03 03 2005 Rec Tech Agenda . . . . ORO-MEDONTE RECREATION TECHNICAL SUPPORT GROUP AGENDA Thursday March 3rd, 2005 @ 7:00 p.m. Oro-Medonte Administration Centre 1. Adoption of Agenda. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof - In Accordance with the Act. 3. Adoption of Minutes from the previous Recreation Technical Support Group Meeting. (a) February 3rd, 2005 4. Deputations: Nil. 5. Unfinished Business: (a) Discussions and comments with respect to March Break and Summer Camp Staff Policy. 6. Correspondence: Nil. 7. Co-ordinator's Monthly Report: (a) Update re: Draft Spring/Summer Recreation Brochure. 8. Other Business (Information or request for future information): 9. Questions: 10. Adjournment: Next Meeting: Thursday April 7'\ 2005 @ 7:00pm . . . S(4J - I MARCH BREAK & SUMMER CAMP PROGRAMS JOB DESCRIPTION TITLE: Camp Leaders OBJECTIVE: To provide leadership and supervision to an allotted group of participants during programmed activities. REPORTS TO: Recreation Co-ordinator Duties & Responsibilities: 1. Instruct an appointed group(s) of participants in games (active/passive), crafts, story telling and other activities. 2. In conjunction with the staff team, plan the program schedule before session start time. 3. Arrive at program location 10 minutes prior to start time. 4. Provide assistance in the event of an emergency. 5. Assist in completing daily report form. 6. Assist with attendance records. 7. Complete accident / incident forms for all accidents. 8. Complete all other forms as required. 9. Provide a written evaluation of the camp program at the end of the program term. . . . 1[/0 - 2. OUR COMMITMENT TO SERVICE: . Everyone is to feel welcome and to enjoy their experience. . We will strive for excellence in all services and programs. . We believe in creating an environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle and ethical behaviour. We will strive to: . treat everyone fairly and with respect; . be available to assist members and participants; . help members and participants to fully take part in programs; . offer everyone an opportunity to volunteer service to others; . create policies and systems that serve members and participants; . provide for safety in all facilities and programs; . provide clean, attractive, comfortable facilities; . ask members and participants about their satisfaction with our services, facilities and operating methods, and take prompt action on this feedback. PrOQram Obiectives: a) to stimulate personal growth. b) to promote self-esteem. c) to clarify personal values. d) to develop specific skills. e) to strengthen interpersonal relations. f) to encourage fun and laughter. Camp Obiectives: a) to create a unique learning environment every week. b) to establish a positive climate of friendship and fun. c) to recognize that each participant is different and should be encouraged to do the best they can. d) to provide a safe environment for staff and participants. . . . JOo-3 TRIP INFORMATION Permission Forms: Each participant is required to return a completed Registration Form for each trip day prior to boarding the bus. Leaders are responsible for distributing and collecting forms. Leaders will report to the Supervisor any participants who do not have a completed Registration Form. Group Size /Information: Each group leader will be responsible for no more than 10 participants on a trip day. Each individual leader will carry with them, at all times, emergency information for their participants. The Supervisor will ensure that the information is prepared before departure. A head count is to be done and reported to the trip Supervisor before leaving the site. Another head count is to be done and reported to the trip Supervisor before leaving the trip destination. If a child becomes lost, leaders are to stay put! Contact any site staff for assistance and have them assist. Call the Township office at (705) 487-2171. Try to keep the rest of the group calm. Any misconduct or inappropriate behaviour shall be reported to the Supervisor in writing. Buses: All passengers are expected to follow the guidelines outlined by each individual driver. No leaders are permitted to sleep while traveling. Leaders will sit on the bus in different areas. It is expected that each leader will have planned activities to entertain the participants. Ensure that all participants know their bus driver's name and bus number, in case of being lost. Staff are encouraged to adorn the bus with signs and pictures for easier identification! ~ 3(11-7" . Trip Information (continued)... ON AND AROUND BUSES: walk, don't run; teach children how to go, where to go; identify key people to children (ie. drivers); enforce bus rules at all times; bus staff - attendance, procedures, head counts; staff on bus - well spaced to assist. INFRACTIONS REQUIRING IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL . 1. Drinking alcohol on duty or during breaks. 2. Use of non-prescription drugs. 3. Physically and/or verbally abusing a participant, a parent or a fellow staff member. 4. Leaving a location/participant(s) unsupervised. 5. Insubordination. 6. Failure to perform or assist in an emergency situation. 7. Absenteeism without proper notification. 8. Theft. INFRACTIONS REQUIRING WARNINGS 1. Lateness. 2. Recurring absenteeism. 3. Failure to follow outlined procedures. 4. Use of profanity. 5. Smoking while on duty. NOTE: An open line of communication is the best method for dealing with problems of all types (eg. Programming, personality conflicts, potentially dangerous practices, etc.). Open and frank discussion of potential problems is encouraged among all staff at all times. . . . . Or"1 -J CAMP STAFF GUIDELINES Alcohol & Drugs Consumption of alcohol and the use of non-prescription drugs is not permitted. Smoking Smoking is prohibited at program locations. Sickness It is the responsibility of the staff to call to the Township office to report illness at 8:30 a.m. The staff member will not receive payment for sick days. Employment Hours Programs will operate from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. All staff must be on site 10 minutes prior to the start of the camp, unless otherwise scheduled by the Supervisor. Payment Pay cheques are issued every two (2) weeks and are available on Thursdays. Vacation pay (4% of earnings) will be paid with your final pay cheque. Payment for public holidays, where necessary, will be governed by regulations contained in the Labour Relations Act. Daily A daily report sheet must be handed in at the end of each day by each staff team. Additional equipment/supplies may be requested on the daily report sheet. General Any serious accident involving staff or a participant is to be reported to the Supervisor as soon as possible. A full accident report must be filled out immediately and handed in on the same day. Any parent complaint, staff conflicts or questions must be recorded on the staff's daily report sheet. . . . - J ('!J-,b A TYPICAL DAY There are always exceptions depending upon such things as the age groups, weather and special events, but each day will tend to follow a routine. Schedule each day using the weekly planner. All activities should be specified as: . staff designated to what age group . activity rotations and time at each activity . equipment required at each activity . the theme for the day. Staff must take attendance of the group, making note of all additions or deletions. Lay down the rules for the day. Group activities in the morning (circle game). Break into smaller groups with one leader for a maximum of 9 children. Do not mix 8 to 10 year olds with 5 to 7 year olds. Bring everyone together before lunch. Everyone should be brought together at the end of the day for a circle game or sing- song. Inform the group of what you want from them for the next day (ie. theme / dress- up). J('f} ,{ . DISCIPLINE Discipline, as it applies to you, involves your method of handling: . unpleasant situations created by the children . misuse of grounds and equipment . yourself on the job. It is necessary to maintain firm kindness with kind firmness: . to ensure that children play safely . to prevent older or rougher children from interfering with the play of others . to ensure equal opportunities for all children . to prevent willful damage or undesirable activities. Discipline is so important that the lack of it can destroy the benefits of your program. Rules and regulations are necessary, but keep them to a minimum and easy to understand. RULES TO ENFORCE . So that all participants may enjoy themselves to the fullest, it is absolutely necessary for each to respect the rights of others. Rules become essential to assure this respect. It is important that the children know and understand the rules before activities begin. . ground rules - interfering with program or other children . rules for equipment - breaking or improperly using equipment and materials . rules for games - participation, team game equipment . rules for cleanliness - waste paper, bottle tops . washroom rules - splashing water, paper towels. You will need to control some things such as horseplay and yelling to see that it doesn't get out of hand. You'll need to stop some things, such as defacing of property and smoking, because this type of behaviour is not acceptable. Most of these points will be taken care of in the general procedures and policy laid down for you by your recreation authority. The follow-through, however, rests with you. Handlin!:! a Problem Child: Incident # 1 - child receives warning Incident # 2 - child sits out of activity and parents are informed Incident # 3 - parents are informed and child is suspended for one (1) day Incident # 4 - child is expelled. . List any suggestions I fears that you as a leader may encounter over the March Break and Summer Programs. . . . SVY-8 FIRST AID SHOCK: Victims suffering from shock will have skin that is cold and moist, grayish-blue lips and nail beds. Victims will be restless, thirsty, confused or fainting. Treat any injuries, keep victim warm and dry, lie them down in a semi-prone position. DO NOT ADMINISTER FLUIDS. Transport to hospital. SCRAPES AND CUTS: Use wet gauze to sponge off gently with soap and clean water, or hold under running water. Apply a sterile dressing. A physician should remove gravel, grease or charcoal embedded in the skin as soon as possible. For more serious cuts, apply direct pressure with a gauze pad or clean dressing. Elevate area and treat for shock. BITES AND STINGS: Insect Stings: Remove stinger by scraping, NOT PULLING, and apply cold compress. Animal Bites: Wash in clean water and soap. Hold under cold water for several minutes. Apply a sterile dressing and consult a physician. ALLERGIES: A variety of things can trigger allergic reactions. Allergic reactions range in severity from person to person. Ant bites and bee stings can be life threatening to anyone with an allergic reaction to either. Review participants' registrations for any individuals with allergies. Reduce swelling with a cold compress and treat for shock, if necessary, and consult a physician. Hospitalization is urgent. . . . J(~ -1 First Aid (Continued)... BURNS: If a burn is small and the skin is not broken, it is classified as a 1st degree burn. 1st degree burns may be treated by immersing in cold water and covering with a light dressing. A 3rd degree burn will blister or char. Keep victim flat, do not remove burned or melted clothing; cover with a clean cloth and keep warm. Hospitalization is urgent. HEA T EXHAUSTION: Victim will be perspiring profusely, may be suffering from shock. Move victim to a cool, shady location and treat for shock. Salty fluids may be administered. Consult a physician. HEA T STROKE (Sun Stroke): Victim's skin will be hot and dry. Immerse victim in cool water by applying cool, wet towels. Maintain airway and hospitalize. FRACTURES: Limbs will be sore and possibly deformed. Area of fracture may be bruised. Immobilize the limb and hospitalize. SPRAINS: Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and elevate. Consult a physician. EYES: If a small amount of sand or dirt is in the eye or eyes, cleanse with water. For large amounts of dirt or sand, or other foreign objects, cover both eyes and transport to hospital. NOSE BLEED: Pinch the bridge of the nose and tilt the head forward. If necessary, apply ice on the bridge of the nose or on the back of the neck. . . . . Jfo -/P MISSING PERSON PROCEDURE At the first indication that someone cannot be accounted for, the staff will be notified and will: 1. Have the children and staff assemble together. 2. Ask all participants and staff if they have seen the child recently. 3. Take a head count. 4. Do a quick visual check of the area. Notify site security if available. 5. Assign one staff to check outside locations while the other second staff checks inside locations (calling the child's name). 6. Remaining staff stay with the participants and run a quiet confined group activity. 7. If the child is not found, the Supervisor contacts the Township office. Township office staff will contact parent/guardian and police for notification and assistance. 8. All staff fill out an accident / incident report form.