02 13 1996 PAC Minutes ORO-MEDONTE PLANNING ADVZSORY COMMITTEE MINOTES TIIESDAY FEBRIIARY 13 1996 AT 7.00 P M Present: Susan Leigh, Peter Wigham, Allan Baker, Garry Fell, Councillor Don Bell Absent: Betty Veitch, Councillor Larry Cotton, Mayor Ian Beard (Ex Officio) Staff Present: Mark Stagg, Meryl Drake, Andria Leigh, Nick McDonald (Lehman & Assoc.) 1. Chairman Garry Fell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. "DISCLOSURE OF PECIINIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATORE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" None declared. 3. MINUTES Moved by Peter Wigham, seconded by Susan Leigh That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning Advisory Committee held October 10, 1995 be adopted as • circulated. Carried. Moved by Allan Baker, seconded by Don Bell That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning Advisory Committee held November 14, 1995 be adopted as circulated. Carried. Mark commented on the recommendations from the Minutes of the November meeting. The xorseshoe Valley proposal was approved by Council, the CP Rail proposal was denied. 4. None. 5. 7:10 p.m. Nick McDonald, Lehman & Associates made a presentation to the Committee outlining the progress so far in the Official Plan Process. He showed the maps that the Consultants had prepared and outlined reports from each of Ecoplan - heritage features and potential policy options, • Terraprobe - hydrogeological assessment and groundwater recharge areas, Archaeological Research Associates - heritage resources, and McCormick Rankin - roads. • -2- Nick also outlined the plans for Phase III - where new development should occur - look at all Industrial properties - what demands can be anticipated - potential economic development strategies - servicing strategies for hamlets - feasibility for full servicing - 1st Draft in June with Open Houses over summer - 2nd Draft in Fall with more public meeting - Council approved by December There was some concern expressed over the accuracy of maps regarding the Agricultural lands and it was suggested by Nick that possibly a Committee be formed from the farm community to bring the Agricultural maps up to date. The Federation of Agriculture was suggested as source of information on land use policies. Mark suggested that we will make photocopies of the consultants reports and mail them to the Committee members for their input at the March meeting. Mark explained to the Committee the restructuring of the Planning • Department and that Andria is now the Development Co-ordinator and would be handling any development proposals brought before the Committee, and he would be handling the new Official Plan with the plans for speeding up the process with a new deadline of December 1996 and a new Zoning By-law. 6. OTHER BIISINESS Moved by Susan Leigh, seconded by Allan Baker That Garry Fell continue as Chairman for another year with Peter Wigham as Chair. ~~ Carried. ~. ADJOIIRNMENT Moved by Peter Wigham, seconded by Allan Baker That the meeting now be adjourned @ 8:42 p.m. Carried. Garry Fell, 'rman Meryl Drak ,Recording Secretary