09 19 2000 PAC Minutesa ~. ~ ~ «~~ t 3 "^xs~ i 9 f .», o.f ~~,bf . TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE A PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ~ ~; t r~ MINUTES '"' ~' SEPTEMBER 19, 2000 `' -1°e" ~'t r ~,,, .. PRESENT: Garry Fell, Peter Wigham, Paul Marsha ; - ~, Fountain, Deputy Mayor Don Bell, and Mayor Ian Beard ABSENT: Susan Grant STAFF PRESENT: Andria Leigh 1. Chairman Peter Wigham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT." None Declared. 3. Minutes Moved by Councillor Ruth Fountain, seconded by Paul Marshall That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning Advisory Committee held on June 20, 2000 be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. 4. Correspondence and Communication None Received. 5. Deputations 7:00 p.m. Oro-Medonte Golf Ltd. P-83/99 Concession 2, Pt Lot 10 and D (Oro) In Attendance: Don Hanninen and Bruce Dodson, Applicants, and Tim Collingwood and Rex Meadley, C.C. Tatham, Applicant's Engineers Ms. Leigh provided a review of this application including the two letters received from Ray Valaitis of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). She explained that these letters had been forwarded to Dale ~~' w..~- • Toombs, the Township Consultant, for his comments and that Mr. Toombs written response indicated that his original assessment continued to be applicable and the subject lands were within an appropriate designation (Agricultural). Ms. Leigh reviewed the other applicable policies of the Official Plan including Section J3 -Amendments to the Plan with the Committee. Mr. Don Hanninen provided a presentation on behalf of the proposal indicating the background in regard to the selection of this site, the technical work which had been completed to the satisfaction of the relevant agencies, and the rationale for this site being the most suitable location for the proposed golf course. Moved by Mayor Ian Beard, seconded by Garry Fell "It is recommended that Development Application P-83199, a proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment for a golf course, be denied as it does not conform with the general intent and specific policies of the Official Plan. ...Carried. 7:30 p.m. Maurice Truax P-102/00 Concession 10, Part of West Half Lot 7 (Oro) Proposed Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-law Amendment In Attendance: Maurice and Jackie Truax, Applicant, and Bill Fitzgerald, Applicant's Consultant Ms. Leigh updated the Committee on the status of the technical review of the background studies on this application. She explained that technical review comments had been received from Jagger Hims and LGL Limited and that further comments would be forthcoming from Valcoustics in regard to the noise assessment. She explained that potentially changes may be required subsequent to a public review and that there was now sufficient information to proceed to a Public Meeting. She explained that all comments and final technical review comments would then be received by the Committee for a final recommendation to Council on this application. • '~` ~. ,, . Moved by Deputy Mayor Don Bell, seconded by Councillor Ruth Fountain "It is recommended that Development Application P-102/00, a proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, proceed to a Public Meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act." ...Carried. 8:00 p.m. Horseshoe Resort Corporation P-109/00 Concession 4, Part of Lots 1 and 2 (Oro) Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and Draft Plan of Subdivision In Attendance: Martin Kimble, Applicant, and Kris Menzies, Applicant's Consultant Ms. Leigh explained to the Committee the proposed amendment to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law and review the proposed draft plan. She indicated that the Official Plan amendment would certainly be supportable on the basis of the down designation of the property from a medium density to a low-density designation. She further explained that additional technical work was required • regarding the draft plan related to engineering, servicing, and zoning conformity prior to formal consideration of the draft plan at a public meeting. Ms. Menzies and Mr. Kimble explained the proposed application to the Committee and explained the rationale for the unusual shaped lots due to the topography and required area for building and septic systems purposes. They explained that the public had been favorable of this proposal at a meeting held informally with Horseshoe Resort over the summer months and that they were therefore anxious to have this proposal made public for comments as soon as possible. Moved by Garry Fell, seconded by Mayor Ian Beard "It is recommended that Development Application P-110/00, a proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, proceed to a Public Meeting for the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments only, and that the draft Plan of Subdivision be presented at a subsequent public meeting once additional comments are received from the Township Engineer, the Simcoe County District Health Unit and amendments accommodated within the proposed Draft Plan." • ...Carried. ~- ~' 6. Other Business - Update on Development Application P-105/00 Ms. Leigh explained to the Committee that the recommendation emanating from this Committee had been deferred by Council pending further information being provided. The applicant is currently preparing a noise assessment, business plan, and additional planning information to support the application. - Rescheduling of October 17 meeting to earlier date for Kells, Raine, Lesenko applications After discussion by the Committee it was determined that the meeting would be held on Thursday October 12, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. and that the agenda material would be provided to the Committee members on Friday October 6. - Trinity Community Church -Update and Discussion of draft Official Plan Amendment (attached) Ms. Leigh explained that the draft Official Plan Amendment contained . additional materials relating to the servicing compliance with the Oro Centre policies and that she was going to provide the policies to C.C. Tatham who established the Oro Centre servicing policies to determine additional information/study requirements. She explained that these would be provided to the Committee at their next meeting. 7. Adjournment Moved by Paul Marshall That this meeting now adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Carried. Peter Wigham, Chairman Andria Leigh, Planner