11 22 2006 History Minutes
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Oro-Medonte History Association ~,
Meeting Minutes, 22 November 2006 -' ~
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~ . ei a irkland, Allan Howard, Bruce Wiggins,
Geoffrey Booth.
Regrets: Jadeen Henderson
Minutes of 11 October meeting -MOVED by Allan, SECONDED by Bruce, that the
minutes of the meeting be adopted as circulated. PASSED.
Business Arising
• African Church book reprint -Sheila reported that a reprint of 1,000 copies will cast
$2,062 (each book to sell for $15 =net profit Co Township of $12, 938, once all
copies are sole). MOVED by Allan, SECONDED by Bruce, that the Township
approve funds necessary for initiating print order. PASSED.
• Ground Radar update -estimated cost of $10,000, most of which is incurred in
interpreting the data received from the scan.
• Feedback from National Historic Site Alliance of Ontario -members who attended
shared literature and noted the many contacts made. These should prove to be
valuable links, as OMHA begins planning for African Church project. Underground
Railway pamphlet was circulated {we are not mentioned as a site of interest). As
Jadeen is our resident expert on Black history, members thought she could
investigate our possible inclusion in this publication, as it circulates widely among
those interested in this subject.
• North Simcoe News -Geoff reported that unless we pay, OMHA materials are
treated just like any other local news, and must compete for space on-that basis.
New Business
• Budget -Members discussed additionsldeletions to proposed budget for 2007.
Additions included Steele booklet, portable toilet for Church property. Discussion
about in-house printing costs. Allan will cost Steele booklet printing from home,
Geoff to get estimate from Grenville Printing at Georgian College. No costs yet
from Township staff regarding prepping of field adjacent to Church.
• Discussion regarding attendance of representative from Parks and Recreation at our
meetings. This would help us communicate with staff regarding issues of mutual
interest, and facilitate input and cooperation with Council. MOVED by Geoff,
SECONDED by Allan, that Margaret Prewer be invited to attend our monthly
meetings. PASSED.
• Community Savings Account -FYI.
• Geoff offered to host the December OMHA meeting at his house (99 Lakeshore
Road West).
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• YAP films forwarding $300 donation for non-appearance at Church.
• Church tour, hosted by Allan and Sheila, by Couchiching Heights Public School.
The 75 students and 3 teachers donated $47.
• Banting Memorial High School tour booked for Nov. 24 @ 9:15 -Sheila to host.
• Simcoe Coanty Archives 40`n anniversary celebration Nov, 28 @ 11:30 a.m., RSVP
Nov. 22.
• Email
o Ann Andrusyszyn re: fundraisers fun lunch
o Above, regarding 10t° anniversary of Barrie Public Library, Dec. 2
o Alison Stoneman re: non-profit organization coffee time network in Orillia
o Leatherdale family genealogy request -Sheila responded.
o Several phone calls about family information -Sheila responded.
Next meeting: Monday, December 11, 2006, @ 7 p.m. at the home of Geoff and
Julianne, 99 Lakeshore Road West (at the lake, just west of 70' Conn.). Christmas
refreshments will be served.