04 09 1996 PAC Minutes~- • ORO-MEDONTE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES TII88DAY APRIL 9 1996 AT 7.00 P.M. Present: Susan Leigh, Peter Wigham, Allan Baker, Garry Fell, Councillor Don Bell, Betty Veitch, Absent: Councillor Larry Cotton, Mayor Ian Beard (Ex Officio) Staff Present: Andria Leigh, Meryl Drake, Nick McDonald 1. Chairman Garry Fell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY 2NTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" None declared. 3. MINUTEB Moved by Peter Wigham, seconded by Allan Baker • That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning Advisory Committee held March 12, 1996 be adopted circulated. Carried. 4. None. 5. DISCUSSION OF OFFICIAL PLAN DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS & LETTERS Nick McDonald outlined that he required the PAC members to go through proposed developments that had been deferred until the Official Plan process was underway. There was some discussion on each of the three development proposals on file and it was decided that Andria Leigh would provide the Committee members with a list of criteria for developments to be discussed at the next meeting. Andria Leigh went through the letters which had been received in the Planning Department for consideration under the Official Plan, and categorized them for to the Committee members to consider. Category 1 is for Industrial or Commercial or large residential • proposals. Category 2 is for severances or individual changes and Category 3 is for information only. i -Z- Andria also asked that the Committee members give some thought to, for Category 1 proposals, whether the idea of the 7th line and Highway 11 centre is appropriate or not and what uses make sense in this area, also, for Category 2 the policy on how severances will be dealt with. Nick McDonald outlined the schedule they have proposed - a Vision Statement is to be included in the Township Newsletter which will go out the end of this month. He is hoping to have another series of Open Houses the middle of May. A first draft of the Official Plan for internal use only, in June, a second draft in August and Final Draft in December. 6. OTSER BII82NE88 None. 7. Moved by Allan Baker, seconded by Peter Wigham That the meeting now be adj,QUrned at 10:00 p.m. Carried. • Garry Fell, ~ ~ 1 Meryl Dra a Recording Secretary