07 09 1996 PAC MinutesORO-MEDONTE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES TUESDAY JULY 9 1996 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: Peter Wigham, Councillor Don Bell, Betty Veitch, Allan Baker Absent: Mayor Ian Beard (Ex Officio), Garry Fell, Councillor Larry Cotton, Susan Leigh Staff Present: Andria Leigh, Meryl Drake, Mark Stagg 1. Vice-Chairman Peter Wigham called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" Allan Baker declared that although there is no monetary advantage he is a member of the Horseshoe Valley Coalition which is making a deputation. • 3. MINUTES Moved by Councillor Bell, seconded by Betty Veitch That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning Advisory Committee held June 14, 1996 be adopted as circulated. Carried. 4. CORRESPONDENCE Letters from Bob Swerdon, Aubrey Ford re: Ian and Lori Webb and John Wells. Moved by Allan Baker, seconded by Councillor Bell That the three letters be received for information purposes. Carried. 5. Horseshoe Valley Coalition, Presentation re: New Official Plan Ernie Dryden of the Horseshoe Valley Property Owners Association and Hartley Woodside from the Rowanwood Conserver Society made the presentation on behalf of their members. • lJ They explained that they had several concerns that the Official Plan may not reflect the findings of the OMB Hearings for OPA39, specifically that development be confined to the specified Nodes, and that the Township use the Holding zone when new development agreements are made to ensure that improvements to the Horseshoe Valley Road are done before building occurs. They also suggested that the Bass Lake Kame Moraine should be classified as a Significant Provincial Moraine. There was also a concern that Adult Lifestyle Community housing numbers should not be added on to the numbers already specified for developments. 6. OTSER BUSINESS: c) Memo from Mark Stagg Re: Home Occupations in New Zoning By-law Mark went over his memo explaining the types of Home Occupations that may fit in to each of the different classes and some of the problems that have occurred in the past with no regulations in place. There was also some discussion regarding how to handle situations where several craftspeople get together and sell their wares from one home. b) Agricultural Land Use Mapping for Official Plan Andria explained that Council has decided that they will not do new Agricultural Land Use Mapping since Medonte had done mapping recently and the Oro map was fairly accurate, therefore it would not be worthwhile doing a new map. Andria explained that Council had spent two days doing a very extensive study of the first Draft, they had made some changes along Horseshoe Valley Road and some decisions were still to be made in the Shanty Bay Settlement Area. She asked members of the Committee to either call her or write any comments or questions they may have. A Public Draft will be available July 31 with Open House meetings for the end of August. It is hoped that the adoption of the Official Plan will be in December. d) Meeting Expense Statement - these were handed out to the members to be submitted at the end of the year. a) First Draft of New Official Plan The next meeting will be September l0, 1996. 7. ADJOURNMENT• -2- Moved by Allan Baker, seconded by Betty Veitch That the meeting be adjourned 1~ ~ ~ ' '~_._---- '~/t,~, ~i, , Garry Fell, Chairm~ at 10:10 p.m. Carried. Meryl Dralf~, Recording Secretary