09 10 1996 PAC Minutes• ORO-MEDONTE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1996 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: Peter Wigham, Councillor Don Bell, Betty Veitch, Allan Baker, Susan Leigh, Councillor Larry Cotton, Mayor Ian Beard Absent: Garry Fell Staff Present: Andria Leigh, Meryl Drake 1. Vice-Chairman Peter Wigham called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" None. 3. MINUTES • Moved by Councillor Bell, seconded by Allan Baker That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning Advisory Committee held July 9, 1996 be adopted as circulated. Carried. 4. CORRESPONDENCE Letters pertaining to the proposed Official Plan to be handled under OTHER BUSINESS. 5. DEPUTATION: a) Mr. David Pridham Part of Lot 5, Concession 6 (Medonte) Andria Leigh outlined the proposal to rezone a portion of the property to permit a second dwelling for full time farm help without the possibility of a severance. Mr. Pridham explained to the Committee that his proposal is to rezone a portion of his ginseng farm to permit a second dwelling to house full time farm help. He explained that they have a lot of problems with intruders and need someone there all the time for security reasons. • • -2- Moved by Susan Leigh, seconded by Councillor Bell The Planning Advisory Committee recommends to Council that this application be denied. Carried. b) Erhard & Evelyn Kreis Part Lot 28, Concession 4 (Oro) Andria Leigh explained the proposal to rezone a portion of the property as a condition of a minor variance. This Minor Variance has been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board and the applicant has been requested, by the Board, to apply for the Rezoning Application prior to the scheduling of an O.M.B. hearing. Mr. Hubert Schaefers came before the Committee as agent for Mr. & Mrs. Kreis. He explained that they wished to have the rezoning to allow them to build a single family dwelling on the property. RECOMMENDATION: • Moved by Susan Leigh, seconded by Betty Veitch That Planning Advisory Committee recommends to Council that this application proceed to a Public Meeting. Carried. 6. OTHER BUSINESS: a) United Church of Canada East Part of Lot 25, Conc.6 Part 1, RP 51R-26269 (Oro) Andria Leigh explained to the P.A.C. that this application is to rezone a portion of the property as a condition of consent. This would enable to the conditions of consent to be completed and the lands to be used for church and cemetery purposes. This will go directly to Council. b) Andria Leigh reviewed the letters that had been received regarding proposals for the new Official Plan, they will be notified that they can book a time to meet with Council. c) Draft Official Plan - Committee members brought up several concerns they had. * Heritage Policies - should be addressed * Set time frame for LACAC • * Roman numerals should be eliminated -3- * Rural Residential shouldn't have to have rezoning and site plan control for Bed & Breakfasts. * Home Occupations - progressive levels of control * Long term monitoring on an annual basis for water bottling plants seems to have been left out - change wording measuring to metering. * Pits & Quarries areas -suggest allowing recreational uses on properties that are waiting to be mined as long as they don't put up buildings. * Contrast - tight controls on subdivisions in Horseshoe Valley Corridor and loose controls on Horseshoe Resort. * County involvement C2.4 in road improvement Horseshoe Valley Road - should be mentioned that it is for safety reasons. * Nature of the road should be addressed - is it an arterial road or a rural road. * Nodes should be defined * Hazard lands not address * Open Space - no flood plain * Infilling would be within specified boundaries * Servicing policies should be addressed * Section B7.5.1(b) blend in wording should be changed to visually compatible & complimentary. * B13.1 should read improve aesthetics of the Highway 11 area * B10.7 setbacks, boathouses should not be excluded. • Next meeting October 8, 1996. Moved by Councillor Cotton, seconded by Allan Baker That the meeting now be adjourned @ 9:45 p.m. /" carried. i~,~ ~ r. ; ~~ , Garry Fe`~l, ~a~ri n MerylJDr~ ,Recording Secretary