02 03 2005 Rec Tech Agenda ORO-MEDONTE RECREATION TECHNICAL SUPPORT GROUP AGENDA 7:00 p.m. Thursday February 3, 2005 @ rd Oro-Medonte Administration Centre 1. Adoption of Agenda. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof – In Accordance with the Act. 3. Adoption of Minutes from the previous Recreation Technical Support Group Meeting. (a) January 13, 2004 th 4. Deputations: Nil. 5. Unfinished Business: (a) Discussions and comments with respect to Hall Board Roles and Responsibility Policy. 6. Correspondence: Nil. 7. Co-ordinator’s Monthly Report: (a) Update re: Parkland Development Telephone Survey (Sugarbush/HorseshoeValley). (b) Verbal: March Break Day Trip Programs 8. Other Business (Information or request for future information): 9. Questions: 10. Adjournment: th Next Meeting: Thursday March 4, 2005 @ 7:00pm . . . CORPORATI ROLES & 6(A:) - I ~,~ OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONT# ./ \ ESPONSIBILITlES FOR VQI::tJNTEERSb . ,p .I\'" 44, . 1<1..'~- Community Hall Boards r" if f'I (~ Wednesday, February 27, 2002 COMMUNITY HALL BOARD TOWSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE ADMINISTRA TlON I. To manage the operation and 1. To develop and promote the policies maintenance of the halls on behalf of the and procedures for the safe and efficient Township. The management of the hall operation of Community Halls, in co- will be guided by the legislated policies operation with the Hall Boards. and procedures as established by the Township. FINANCIAL 1. Individual Halls are responsible for 1. To provide individual community halls meeting the operating costs associated with with actual expenses and revenues the running of the halls through the quarterly. generation of rentals, donations, and fundraising. 2. To prepare and submit proposed 2. To review with the Community Hall operating and capital budgets for Boards the proposed operating and capital presentation to the Township. budget requests and present to Council. 3. To participate in the forecast of the 3. To advise the Community Halls in their proposed Five-year Capital Plan and to preparation of the Five-year Capital Plan. participate in the annual review of the plan. 4. Individual halls are responsible for 4. To encourage the Community Halls to meeting their operating cost and proposed meet their funding objectives. funding goals for capital projects. 5. All revenue from rentals, donations and 5. To advise the Community Halls if their fundraising are to be deposited with the projected revenues are not meeting their Township. operating expenses. 6. All expenditures incurred with the 6. Ton ensure coding for payment is operation of the community hall shall be processed in an efficient manner. handed in to the Township for individual coding and payment. 7. To provide three(3) quotes to the 7. To oversee the successful completion Township for each $5,000.00 capital of Capital Projects with Community project funded by the Hall Board. Funding in co-operation with the volunteers. 8. To co-ordinate volunteer assistance 8. To develop the necessary documents where identified in co-operation with the for Capital Projects and to communicate Township. with the Community Halls the necessary details. . disinfecting washroom and kitchen facilities, washing windows and removal of garbage. 2. To record inspections as stipulated in the Ontario Fire Code and to inform the Township of any deficiencies, including daily and monthly inspections of fire extinguishers, exits, exit lights, back-up and emergenc lighting. 3. To co-operate with the Township in the conducting of annual fire and building inspections. . 4. To organize and annual "cleaning bee" for the Community Hall and property (community volunteers can be utilized). 5. To inspect annually hall furnishings to ensure public safety and to notify the township of any concerns. 6. To participate in WHMIS, First Aid - and other training programs when provided by the Township. f ~ ~f. ~~ 7. To perform all mainte tasks according to Health Regulations and To i ce and service d Safety rds. . S- f"t) - ~ 2. To provide the necessary fire inspection sheets for the halls and to notify the Township's Fire Chief and any deficiencies; and further, to co-ordinate to work to ensure that the fire inspection deficiencies are satisfied. 3. To co-ordinate the annual building and fire code inspections and to complete all necessary work with regard to any deficiencies identified. 4. To ensure that all safety procedures are followed during "cleaning bees". 5. To review concerns with Community Halls and adjust the Five-year Capital Plans ifrequired. 6. To co-ordinate when necessary the training and re-certification for Community Hall volunteers in order that they may perfonn their duties in a safe manner. Training may include WHMIS, First Aid, Fire Extinguisher, etc. 7. To provide copies of all pertinent Health & Safety Regulations and Township Standards to all community halls.