10 10 1995 PAC Minutes• ORO-MEDONTE PLANNINC3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES TIIESDAY OCTOBER 10 1995 AT T:00 P.M. Present: Betty Veitch, Susan Leigh, Peter Wigham, Garry Fell, Councillor Don Bell Absent: Allan Baker, Councillor Larry Cotton, Mayor Ian Beard(Ex Officio) Staff Present: Mark Stagg, Meryl Drake 1. Garry Fell welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THB GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THS ACT" None declared. 3. MINUTES: Moved by Peter Wigham, Seconded by Susan Leigh That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte • Planning Advisory Committee held September 12, 1995 be adopted as circulated. Carried. 4. None. 5. DELEGATIONS• (a) 7:10 p.m. P43/95 Roger & Fredda French (agent Dorothy and Mike Pidwerbecki) Lot 10, Part 1, Concession X(Oro) Dorothy and Mike Pidwerbecki appeared before the Planning Advisory Committee to outline their plans for a Bed and Breakfast operation at the above mentioned property, after they take ownership on October 31. They will use 2 or 3 bedrooms for guests, with plans to add an ensuite bathroom to one of the bedrooms and enlarge the septic system. They have also spoken to a contractor regarding having the existing steep driveway regraded, with 2 parking spaces halfway up the hill. They answered questions about needs assessment - explaining they had spoken to other B & B operators in the area and felt with Hardwood Hills and all the golf courses within a fairly close proximity there would be plenty of business. • Moved by Peter Wigham, and Seconded by Councillor Don Bell It is recommended respecting Part 1, Meeting. Carried. (b) -2- to Council that the Zoning By-law Amendment Lot 10, Concession X (Oro) proceed to a Public P-38/95 O. Piil Part of Lots (Orillia) 19 & 20, Concession II Mark Stagg explained to the Committee that a mapping error in the Official Plan of the former Township of Orillia had been made. In error the subject land had been designated as Urban Fringe (as a policy overlay to the underlying Shoreline Residential designation). The Urban Fringe designation had been applied to the Official Plan mapping, notwithstanding evidence provided by the Planner for the former Township of Orillia that this was not the intent either of the former Township council or any other party. Moved by Susan Leigh, and Seconded by Betty Veitch • It is recommended to Council that the Official Plan Amendment respecting all the area between 4 Mile Point and 8 Mile Point in the former Township of Orillia which was incorrectly designated as Urban Fringe in the Official Plan of the former Township of Orillia and to correct same proceed to a Public Meeting. Carried. c) P-45/95 Mel Mawdsley, Part Lot 14, Concession XIV (Oro) Mark Stagg explained to the Committee that this property was inadvertently designated and Zoned Aggregate. The Official Plan Amendment is deemed to be of a technical nature, namely the Official Plan map is being corrected to reflect a correction in the information provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Moved by Councillor Don Bell, and Seconded by Peter Wigham It is recommended to Council that the amendments (Official Plan and Zoning By-law) respecting Part Lot 14, Concession XIV (Oro) proceed to a Public Meeting. Carried. • • -3- d) P-44/95 W. Robert Marshall Part West Half Lot 6, Concession IV (Oro) Mark Stagg explained to the Committee that this is a mapping error with the same situation as Mr. Mawdsley's property. Moved by Peter Wigham, and Seconded by Susan Leigh It is recommended to Council that the amendments (Official Plan and zoning By-law) respecting Part West half Lot 6, Concession IV (Oroj proceed to a Public Meeting. Carried. e) P-46/95 A. Stoer East Half of Lot 15, Concession VI (Oro) Mark Stagg explained to the Committee that the owner had believed this area not to be environmentally sensitive and requested the Ministry of Natural Resources to undertake an examination of the site, as a result the Ministry advised that the owner was correct. Since this parcel is under a severance application and will need to be rezoned later, the Township will apply for the Official Plan Amendment and it will be suggested to the owner that he do the Zoning By-law Amendment at the same time. Moved by Betty Veitch, and Seconded by Councillor Don Bell It is recommended to Council that the amendment respecting the East half Lot 15, ,Concession VI (Oro) proceed to a Public Meeting. 6. OTHEP BIISINE88 None 7. ADJOIIRNMENT Moved by Councillor Bell, and Seconded by Peter Wigham That the meeting now be adjourned @ 8:00 p.m. Carried. ~ Garry Fell h irman Meryl Drag ,Recording Secretary