01 18 2006 Council Minutes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, January 18, 2006 TIME: 7:05 p.m. 2003 - 2006 COUNCIL Present: Mayor J. Neil Craig Deputy Mayor Harry Hughes Councillor Dan Buttineau Councillor Ralph Hough Councillor Paul Marshall Councillor John Crawford Councillor Ruth Fountain Staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO; Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk; Bruce Hoppe, Director of Building and Planning Services; Doug Irwin, Records Management Co-ordinator; Harold Daynard; Manager of Information Technology; Janette Teeter, Clerk’s Assistant Also Present: Thomas Foster, Eva Kroger, Steve Oleniak, Peter Van Muyen, Cliff Lockhart, Paul Daoust, Cliff Lockhart, Bobbie France, Lisa Liscombe, Allan Baker, Pat Woodford, Jim Woodford, Scott Elliott, Gary Nadalin, David Blenkarn, Janice Skot, Chris Gariepy 1. & 2. Mayor J. Neil Craig assumed the chair and called the meeting to order, followed by a moment of contemplation. 3. NOTICE OF ADDITIONS Motion No. C060118-1 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Buttineau Be it resolved that the following items be added to the agenda for consideration: 15. IN-CAMERA: c) Councillor Hough, re: Personnel Matter. d) Deputy Mayor Hughes, re: Legal Matter. Carried. 4. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Motion No. C060118-2 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford Be it resolved that the agenda for the Council meeting of Wednesday, January 18, 2006 be received and adopted. Carried. 5. “DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF – IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT” Councillor Crawford declared a conflict of interest on Item 13a) Motion CW060111-17 re: Report No. ADM 2006-003, Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, Livestock Claim – Lynda Crawford because Lynda Crawford is his sister-in- law. Councillor Crawford left the room and did not participate in any discussion or vote on this item. 6. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: a) Minutes of Special Council Meeting of December 21, 2005. Motion No. C060118-3 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough Be it resolved that the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on December 21, 2005 be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. b) Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of December 21, 2005 Motion No. C060118-4 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall Be it resolved that the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on December 21, 2005 be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. Page 2 Council Meeting Minutes– January 18, 2006 7. RECOGNITION OF ACHIEVEMENTS: a) Sherri-Lynn Moore, Certified Building Code Official (CBCO) Designation. Motion No. C060118-5 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Buttineau Be it resolved that Sherri-Lynn Moore be recognized for receiving the Certified Building Code Official (CBCO) Designation. Carried. b) Brian Roubos, Certification Program, Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. Motion No. C060118-6 Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain Be it resolved that Brian Roubos be recognized for completing the Certification Program from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. Carried. 8. PUBLIC MEETINGS: None. 9. DEPUTATIONS: a) Chris Gariepy, Chair, RVH Board of Directors; David Blenkarn, Chair, RVH Foundation Board and Janice Skot, RVH President and CEO re: Expansion Plans for the Royal Victoria Hospital. Information was presented by Chris Gariepy, Janice Skot and David Blenkarn. Motion No. C060118-7 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough Be it resolved that the information presented by Chris Gariepy, Chair, RVH Board of Directors; David Blenkarn, Chair, RVH Foundation Board and Janice Skot, RVH President and CEO re: Expansion Plans for the Royal Victoria Hospital be received and referred to staff for a resolution of support. Carried. Page 3 Council Meeting Minutes– January 18, 2006 b) Jim Woodford, re: Failure of the Five Year Plan. A written copy of the deputation was distributed to members of Council. A copy of “World Wide Fund for Nature (Formerly World Wildlife Fund), Highlights, Issue 3, December 2005” was distributed to the Clerk. Motion No. C060118-8 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford Be it resolved that the information presented by Jim Woodford, re: Failure of the Five Year Plan be received. Carried. c) Eva Kroger, re: 46 Stanley Avenue. Tom Foster distributed correspondence to members of Council. Motion No. C060118-9 Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hughes Be it resolved that the information presented by Eva Kroger and Tom Foster, re: 46 Stanley Avenue be received and referred to staff for a report. Carried. 10. CONSENT AGENDA CORRESPONDENCE: a) Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, minutes of October 14, 2005 meeting. Staff Recommendation: Receipt. b) Barrie Public Library, minutes of October 27 and November 24, 2005 meetings. Staff Recommendation: Receipt. c) Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, minutes of October 28, 2005 meeting. Staff Recommendation: Receipt. d) Midland Public Library, minutes of November 10, 2005 meeting. Staff Recommendation: Receipt. e) Oro-Medonte History Association, minutes of November 30, 2005 meeting. Staff Recommendation: Receipt. f) Wayne Lynch, President, Oro Agricultural Society, correspondence dated December 6, 2005 re: Letter of Appreciation. Staff Recommendation: Receipt. g) Barry Degeer, Secretary, Simcoe County Plowmen’s Association, correspondence dated January 9, 2006 re: Grants & Donations Request. Staff Recommendation: Receipt and referred to 2006 budget deliberations. Page 4 Council Meeting Minutes– January 18, 2006 10. CONSENT AGENDA CORRESPONDENCE: (cont’d) Motion No. C060118-10 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall Be it resolved that the staff recommendations with respect to the items listed under “Consent Agenda Correspondence” be adopted as printed: a) Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, minutes of October 14, 2005 meeting. Received. b) Barrie Public Library, minutes of October 27 and November 24, 2005 meetings. Received. c) Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, minutes of October 28, 2005 meeting. Received. d) Midland Public Library, minutes of November 10, 2005 meeting. Received. e) Oro-Medonte History Association, minutes of November 30, 2005 meeting. Received. f) Wayne Lynch, President, Oro Agricultural Society, correspondence dated December 6, 2005 re: Letter of Appreciation. Received. g) Barry Degeer, Secretary, Simcoe County Plowmen’s Association, correspondence dated January 9, 2006 re: Grants & Donations Request. Received and referred to 2006 budget deliberations. Carried. 11. MOTIONS FOR WHICH NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN: None. 12. REPORTS OF MUNICIPAL OFFICERS: None. Page 5 Council Meeting Minutes– January 18, 2006 13. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: a) Committee of the Whole minutes, meeting held on January 11, 2006. Motion No. C060118-11 (Amendment) Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Buttineau Be it resolved that the motion with respect to the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on January 11, 2006 be amended to except Motion Nos. CW060111-22 and CW060111-23, Item 6i), Report No. ADM 2006-005, Harold Daynard, Manager of Information Technology re: Administration Building Phone System; to be voted on separately. Carried. Motion No. C060118-12 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Fountain Be it resolved that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on January 11, 2006 be received and that the recommendations therein be adopted with the exception of Motion No. CW060111-17, Item 6e), Report No. ADM 2006-003, Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, Livestock Claim – Lynda Crawford; and Motion Nos. CW060111-22 and CW060111-23, Item 6i), Report No. ADM 2006-005, Harold Daynard, Manager of Information Technology re: Administration Building Phone System; to be voted on separately. Carried As Amended. Councillor Crawford declared a conflict of interest on this item because Lynda Crawford is his sister-in-law. Councillor Crawford left the room and did not participate in any discussion or vote on this item. Motion No. C060118-13 Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hughes Be it resolved that 1. Report No. ADM 2006-003, Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, Livestock Claim – Lynda Crawford be received and adopted. 2. And Further That the Township of Oro-Medonte reimburse Lynda Crawford $150.00 for the loss of her hens. Carried. Page 6 Council Meeting Minutes– January 18, 2006 Motion No. C060118-14 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Buttineau Be it resolved that the recommendation with respect to Report No. ADM 2006- 005, re: Administration Building Phone System be deferred to budget deliberations. Defeated. Recorded Vote Requested by Councillor Hough Councillor Hough Yea Deputy Mayor Hughes Yea Councillor Marshall Nay Councillor Buttineau Nay Councillor Crawford Yea Councillor Fountain Nay Mayor Craig Nay Motion No. C060118-15 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall Be it resolved that the recommendation with respect to Report No. ADM 2006- 005 re: Administration Phone System “1. Be it resolved that Report No. ADM2006-005, Harold Daynard, Manager of Information Technology re: Administration Building Phone System be received and adopted. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Purchasing and Tendering Procedures By-law, for the reasons identified in Report No. ADM2006-005, Council deems it appropriate to enter into a purchase agreement with Bell rather than to request proposals for new Telephone Systems. 3. And Further That staff be authorized to enter into a purchase agreement with Bell for the Business Communications Manager Telephone System as specified in Report No. ADM2006-005.” be deferred to the Committee of the Whole meeting of January 25, 2006 and that additional information with respect to justifications for a new telephone system, other than the relocation of Fire Dept. Staff, be presented at that time. Carried. Page 7 Council Meeting Minutes– January 18, 2006 14. COMMUNICATIONS: None. 15. IN-CAMERA: Motion No. C060118-16 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough Be it resolved that we do now go In-Camera at 9:05 p.m. to discuss Personnel and Legal Matters. Carried. Motion No. C060118-17 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Buttineau Be it resolved that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera at 9:45 p.m. Carried. a) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Personnel Matter. Motion No. C060118-18 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford Be it resolved that the confidential information presented by Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Personnel Matter (Fire) be received and referred for a response under the Mayor’s signature. Carried. b) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Legal Matter. Withdrawn. c) Councillor Hough, re: Personnel Matter. Councillor Hough advised that this item had been dealt with under Item 15a). Withdrawn. Page 8 Council Meeting Minutes– January 18, 2006 d) Deputy Mayor Hughes, re: Legal Matter (Moon Point). Discussion. 16. BY-LAWS: a) By-Law No. 2006-001 Being a By-law to provide for an interim tax levy and to provide for the payment of taxes and to provide for penalty and interest and to Repeal By-Law No. 2005- 001. Motion No. C060118-19 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Buttineau Be it resolved that a By-law to provide for an interim tax levy and to provide for the payment of taxes and to provide for penalty and interest and to Repeal By-Law No. 2005-001 be introduced and read a first and second time and numbered By-law No. 2006-001. Carried. That By-law No. 2006-001 be read a third time and finally passed, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Mayor. Carried. b) By-Law No. 2006-003 A By-law to amend By-law No. 2005-119 (A By-law to regulate, license and control animals within the Township of Oro-Medonte). Motion No. C060118-20 Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Marshall Be it resolved that a By-law to amend By-law No. 2005-119 (A By-law to regulate, license and control animals within the Township of Oro-Medonte) be introduced and read a first and second time and numbered By-law No. 2006-003. Carried. That By-law No. 2006-003 be read a third time and finally passed, as amended to be effective March 1, 2006, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Mayor. Carried. Page 9 Council Meeting Minutes– January 18, 2006 c) By-Law No. 2006-004 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Issuance of Certificates of Substantial Completion and Acceptance (Aboveground Works) and (Underground Works) for Edgar Estates Development Plan 51M-723. Motion No. C060118-21 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough Be it resolved thata By-Law to Authorize the Issuance of Certificates of Substantial Completion and Acceptance (Aboveground Works) and (Underground Works) for Edgar Estates Development Plan 51M-723be introduced and read a first and second time and numbered By-law No. 2006- 004. Carried. That By-law No. 2006-004 be read a third time and finally passed, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Mayor. Carried. d) By-Law No. 2006-005 Being a By-Law to Amend By-law No. 2004-028 To Authorize a Decrease in the Speed Limit on Certain Roads Within the Township of Oro-Medonte. Motion No. C060118-22 Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hough Be it resolved that a By-Law to Amend By-law No. 2004-028 (To Authorize a Decrease in the Speed Limit on Certain Roads Within the Township of Oro- Medonte) be introduced and read a first and second time and numbered By-law No. 2006-005. Carried. That By-law No. 2006-005 be read a third time and finally passed, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Mayor. Deferred. Page 10 Council Meeting Minutes– January 18, 2006 e) By-Law No. 2006-006 A By-law to permanently close and sell Part of the Road Allowance known as Myrtle Avenue, Registered Plan 626 (geographic Township of Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte, Parts 1 and 2, 51R- 34040, Township of Oro-Medonte, County of Simcoe. Motion No. C060118-23 Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain Be it resolved thata By-law to permanently close and sell Part of the Road Allowance known as Myrtle Avenue, Registered Plan 626 (geographic Township of Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte, Parts 1 and 2, 51R-34040, Township of Oro- Medonte, County of Simcoebe introduced and read a first and second time and numbered By-law No. 2006-006. Carried. That By-law No. 2006-006 be read a third time and finally passed, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Mayor. Carried. f) By-Law No. 2006-007 A By-Law to authorize the Sale of Surplus Land Lot 356, Plan 626 (PIN #74040-0099 (Lt)) Township of Oro-Medonte, County of Simcoe. Motion No. C060118-24 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Fountain Be it resolved that a By-Law to authorize the Sale of Surplus Land Lot 356, Plan 626 (PIN #74040-0099 (Lt)) Township of Oro-Medonte, County of Simcoe be introduced and read a first and second time and numbered By-law No. 2006- 007. Carried. That By-law No. 2006-007 be read a third time and finally passed, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Mayor. Carried. Page 11 Council Meeting Minutes– January 18, 2006 17. CONFIRMATION BY-LAW NO. 2006-002. Motion No. C060118-25 Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hughes Be it resolved that a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting held on Wednesday, January 18, 2006 be introduced and read a first and second time and numbered By-law No. 2006-002. Carried. That By-law No. 2006-002 be read a third time and finally passed, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Mayor. Carried. 18. QUESTIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 19. ADJOURNMENT Motion No. C060118-26 Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Marshall Be it resolved that we do now adjourn at 9:52 p.m, Carried, -M n Pennyco Page 12 Council Meeting Minutes- January 18, 2006