07 13 1999 PAC Minutes
JULY 13, 1999
PRESENT: Sue Grant, Garry Fell, Peter Wigham, Paul Marshall, Jeff
Proctor, Councillor Ruth Fountain,d4 ,Deputy
Mayor Don Bell _~~
ABSENT: Mayor Ian Beard
1. Chairman Peter Wigham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Susan Grant Declared a Pecuniary Interest with Gold Mountains Springs
Development Application P-93/99 as she is part of an organization which
. received water donated from the company. Ms. Grant left the room during
the discussion of this application and did not participate in the voting of
the recommendation.
3. Minutes
Moved by Garry Fell, seconded by Councillor Ruth Fountain
That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte
Planning Advisory Committee held on June 15, 1999 be adopted as
printed and circulated.
4. Correspondence and Communication
5. Deputations
• 7:00 p.m. Shanty Bay Woodlands -Proposed Zoning By-law
Amendment, P-94/99
• Concessions 1 and 2, Part of Lots 1 and 2 (Oro)
In Attendance: Dana Anderson, DLA Consulting
Ms. Leigh explained to the Committee the proposal to rezone the subject
lands to conform with the Official Plan and the recognize the large lot
frontage and lot area of the three parcels of land.
Ms. Anderson provided the history of this application and the initial
application for two residential lots which was then revised to a 14 lot plan
of subdivision and has been revised to the current proposal for three
residential lots. The new proposal ensures that the creek is wholly
located within one parcel of land and further ensure that the parcel with
the existing home is sufficient to ensure the maintenance of the home.
Moved by Garry Fell, seconded by Susan Grant
"It is recommended that Development Application P-94/99 a
proposed Zoning By-law Amendment proceed to a Public Meeting in
accordance with the Planning Act."
7:30 p.m. Hanninen/Dodson -Proposed Golf Course, P-83/99
Concession 2, Part of Lots 10 and D (Oro)
In Attendance: Ron Mills, Bev Agar, Don Hanninen, and Bruce Dodson
Ms. Leigh updated the Committee on the status of the outstanding
matters raised at the June 15 meeting. The Committee did not received
prior to the meeting the technical details from Ms Agar regarding her
review of the property. Ms. Agar did provide verbal information at the
meeting; however the Committee requested that she provide mapping
which indicates where the test holes were evaluated on the property.
Mr. Mills indicated to the Committee that his client's had no choice but to
proceed with the proposal to re-designate the property. He indicated that
they intended to request Council to complete the necessary study to
determine the appropriateness of the re-designation; and further indicated
that his client's had provided sufficient information to warrant this study.
The Committee did not discuss this issue in detail as a letter will be
• forthcoming from the applicant with this request for discussion as a
subsequent meeting.
The Committee did not believe they were in a position to make any further
recommendation on this application until the information requested at the
June 15 meeting was provided.
Moved by Jeff Proctor, seconded by Paul Marshall
"It is recommended that the Planning Advisory Committee be
provided with additional information on the technical details of Ms.
Agar's report and that a response be provided to the Committee by
Mr. Toombs and Ms. Leigh on Mr. Mills report dated June 16, 1999
and June 25, 1999."
Other Business
Gold Mountain Springs -Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law
Amendments, P-93/99
• Concession 10, Part of Lot 3
Discussion occurred regarding the letter received from Skelton Brumwell
dated July 9, 1999 and the proposed work program for the proposed.
bottling plant.
Moved by Jeff Proctor, seconded by Councillor Ruth Fountain
"It is recommended that the studies as detailed in the Skelton
Brumwell letter dated July 9, 1999 required in accordance with the
Official Plan be received and reviewed by the Planning Advisory
Committee prior to a recommendation relating to a Public Meeting."
• 7. Adjournment
Moved by Garry Fell, seconded by Susan Grant
That this meeting now adjourn at 9:20 p.m.
Peter Wigham,'Chair Andria Leigh, Pla er