11 12 1996 PAC MinutesORO-MEDONTE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES TUESDAY NOVEMBER 12 1996 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: Councillor Don Bell, Garry Fell, Susan Leigh, Betty Veitch, Allan Baker, Peter Wigham, Mayor Ian Beard Absent: Councillor Larry Cotton Staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski, Andria Leigh, Meryl Drake 1. Chairman Garry Fell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT". None. 3. MINUTES „ ' Moved by Allan Baker, seconded by Al-maker C That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning Advisory Committee held September 10, 1996 be adopted as circulated. • Carried. 4. CORRESPONDENCE None. 5. DEPUTATION• Jim Drury Part of Lot 5, Concession 2, (Oro) P60/96 Andria Leigh outlined the proposal to redesignate and rezone the property in order to permit a Baseball Complex. This would include eight baseball diamonds, change room facilities, concession stands, sports lounge, parking lot and playground. Jim Drury and Pamela Balaback explained to the Committee that they are proposing to develop this baseball complex initially with four ball diamonds and using the existing buildings. There was some discussion with Committee members regarding the use of the ball diamonds by Oro-Medonte residents, questioning the need for more ball diamonds in that area. Andria questioned what finish would be put on the parking lot as runoff may be a concern for the nearby creek. She also brought to their attention that there may be some necessity of upgrading the road as it is already at • capacity, this would be the responsibility of the developer. • 2 Discussion was then opened up to the public: Mr. Jim Reisch, Baycrest Drive representing the Shanty Bay Ratepayers Association very emphatically objected to the proposal stating that a Commercial development like this flies in the face of the new Official Plan and stated that if this development goes through that the SBRA would appeal to the OMB. Mr. Keith Penna, R. R.#l, Orillia (contracted to build the ball diamonds) he stated that this complex would be accessible from all areas, it would relieve the Oro diamonds - ball diamonds do not make money, the concessions and lounge support them. These complexes are being built in cities all over and are very successful. Jennifer Zieleniewski - they are in the business to make money therefore it is a Commercial property. Mr. Jack Holden, Shanty Bay concerned that this would open the door for annexation to Barrie. Mayor Beard - it has always been the policy to keep a green belt close to the City of Barrie to prevent annexation. • Keith ,Caldwell, R. R. #2, Shanty Bay stated that 900 of usage of the ball diamonds would come from the City of Barrie. Keith Huyer, R. R.#2, Shanty Bay farmer on adjoining property, he feels that this would be an ideal neighbour. David Trainor, Barrie - ball players will travel any distance to play on a good quality diamond. Dan Warren, Barrie he felt that if ball diamonds were available for tournaments, leagues will stay in the local area. Jennifer Zieleniewski asked if a needs study had been done or had they contacted Debbie Broderick about the Recreation Master Plan. They had not. After further discussion amongst the Committee members regarding the new Official Plan and the green belt adjacent to the City of Barrie the following recommendation was made: Moved by Peter Wigham, seconded by Betty Veitch It is recommended to Council that this application not proceed to a Public Meeting because it does not comply with the existing Official Plan or the intent of the new Official Plan. Carried. • • 6. Other Business A general review was conducted of the Final Draft of the Official Plan. The following areas were highlighted where major changes occurred: 1. Shanty Bay - policies which indicate it will not be a growth area. 2. Horseshoe Valley Road - nodes marked on schedules - wording changes made for new development and County Road 22. 3. Environment Protection one and two - clearer definition of what is defined in each -addition of policies for valley and stream corridors -addition of policies/criteria regarding E.I.S. and management plans. 4. Adult Lifestyle Communities - inclusion of criteria for O.P.A.'s. 5. Draft Plan Review - inclusion of policies regarding considering rescinding Draft Plan approvals in future. 6. 5 Year Review - inclusion of policies as to how review should occur and what should be considered. 7. Mapping - Oro Moraine now mapped, revisions to other properties as agreed by Council and based on individual deputations. 8. Heritage - inclusion of recommendations from Consultant's Report. Several wording issues were raised by the Committee and were to be discussed with the Consultant. There will be a Public Meeting November 23 10:00 A.M. 7. Adjournment -3- Moved by Don Be11, seconded by Susan Leigh That the meeting now at 9:26 P.M. Carried J ~ } r 4 Garry Fell, 'h~irman Meryl Dra e\, Recording Secretary •