05 10 2000 PAC MinutesTOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 10, 2000 PRESENT: Sue Grant, Peter Wigham, Paul Marshall, Garry Fell, Councillor Ruth Fountain, Deputy Mayor Don Bell, and Mayor Ian Beard STAFF PRESENT: Andria Leigh 1. Chairman Peter Wigham called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT." None Declared. 3. Minutes . Moved by Councillor Ruth Fountain, seconded by Garry Fell That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning Advisory Committee held on April 18, 2000 be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. 4. Correspondence and Communication None Received. 5. Deputations 7:00 p.m. Horseshoe Resort Corporation P-100/00 Concession 4, Part of Lot 4 (Oro) Proposed Rezoning & Comprehensive Development Plan In Attendance: Kris Menzies, Martin Kimble, Owen Scott Ms. Leigh reviewed the status of the planning application, the additional technical review meetings, which had occurred between the consultants, and the anticipated time frame for additional materials to be provided and reviewed. • She explained that there were to be two public meetings: one, to review the conceptual plan, and the second, only after the requirements of the Comprehensive Development Plan and the Traffic Impact Study were completed. At this time there are outstanding issues with respect to the phasing plan and additional technical reviews of the work provided to date. Ms. Menzies reviewed the proposed draft plan of subdivision with the Committee and discussed any changes from the original conceptual plan. The proposed draft plan of subdivision has reduced the number of lots to 599 from 651 and has included an additional entrance onto Line 3 North at the southern extent of the subject lands. Mr. Owen Scott discussed some of the additional features of the draft plan and the design of the proposed subdivision. Moved by Councillor Ruth Fountain, seconded by Susan Grant "It is recommended that additional information regarding Development Application P-100100, a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, Comprehensive Development Plan and Draft Plan of Subdivision, be provided to the Planning Advisory Committee for review on May 31, 2000 prior to a recommendation on the second Public Meeting in accordance with the Official Plan policies. The additional information would include staff comments on the draft plan of subdivision, additional per review response comments, and review of the phasing plan in advance of the next meeting." ..Carried. Other Business Special Meeting date set for Wednesday May 31, 2000 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Robinson Room. • Adjournment Moved by Deputy Mayor Don Bell That this meeting now adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Carried. %~.~-G~/ Peter Wigham, v%Y~~~ Andria Leigh, Planner