07 14 1998 PAC Minutes• TOWNSHIP OF ORO•MEDONTE PLANNING ADVISORY GOMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 14, 1998 PRESENT: Sue Grant, Paul Marshall, Garry Fell, Peter Wigham, Councillor Ruth Fountain, Deputy Mayor Don Bell STAFF PRESENT: Nick McDonald, Andria Leigh, Meryl Drake Chairman Peter Wigham called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. 2. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT." None declared. 3. Minutes Moved by Sue Grant, seconded by Councillor Fountain That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning Advisory Committee held on April 21, 1998 be adopted as circulated. Carried. 4. Deputations Thompson Pt of E'/~ Lot 1 & Part of W. YZ Lot 1 Conc.1, Parts 2 and 3 on RP 51 R-1124 & Part 1 on RP51 R-27431(Oro} Nick McDonald explained that the applicant had recently obtained Provisional Consent to create five new lots on the south side of Ridge Road, conditional upon rezoning from Local Commercial (LC) and ggriculturaURural (AtRU} to Shoreline Residential Zoning with Site Specific exceptions. Ray Duhamel from The Jones Consulting Group represented Mr. Thompson in explaining the proposal to the Gommittee. There was some discussion regarding slopes to the creek, the walkway, driveways and setbacks from the lakefront. Moved by Paul Marshall, seconded by Sue Grant It is recommended to Council that the Thompson Rezoning Application for Lot 1, Concession 1 {Oro} proceed to a Public Meeting in accordance with . Section 34 of the Planning Act to be held in early September. Carried. • -2 Napoleon Systems & Developments Ltd. Part Lot 11 & Part Lot E, Concession 1 and Part of Road Allowance between Lots 11 and E, (Oro} Nick McDonald outlined the proposal for amend the Official Plan and Zoning 8y-law to allow for warehouse and retail facilities and eventually full warehousing. Mr. Wolfgang Schroeder was able to answer questions from the Committee. Moved by Sue Grant, seconded by Garry Fell It is recommended to Council that Napoleon Systems & Development application proceed to a Public Meeting in accordance with Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act to be held early in September. Carried. Hillway Equipment Ltd., Part Lot 8 C12, Part Lot 9 C12, Part Lot 9 C13 (Oro} Nick McDonald explained that the application was to amend the Zoning By-law to permit the development of a gravel pit Gary Bell of Skelton Brumwell & Associates explained to the Cammittee that the proposal is to open a gravel pit on the properties. The haul route would be down the 12"' Line to the Old Barrie Road at Rugby, most of the traffic would be proceeding to an existing gravel pit on the 13th Line north of the Old Barrie Road for further processing. He further explained that they had notified the neighbours in the area to keep them informed of the proposal. He further explained that they have impact studies to complete and propose to come back to the Planning Advisory Committee in September with those studies complete. There were many concerns raised by the Cammittee and the public mainly regarding the haul route. He outlined that he would be following steps: 1. listen to PAC and recommendations from the Planner 2. talk to the residents in the area 3. complete the applications 4. invite residents to the next PAC 5. Public Meeting -contact residents with notices in papers as is also required for License Applications. • -3- Moved by Deputy Mayor Don Bell, seconded by Councillor Ruth Fountain It is recommended to Council that; 1. further impact studies be completed before this proposal proceeds to a public meeting, 2. the applicant prepare a report investigating the pros and cons of siting a haul route going north to Bass Lake Side Road to the '13"' 1_ine and to the south through Rugby, 3. as a result of concerns of the Committee every attempt should be made and documented to find an alternate route to the 13"' Line. Carried. Other Business None 6. Adjournment Moved by Gang Fell, seconded by Sue Grant That this meeting now be adjourned at 9 p.m. ~, P er igham, Chai Meryl Drake,~ecording Sec.