welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:0o p.m. 2. "DISCLOSIIRS OF PBCIINIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATIIRE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" None Declared. 3. MINIITES• Moved by Don Bell, and Seconded by Susan Leigh That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte • Planning Advisory Committee held May 9, 1995 be adopted as circulated. Carried. Mark Stagq was asked to report on the outcome of the Piil application from that meeting, he indicated that the Ministry has agreed to a Technical Correction Official Plan Amendment, he is now waiting for further information from Mr. Piil before proceeding. 4. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONB: None 5. DELEGATZONS• (a) 7:10 p.m. P-41/95 Barrie Rugby Club Lot 10, Concession 1 (former Township of Oro) Mr. Ralph„Engel appeared as the delegate of the Barrie Rugby Club.. Mark Stagg outlined the proposal for the Committee, a Zoning By-law Amendment for a temporary use on the above noted lands to allow for a rugby playing field and a practice field, a temporary change facility, and portable toilet for a period of • three years, with a potential for one three year extension. xe also explained that the Rugby Club had made a presentation • -a- to Council and asked if they could proceed with this application waiving the fee in lieu of the Township having use of this facility. Mr. Engel explained that there are 2 senior teams and 2 junior teams which require a practice field and playing field. They practice 2 nights a week and then host games on Saturdays with teams coming in from the Toronto area. They will need a small construction shed for change rooms and rental toilet facilities. Moved by Betty Veitch, seconded by Susan Leigh It is recommended to Council that this proposal proceed to a public meeting. Carried. 6. Other Business Betty Veitch requested that the Committee members be supplied with maps of the whole Township so that they will be better informed when a proposal is put before them. Mark advised that the new maps should be coming in about another week and we will make sure that they are made available to Committee members as quickly as • possible. Mark Stagg briefly went over the schedule for the Official Plan Public Meetings and it was decided by the Committee that they would like to have at least one member at each of the meetings. It was also requested that the lists of names collected at the time of the Strategic Plan Public Meetings, of people interested in having input into the Official Plan process, be contacted individually to be notified of these meetings- Mark also reported that the progress report from the Consulting firm will be available on Thursday morning and it will be sent out to the members. 7. Moved by Don Bell, and Seconded by Susan Leigh That the meeting now be adjourned @ 7:50 p.m. Carried. ~~~~~ ~~ Garry Fell, Chairman Meryl Dra Recording Secretary \J