2006-013 To Authorize the Issuance of Certificates of Maintenance and Final Acceptance (Underground Works) and Substantial Completion and Acceptance(Aboveground Works) for Maplehill Estates THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LAW NO. 2006-013 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Issuance of Certificates of Maintenance and Final Acceptance (Underground Works) and Substantial Completion and Acceptance (Aboveground Works) for Maplehill Estates (Phase II), Registered Plan 51 M-633 WHEREAS Section 51, Subsection (26) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, as amended, provides that municipalities may enter into agreements imposed as a condition to the approval of a plan of subdivision and such agreements may be registered against the land to which the subdivision plan applies; AND WHEREAS Council for the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte entered into a Subdivision Agreement with Maplehill Estates in May, 1999. AND WHEREAS the requirements of this Subdivision Agreement with respect to the aboveground works have now been met; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the Certificates of Maintenance and Final Acceptance (Underground Works) and Substantial Completion and Acceptance (Aboveground Works) for Maplehill Estates (Phase II), Registered Plan 51 M-633 may now be issued by the Township Engineers (Totten Sims Hubicki Associates) in compliance with the Subdivision Agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte and Maplehill Estates. 2. That the attached Schedule "A", Certificate of Maintenance and Final Acceptance (Underground Works) shall form part of this By-Law. 3. That the attached Schedule "B", Certificate of Substantial Completion and Acceptance (Aboveground Works) shall form part of this By-Law. 4. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the final date of passing thereof. BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 15TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2006. BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2006. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE .~ ' ~r, J. Neil Craig~ .~.~ archltec'ts planners Schedule "A" to By-Law No. 2006-013 A. ~~~~ r~~TM~ TOWNSBlP ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE OF MAINTENANCE AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE roNDERGROUND WORKS) MUNICIPAUTY Townshiu of Oro-Medonte PROJECf Maul.hiD Estates - Phase 2 Plan 51M-633 DEVELOPER 1091402 Ontario Ltd. FILE NO. 12-90042-53 (MMA&H 43T -90055) Descriution ofth. Works: . Stonn sewer system and SWM facility in the Maplehill Estates Subdivision - Phase 2 on Pineview Drive and Northwood Court. We, R.G. Robinson and Associates (Barrie) Ltd. trotten Sims Hubicki, notifY the Municipality that to the best of our knowledge and judgement: 1. The Developer named herein has completed the required maintenance work, has rectified know deficiencies and has fulfilled the other tenns of the Subdivision Agreement 2. The period of maintenance of this Subdivision AgJ; nt expires on the issuance of this Certificate. """~ It, 14, 6' Signature: K:\90042-53\Sub.Cat orM. &F. A Underground. doc ~~ architec1:s planner. Schedule "B" to By-Law No. 2006-013 A ~~=~ r~Ata~ TOWNSBlP ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE (ABOVEGROUND WORKS) MUNICIPALITY Township of Oro-Medonte PROJECf MaplehiD Estates - Phase 2 Plan 51M-633 DEVELOPER 1091402 Ontario Ltd. FILE NO. 12-90042-53 (MMA&B 43T -90055) Description ofthe Works: Roadways in the Maplehill Estates - Phase 2 Subdivision consisting of: . PINEVIEW DRIVE from Bidwell Road north to Northwood Court; a distance of 658 metres (2,159 feet) . NORlHWOOD COURT from Pineview Drive easterly and then south to the cul-de-sac; a distance of 354 metres (1,161 feet) . NORlHWOOD COURT from Pineview Drive westerly to the cul-de-sac; a distance of 414 metres (1,358 feet) We, R.G. Robinson and Associates (Barrie) Ltd.!fotten Sims Hubicki, notifY the Municipality that the above mentioned works were inspected on December 9, 2005 and to the best of our knowledge and judgement, are complete in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement except for the deficiencies below: . Nil We hereby accept these works for use and operation by the Municipality subject to the rectification of the above noted deficiencies and to the rectification of any further deficiencies that may become apparent during the maintenance period and to the maintenance that is require by the Subdivision Agreement and its Amendment. The date of Substantial Completion and Acceptance (A December 9, 2005. t Zoo 6 Signature: stab1ished by the Certificate K:\90042-S1 \Sub. Completion AbovegroWld.doc