03 04 2004 Rec Tech Agenda
Thursday March 4th, 2004 @ 7:00 p.m.
Oro-Medonte Administration Centre
1. Adoption of Agenda.
2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof - In Accordance
with the Act.
3. Adoption of Minutes from the previous Recreation Technical Support Group
(a) February 5th ,2004
4. Deputations:
5. Unfinished Business:
(a) Discussion with respect to the Oro-Medonte Lake Country RailTrail (Background
info distributed on table).
(b) Discussions and recommendations with respect to a Shelter along the Oro-
Medonte Lake Country RailTrail- Cone. l/Thunder Bridge.
(c) Discussion and recommendations with respect to advertisement along Oro-
Medonte Lake Country RailTrail.
(d) Alcohol Risk Management Policy (Distributed to Hall Board Members for Input).
(e) Ice and Baseball Allocation Policy (Draft-Revised).
6. Correspondence:
7. Co-ordinator's Monthly Report:
(a) Township of Oro-Medonte Spring 2004" Are We Having Fun Yet" Parks and
Recreation Brochure.
8. Other Business (Information or request for future information):
9. Questions:
. 10. Adjournment:
6(CJ ~ I
As part of our zoning by-law update this year we will be zoning the entire rail trail in an open
space zone. This is the same zoning which is placed on all our public parks. We are intending to
have the by-law update completed for Council's consideration by May/June.
Is this what you wanted?
BY-LAW NO. 99-2
Being a By-law to regulate and prohibit signs and other advertising devices
Whereas the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, c.M. 45 provides in paragraphs 146 to 148 inclusive of
Section 210. that Councils oflocal municipalities may pass by-laws for prohibiting or regulating
signs. mobile signs. and other advertising devices and the posting of notices on buildings. vacant
lots. or property of public utilities within the municipality; and
Whereas the Corporation of the To"nship of Oro-Medonte deems it advisable to pass this By-
law. applicabte to the whole of the Township:
Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte enacts as
1. Title and Scone
This By-law sball be known and cited as the "Sign By-law" and shall apply to the whole of the
Township ofOro-Medonte.
2. Defmitions
Alter _ means any change to the sign structure or sign face, with the exception of a change in the
message being displayed or repair and maintenance.
Building Code _ means the Ontario Building Code Regulation 403/97 as amended.
Council- means the Council for the To"nship of Oro-Medonte.
Frontage _ means the horizontal dislance between the side lot lines. with such distance being
measured perpendicularly to the line joining the mid-point of the front lot line with the mid-point
of the rear tot line at a point on that line eight metres (26.2 ft.) from the front lot line. In the case
of a lot with no rear lot line. the poim where two (2) side lot lines intersect sball be the point
from which a line is drawn to the mid-point of the front lot line. In the case of a corner lot with
a daylighting mangle. the side lot line sball be deemed to extend to its hypothetical point of
intersection with the extension of the front lot line for the purposes of calculating lot frontage.
Internal Signs _ means signs contained "ithin the interior of a building, usually not visible from
off the premises on which the sign is located.
Public Highway _ means a highway as defined under the Highway Traffic Act. as amended from
time to time.
Sign _ means any visual medium. including its structure and component parts. which is used or is
capable of being used to draw anention to a specific matter for identification. infonnation.
advertising, service, activity, person, business, product good. or location thereof.
Sign area _ means the total area in square metres of the surface of a sign including the border
and/or frame.
Township - means the Township of Oro-Medonte.
. Trailer _ means anything which can be or was at one time towed by a motor vehicle. has or had
at one time wheels. and can be or was at one time used to baul goods.
0(C'..] --2
DI1C _ means a zone eslablished by the Township's Comprehensive Zoning By-law. otherwise
.. as By-law 97-95, as amended from time to time.
Administration of the Bv-Iaw
u(~ - 3
Pennits reauired
:a;epl for the signs refem:d to in Section 4, no pe:son shall erect, display, repair, or alter a sign
lIess a permit is obtained from the Chief Building Official.
2 Aoolication for oennit
be applicant for a sign pennit shall submit:
an application on a prescribed form prepared for that purpose;
scale drawings and specifications of sufficient detail and quality as is necessary to
ascenain whether or not the sign and its = will be in compliance with this By-law
and/or the Ontario Building Code;
the approwl of other authorities having jwisdiction (i.e. MinislIy of Tnmsportation.
County of Simcoe); and
) existing utilities should be plotted on the scale drawings ie. overhead hydro and Bell
.3 Revocation of oennit
\ pennit may be rewked by the Township under the following cireumstances:
where the sign does not conform to this By-law;
where the sign does not conform to any regulation. law. or requirements of any
government authority havingjorisdiction over the area where the sign is situated;
where the permit has been issued as the result of false or misleading statements. or
undertakings, in the application; or
where the permit has been issued in error.
!be following fees shall be paid to the Township of aro-Medonle at the time of application for a
iign permit:
Signs 10 square metres (108 sq. ft.) or less (based on sign area) - flat rate fee of $50.00
Signs greater than 10 square metres (108 sq. ft.) (based on sign area) -flatrate fee of $100.00
3.5 Remowl ofill=ll sil!llS
If such a sign is erected or displayed in contraVClltion nf the provisions of this By-law, the sign
may be removed immediately without notice. at the owners expense. Where a sign has been
removed by the Municipality, such sign may be deslroyed or otherwise disposed of
3.6 PenallY
Every person who contraV'Cl1CS any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence and shall be
liable to a fine in the amount to be determined pursuant to the Provincial Offences Ac!, R.S.O.
1990, Chapter P.33, and every such fine is recoverable under the Provincial Offem;es Act.
The conviction of an offender upon the breach of any provision of this By-law shall not operate
. bar to a prosecution against the same offender upon any continued or subsequent breach of
provision, and a JudgelJusrice may convict any offender ,of""'l..dly for continued or
subsequent breaches of the By-law, and the provisions of the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990.
e.MAS Section 321, as .........Jui from time to time, sball further apply to any "'..ti.......! or
repeated breacb of this By-taw.
L court of ~"'I^'h.ut jw.,Ji<t.Oll finds' that any of the provisions of this By-law are ultra
vires the jurisdiction of the Township. or are invalid for any other reason., such provisions shall
be deemed to be severable and sball not invaIidole any other provision of this By-law which shall
remain in full force and effect.
4. Sims P~. .....;th...d Withoat a Permit
The: folknvingsigns'ShaH bc...A_UpbA from the 1~~"'IU'ntsofa permit:
. "No Tlt;;:;)~~uBlI ~ or other such: signs )\0i5u.lah'~ tbeuse ofa propertY. moo more thm
0.5 square metres (5.4 sq. ft.) in area.
. R<:lri estate stgns which 2I<M:rtise the sole, renmI. or lease of the p'~...;""" or lot upon which
said signs are located. of no more than 0.5 square metres (5.4 sq. ft.) in area in residential
zones and 2 square: metreS (21..5 sq. ft.) in = in all otherzones.
. Signs identifying an architect, engineer or other professional consultant, contractor. or sub-
contractor, of no more than 0.5 square metreS (5.4 sq. ft.) in area in residential wnes and 2
square metres (21.S sq. ft.) in area in all other wnes.
. Identification signs bearing municipal address, estate names, or names of occupants of the
ptemise" of no more than 025 square metres (2..8 sq. ILl in area in residential zones and 1
square metre (10.8 sq. ft.) in area in all other wnes.
. ~ <iirectiftg and guiding !rafflC, parkiflg, and public safety, but beariflg 00 advertising
. Signs erected by a government or nnmicipal agency or under the direction of socb agency
body and bearing no advertising, such as traffic signs and signals, safety signs, signs
identifying public-sehoolsand f""ail..... or signs 10 assist ~~~.~ and the tourist trade.
. Election proclamations or notices under any legislation pertaining to elections and election
.SignS on private propertY dwing any election campaign providing all such signs are erected
and removed in accordance with the provisions as contained in the Municipal Election Act,
as amended from time to time.
. Signs that are ll.<edin cnnjunction with patriotic,Jeliginll.'\,or charitah1e organizAtions.
. Temporary signs that are used in conjunction with special events provided they are displayed
a ffi""imtim <>f f6lifteeft (14) <lays j>OOr t<t tile _ and rcmo,ed within ooe {I) week after
the event.
. Signs that are u=l1O 2I<M:rtise the sole of fresh famt ptud""t>, of no more than 2 square
metres (21.5 sq. ft.) in area.
. Internal stgns.
3. r I uh.~ha.:=d SinIs-
No pelSOl1-sba1l erect, inslaII, post, display; ........tain. ori:<:eJ7mUI P'~'';'''''''' -any of the full,,~;"g
types of signs:
.. Signs -'Which un.vI........MC; 1n'anY"mannerBYfbshirrg'O'f"maving illl.loLU~..ation 'Whiclr'V3ries" in
intensity or which varies in color. and signs which have any visible moving partS. visible
,=-1="",,1 movement, <<other'apparent mavc:ment. Olberthan that im'olWJg the time or
. Signs which by r= of size, location; content, or coloring obstruct the vision of drivers, or
detract from the visibility or effectiveness of any traffic sign on pubtic highways.
. Signs!ocatedSO'8Sta ub.t,uctor impede-any ......~;...J firee=pe, fire exit, wali:wlry, door.
or window or so as to prevent or impede free access of firefighters to any part of a building.
. Signs ""or aver pabItc- propertY << pabIic rights-of-way, -anIess. ==:d am:! ~ in
writing by a government agency having jurisdiction.
. Signspainledmr. .........l.cJ 10, <<>Uf't'V'r<d bya-tree; _<< od=1Jllt"anlt object, or utility
pole located on a Township road allowance and/or public lands.
. Signspainled.orror "".(h.,; wttai:lers-m'or-any-part-ofa-db.......tl..J motor vehicle "1....11.-.
or not it is licensed or on wheels.
J(<J -1
J((f) -J
. GeaenrtF.u.' ,
1 C.u~i~ul~....... nit!. ~b;; . .L... 4K..1............~t:3.
bere'''''' 4l'!"U..:<Isitc- pIarr "lS'~..cnl I"u.;dc$ ,w.Jards for ';5'-6<, =d the- signs for
:velopment comply therewith, such signs shall be deemed to comply with this By.law.
2 C.,.nuul~-,- "~thtfter~.Bv..i:a'w
..".,...,...shaII erect "Of u~u.. 'Siglrapcrr3"pareeicf imd-or bhi4", lltticss it is ......usery 10
use that is lawfully being operated on such land in accordance with By.law 97-95. as amended.
3- Sirms ~...dh..J.bv-nemrit ilk '-'4.H.,.........~ and il~.~l-z:ones.:
Dttildiug Sign-.,. sign ..h;cl. i..ereeted-"pnst tbe"waIlcf",' bhiiu5.
BmldingSignomay'be-ereeted'on-eaen-wallcf"'. ~ but shall ===-1!lan'fiye
(5) percent of the total area of a building face, unless otherwise approved by the appropriate
.Carwpy. Sign' ...sign_appIied 1O'1he~cf..canopy;net "'" .;!y"1ltlal:hed: 1011
building, which does not eXlend horizontally or venically past the limits of the awning.
Bretm<i ..,..".;;"g Sip.... f. ",'.;"g..vertic3t.'whicln=ybe~tedbyll
pennanent column(s) and foundation in the ground.
Il.... 'n I iSign'.a-.1hatl'r"videnrtmcillHight~"Oftblouglrtl4USJllll'<'llor
tranSlucent material, from either a source of light incorporated within the sign or by a
(43 sq. ft.) in size in total.
1 'Mebik"Sign' .a..."..I1'e"na.aemly-atl3ched.ll>-..bui'....'lg;~;or1heground
surface and is capable of being moved or relocated, and may display lighted directional
A busi=islimited ll>o=(l)Mobiltdliga.
1;-4 ~~aUttcd'hv.llefmit'in'~.~,H zones:
iome~';~'Sign 0 ..sign'used.t<>advertise""~""""""""" forgain.mlldwel!ing
.mt by the resident{ s) of that dwelling unit.
Tbehome~''r''~ ..-mustbeappro=lbytbe Mw>icipaIity 'ascomplyingwith 1he
Comprehensive Zoning By.law.
A Home Occupation Sign is limited in size to 0.5 square metres (5.4 sq. ft.) in area.
;.5 SilUlS vennitted bv vennit in the Al!riculturaJIRural (NRU1 zone:
>igns accessory to apennined use of the. property which may take the form of:
.j. a ..(lwurniSWMling.Sign. _ a~ng -WI'li<:aI.sign ......nich-.mayOe ...~.b;< a
pennanent column( s) and foundation in the ground.
. ..~. 0'8 .,;g.rappliedto.tbe".SIl1"lil=cf..anopy; .oor.ne<:esSllriIy.oll4o.l..,d.1O....
building, and which does not eXlend past the limits of the canopy.
illboani Sign' _ .. sigIr whiclr ~ goods, prodtIels; services; or facilitiesc not nec:essarily
en the premises or lands upon which the sign is located.
QIIly={l}~.s;gn.is:p<<'" .-....perlot.
A Billboard Sign is limited in size to 1 square metre (10.8 sq. ft.) per each 1 metre (3.3 ft,) of
liuutAgG o"Hhe propertY on whii:h the~ign is: to be erected up to a lU....;...wn rifOff.J<f square
"Billboard Signs are considered to be str\1ClUfCS and sball be setback from lot lines no less
.than_thc...minimwn_mquircd.distaJ1ce..fnr .the-main .LL<\C.....OD lheJnLin ,sU'.r.nrdancc.. witb.By-.law
97-95 and a distanCC in accordance with the sethack standards as estabtished by the Ministry
<>fTfWl~ .wIlicll>werisgrealef.
6(CJ -b
~!oa ~ On ~illll'M:
"'Y'5igrrlawfully'=<:led"""~' LG~!he. <iay.tIris'By-1aw comes.into-fo<=may.temain.
nd be maintained notwithstanding that it does not confonn with the By-law, provided that such
ign ~ '_be'3he<ed,~!he$llUlC'~ eilherW"'frnomorbemadew'conform; 'inal!
espeets with this By-law.
L ...p - I.... ..4L. Ottter ~4ia'
nlld>'i>ti"".to""'Y.pr".;,'_............... ~.tIris,'By-Iaw,'~" .;grds.w.be erected.-"
"operry abutting a county maintained public highway, such sign must also be erected in
lC'> I :' with''''''Y pr' ..ir..... as..spe..;;;;,..H,y.t!leGlmltyf>f.!limcee-,..,n",bereca ..js.t<> be
:rected on a property abutting a provincially maintained public highway, such sign must also be
:=ted. inacc=bn=withauy pw<isionsc as. specified by thddioistry of T""""po<tation: Intlle
:age where such sign falls under more than one set of provisions, the more restrictive provisions
. l'faint ~JI.I F'
The.<>WnCr,cr,agect;<>l'.t!le'!ands:...-;:=mises,'upon,.,.thiclnll'lY .sign."...... I; .ing'device"is
located shall maintain or cause such sign or advenising device to be maintained in a proper state
Clf.repair.SO'that.sueb:sign..... II 1;.i'lg<leW:e-..cloes._:bec:c>me"".saf<;....Jo"~ ""S.
la ..MAl '.1....-1-0;;:.. ~ -I-.R fIl.
A1bl!'l1llCrials"incotp<l. ,1 ~..inlo:a'.sba1l~..with'lbe:."'I.......J. ",q";' ..~.A>.<>f'~.
Building Code.
SigDscand-.their ",tuA.tdW:." Lp"",.tr,,lbbecdesigDe<i..t<t:._,structufll!:'e"P"""'Y' to.:resist .safely
and effectivety all effectS of loads and influences from the environment that may be expected,
andsba1l.~auy..a=.atisfy: .tlleo",quitemefltS.of.thecOntario:&iIdingDode,
-1L.. .I-_~-forr.. "'"-:
1l>e..p<cMsiolls.of.this.J:l.y<faw..ll1lll.llflt.be-.consuued....re\iel<ing.ortimiting .theo",.ponsibility t)f
liability of any person erecting or owning any sign from persooal injuty or property damage
resulting .from..~.plaeing'.cf.sueh.sigtt, .""",sulting .from"~.neglisenee',,,,, willful..acts.of ..ueh
person., or their agent, in the constrUction., erection., maintenance, repair, or removal of any sign
=te<!.~accouJanee,'Nith....pennit.be"'tmder,l'u<ther, .the.pr..mswns .of.this.B'f-law...-.be.
consuued as imposing upon the Municipality, or its officers, or employees, any responsibility or
liabili'Y.!i'f.=cn,of.the.oppro><al.ofany:Signs.tmde,,,he,p,,,,,,isions.of.this J:.y^faw,
, 1999
day of January
J(~ -1
BY -LAW READ A TIURD TIME and finally passed this 6th day of January
,L- he.....)
Mayor - Ian Beard
~ _/..- //.J-
Clerk - Lynda Aiken
BY-LAW 02.073
Being a by-law to regulate signs
in the Township of Tiny
WHEREAS the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, Section 210 (146),
authorizes Council to pass by-laws for prohibiting or regulating signs and other
AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, Section 326,
provides that a Council that has the authority to direct or require by by-law that any
matter or thing be done, may do it at the owner's expense and may recover the
expense incurred in the same manner as municipal taxes;
AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Tiny deems it
expedient to provide regulations for signs throughout the Township of Tiny:
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Township ofTiny hereby
enacts as follows:
Section 1 Definitions
For the purpose of this by-law:
1.1 "Sign" shall mean any design or object intended for commercial or
advertising purposes, creating a design and intended to be erected, located
or affixed on any property. This shall include signs, flags, banners, pennants
or lights. A sign required by federal or provincial statute or municipal by-law
is exempt. Real estate subdivision signs, directional signs, open house, and
for sale/sold signs are exempt.
1.2 "Council" shall mean the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Tiny.
1.3 "Municipality" shall mean The Corporation of the Township of Tiny and its
officers or employees appointed to administer the provisions of this by-law.
Section 2 Reaulations
2.1 No sign shall be affixed or attached to trees, utility poles, posts, or fences
within 8 metres of any Township of Tiny road allowance.
2.2 Notwithstanding Article 2.1, signs advertising commercial/industrial or site
specific uses approved under the comprehensive zoning by-law are
permitted on site.
2.3 Council may, from time to time, arrange for the installation of community
notice boards of various sizes, which may be made available for a fee or at
no charge to businesses and community groups/associations for the purpose
of advertising businesses or events.
2.4 No person shall erect any sign in a location, which obstructs or interferes with
the normal flow of pedestrians or vehicular traffic.
2.5 Property owners and business owners have 30 days from the passing of this
by-law to remove existing signs which do not conform to this by-law.
Page 2 - Sign Regulation By-law - By.law 02-073
Section 3 Penaltv
J(~ -9
3.1 Any property owner or business owner who contravenes any portion of this
by-law shall be given notice of 30 calendar days to correct the contravention.
If after having been given notice, the property owner or business owner fails
to comply, Council may authorize the removal of the sign, at the expense of
the property owner. Such expense, if not paid within 30 days of a notice
being sent, may be recovered pursuant to Section 326 of the Municipal Act
R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M45.
3.2 Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an
offence and upon conviction, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of not more than
$5,000.00, exclusive of costs, and every such fine is recoverable under the
Provincial Offences Act.
Section 4 Administration
4.1 That this by-law shall be known as the "Sign Regulation By-law."
4.2 That this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon its final passing.
~c:J"- ;7
}fatiomil Capital Commission Traffic and Property Regulations
n n
kill r":::rT~~ N
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Enabling statute: NationaL-Capilal Act
Disclaimer: These documents are not the official versions (mQIE'>).
Source: http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/N-4/C.R.C.-c.1044/148723.html
Updated to August 31, 2003
National Capital Commission Traffic and Property
C.R.C., c. 1044
National Capital Commission Traffic and Property Regulations
j~ These Regulations may be cited as the National Capital Commission
Traffic and Property Regulations.
2.(1-> In these Regulations,
"commercial vehicle" means a vehicle that
(a) has attached thereto a truck or delivery body or other attachment for
use in the delivery of goods,
(b) is specially designed or equipped for the delivery of goods,
(c) bears any sign or lettering advertising the business or wares of any
person or organization or displays the name or device of any person or
organization by whom the vehicle is owned or on whose behalf the
vehicle is operated, other than the name or device of the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police, a Department of the Government of Canada or of any
corporation established to perform any function or duty on behalf of the
Government of Canada,
(d) is a tractor, or
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Natiomil Capital Commission Traffic and Property Regulations
Page 2 of8
(e) is a bus, taxicab or other vehicle used or designed for the carrying of
passengers for hire; (vehicu/e commercial) ~O _II
"Commission" means the National Capital Commission; (Commission)
"driveway" means that part of the property of the Commission designed and
intended for the use of vehicles: (promenade)
"liquor" means beer, wines, spirits or any other alcoholic beverages; (boisson)
"motor vehicle" means a vehicle that is capable of being propelled or driven
otherwise than by muscular power but does not include an over-snow
vehicle; (vehicule automobile)
"operator" means the driver or the person who is in actual physical control of
the vehicle; (conducteur)
"over-snow vehicle" means a vehicle that is capable of being propelled or
driven otherwise than by muscular power, that runs on tracks or skis or on
tracks and skis and that is designed for operation on snow or ice; (vehicule
de type auto-neige)
"park" means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise
than momentarily or under circumstances that are not under the control of
the person operating the vehicle; (Iaisser en stationnement)
"peace officer" means a peace officer as defined in the Criminal Code and any
person authorized by the Commission to enforce or carry out these
Regulations; (agent de la paix)
"vehicle" means a device in, or by means of, which a person or property is or
may be transported upon a highway, except any such device used
exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. (vehicule)
(2) For the purpose of these Regulations, a trailer is a separate vehicle and
does not form part of the vehicle by which it is drawn.
(3) Nothing in these Regulations shall be held to constitute a dedication of
any driveway to the public. SOR/98-389, s. 1 (F).
Registration and Permits
3.,No person shall operate a vehicle on a driveway unless
(a) he holds all the licences and permits that he is required to hold in order
to operate the vehicle in the province and municipality in which the driveway
is situated; and
(b) the vehicle is registered and equipped as required by the laws of the
province and municipality in which the driveway is situated.
Compliance with Provincial and Municipal Laws
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National Capital Commission Traffic and Property Regulations
Page 3 of8
4..l1l No person shall operate a vehicle, or cause or permit a vehicle that he
has the right to control to be operated, on a driveway otherwise than in
accordance with the laws of the province and municipality in which the
driveway is situated,
(2) No person shall park a vehicle on a driveway except in compliance with
the laws of the province and municipality in which the driveway is situated.
(3) In this section, the expression "laws of the province and municipality"
does not include laws that are inconsistent with or repugnant to any of the
provisions of these Regulations.
Traffic Control, Parking and Speed Limit
5"-112 No person shall operate a vehicle on a driveway at a rate of speed, in
kilometres per hour, that is greater than the speed posted.
(2) Where no rate of speed is posted on a driveway, no person shall operate
a vehicle on that driveway at a rate of speed greater than 60 kilometres per
(3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), where traffic on a driveway is
controlled by a peace officer, every person operating a vehicle on that driveway
shall do so at the rate of speed indicated by that peace officer. SOR/85-99, s.
fLNo person shall operate or park a vehicle, or permit a vehicle under his
control to remain parked, on property of the Commission otherwise than in
accordance with the directions set out on a traffic sign or device erected under
the authority of these Regulations and applicable to such person.
LExcept as expressly authorized by the Commission, no person shall park
a vehicle on any property of the Commission other than in an area designated
by a sign or device erected under the authority of these Regulations as an area
in which parking is permitted.
ll,_Sections 5, 6 and 7 do not apply to
(a) operators of police vehicles engaged in the chase of persons charged
with or suspected, on reasonable grounds, of being violators of the law; and
(b) operators of police vehicles, fire vehicles or ambulances who believe, on
reasonable grounds, that the conduct that would otherwise be an offence is
justified by an emergency.
9,_ The operator of a vehicle and the person in control of a parked vehicle on
any property of the Commission shall obey all reasonable instructions given by
any peace officer.
l_Q,_No pedestrian shall proceed onto property of the Commission at a place
where a sign or device has been erected under the authority of these
Regulations otherwise than in accordance with the instructions indicated by
such sign or device.
Commercial Vehicles
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National Capital Commission Traffic and Property Regulations
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1Ll.1J No person shall operate a commercial vehicle on a driveway without
the consent of the Commission.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to
J'Cc::J -/5
(a) a person engaged in the delivery or collection of goods or persons to or
from any property adjoining a driveway to which there is no other means of
entry or exit if
(i) the commercial vehicle operated by such person enters and leaves
the driveway by the intersecting street that is nearest to that property,
(ii) the operation of the commercial vehicle on the driveway occurs
between midnight and noon;
(b) a person operating a commercial vehicle in the course of the business of
the Commission;
(c) a person operating a taxicab;
(d) a person operating a commercial vehicle that
(i) is being used as a camper van, and
(ii) has no advertising displayed thereon;
(e) a person operating a light van or pick-up truck that
(i) is used for personal transportation only,
(ii) has a gross registered weight not exceeding 5,000 pounds, and
(iii) has no advertising, or lettering, other than the name of the owner
thereof, displayed thereon; or
(f) a person operating a commercial vehicle that has a gross registered
weight not exceeding 8,000 pounds over the Portage Bridge between the
City of Hull and Wellington Street in the City of Ottawa.
Reporting of Accidents
1.2, Every operator, owner or person in charge of a vehicle that is involved in
an accident on property of the Commission shall report the accident forthwith to
a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and furnish him with such
information concerning the accident as he may require.
General Prohibitions
13LNo person shall operate
(a) a motor vehicle on any property of the Commission other than a
driveway unless authorized by the Commission; or
(b) an over-snow vehicle on any property of the Commission that is not
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)'latiomil Capital Commission Traffic and Property Regulations
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designated by a sign or device erected by order of the Commission as an
area in which the operation of an over-snow vehicle is permitted.
14,j.1) No person shall construct any private road, entranceway, gate or ~V - /Y
other structure or facility as a means of access to any driveway except with the
consent in writing of the Commission and in accordance with such conditions
as are specified by the Commission.
(2) No person operating a vehicle shall enter upon a driveway except at a
place at which public access to the driveway is provided.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to prohibit entrance upon a driveway from
any private road or entranceway constructed
(a) on or before September 30, 1960; or
(b) after September 30, 1960 with the consent in writing of the Commission.
15,jRepealed, SOR/2002-165, s. 1J
16,..(1) No person shall ride a bicycle on property of the Commission other
than a driveway or on a bicycle path set aside by the Commission for the
(2) No person shall ride a bicycle on a driveway abreast of another bicycle
or vehicle.
i7, Unless authorized by the Commission, no person shall race any vehicle
or animal on property of the Commission.
.1JtNo person shall use any blasphemous or indecent language, or behave
in an offensive manner, upon any property of the Commission.
t9~~No person shall throw, deposit or leave on a driveway any glass, nails,
tacks or scraps of metal or other material that may be injurious to the tires of
vehicles using the driveway.
2Q,A peace officer, upon finding a vehicle parked contrary to these
Regulations, may, at the expense of the owner thereof, cause that vehicle to be
moved or taken to and placed or stored in a suitable place.
2t~Except as provided by these Regulations, no person shall remove, alter
or deface any traffic sign or device erected by the Commission.
22,..{]) The Chairman, General Manager, Chief Engineer or Secretary of the
Commission may order the erection on or removal from property of the
Commission of traffic signs and devices.
(2) The Superintendent of Gatineau Park may order the erection or removal
of traffic signs and devices within the area of the Park.
(3) Any traffic sign or device erected by order of a person mentioned in
subsections (1) and (2) shall be deemed to be erected by order of the
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(4) Any traffic sign or device erected on property of the Commission shall,
unless the contrary is established, be presumed to have been erected by order
of the Commission. ~ -/J
23,jRepealed, SOR/95-445, s. 1]
2A,~No person shall enter on property of the Commission other than
property on which the public is permitted entry.
25.No person shall throw, deposit or leave any refuse or debris on property
of the Commission other than in such places as are specifically designated for
that purpose.
2.Q,No person shall, without the authority of the Commission,
(a) cut, break, injure, deface or defile any building, fence, bridge, sign, light
or other work that is the property of the Commission;
(b) cut, break, injure, deface or defile any rock, tree, shrub, plant, flower or
turf on property of the Commission;
(c) remove any thing described in paragraphs (a) and (b) or any soil, gravel
or other part of the property of the Commission, or cause or permit such
removal; or
(d) have in his possession any property of the Commission.
2Z,No person shall disturb or injure, or cause or permit to be disturbed or
injured, any wild animal or any bird, bird's nest or bird's eggs on property of the
2.1'1, No person shall throw stones or fire or discharge any missile, firearm,
airgun, B.B. gun, fireworks or torpedo on any property of the Commission
except in areas specifically designated by the Commission for that purpose.
29.,.No person, other than a peace officer engaged in the discharge of his
duties, shall, without the written approval of the commission, carry any firearm
or other weapon or any trap on property of the Commission otherwise than in a
vehicle. SOR/86-260, s. 1.
;tQ,No person shall make, light or feed a fire on any property of the
Commission not specifically designated for that purpose and no person shall
leave a fire unattended.
31 ,No person shall bathe in any waters on property of the Commission
except as permitted by the Commission, and no person shall make use of any
property of the Commission for the purpose of bathing in waters not on
property of the Commission, except in such places as are specifically
designated for such use.
.32,No person shall sell or offer or expose for sale any drink, goods or
wares, or post or display any signs, placards, flags or advertising devices, or
solicit subscriptions or contributions on or in any property of the Commission
without first obtaining permission in writing from the Commission to do so.
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33. No person shall expose on or in any property of the Commission any
cards, dice, table, wheel or other device upon, with or by which any game of
chance may be played, and no person shall play any such game upon, with or <":"::
by such device on or in any property of the Commission. o(c:J-~
34. No person shall play at golf, tennis, baseball, football or soccer on any
property of the Commission except in those parts thereof that have been
designated by the Commission for that purpose.
35,jJ.J No person shall hunt, take or kill any game or fish on property of the
Commission except in those parts thereof that have been designated by the
Commission for that purpose.
(2) No person shall hunt, take or kill any game, or fish for any fish or engage
in any activity relating to hunting or fishing in any designated area referred to in
subsection (1) otherwise than in accordance with the laws of the province in
which that area is situated.
3JLNo person shall have liquor in his possession on or in the property of the
Commission other than in accordance with the laws of the province in which
the Commission property is situated.
3J,Except with the written approval of the Commission, no person shall
obstruct any stream or body of water on the property of the Commission.
SORl98-389, s. 2.
311LNo person shall camp, picnic or erect a tent on any property of the
Commission not specifically designated by the Commission for that purpose.
39.. (1) The following definitions apply in this section.
"Commission land" means real property or immovables owned by the
Commission or under the control and management of the Commission.
(terrain de la Commission)
"domestic animal" means an animal of a species of vertebrates, other than fish,
that has been domesticated by humans so as to live in a tame condition and
depend on humans for survival. (animal domestique)
"keeper" means the owner of a domestic animal or the person having charge of
the animal, except where the owner or the person is a minor, in which case
"keeper" means the father or mother of the minor or another adult
responsible for the minor. (responsable)
"leased recreational property" means Commission land, of which the
Commission is the lessor, that is leased for recreational purposes to a
municipality. (terrain recreatifloue)
(2) Subject to subsection (3), no person who is the keeper of a domestic
animal shall have the animal on Commission land except in accordance with
the bylaws of the municipality in which the Commission land is situated.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to
(a) Commission land that is, by virtue of section 2 of the National Capital
Commission Animal Regulations, subject to those Regulations; or
(b) leased recreational property. SORl2002-165, s. 2.
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[SOR/95-445, s. 2]
40. Every person who contravenes a provision of these Regulations is liable
on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $500 or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding six months, or to both. SOR/98-389, s. 3.
'tLand 42. [Repealed, SOR/95-445, s. 3]
~~~**'.~'" "'~~~
Important Notices