02 05 2004 Rec Tech Minutes .' ....: It . . \I)Cj-\ ORO-MEDONTE RECREA nON TECHNICAL SUPPORT GROUP MINUTES Thursday, February 5, 2004 - @ 7:00 p.m. Oro-Medonte Administration Centre Chair: Councillor Paul Marshall called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Neil Craig, Councillor Paul Marshall, Ian Hunter, Bob Gregory, Lynette Mader Regrets: Councillor Dan Buttineau 1. Adoption of Agenda for Thursday, February 5, 2004: CRO-MEDONTE ; ......,,~T:~NSHiP '8 MOTIOi'llt - I . I I FEB 1 8 20G~ I ~, Staff Present: Chris Carter (Recreation Co-ordinator) Motion No. REC-1 it r.!EETlf\!G: COUMCIL cE:1 . ~ ('< OF'?J CJ k_...,~c.c~_~-__~,",-,c_.:_~~~~__~::~,",<"._"~..-:.<J Moved by Mr. Gregory, Seconded by Ms. Mader It is recommended at the Recreation Technical Support Group meeting that: the Agenda for the Oro-Medonte Recreation Technical Support Group meeting of Thursday, February 5, 2004 be received adopted with the following additions: 5(P) appointment of chair Carried. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: None. 3. Adoption of the Monday, June 16, 2003 Minutes: None. 1 - - . 4. Deputations: \)~ -{) None. 5. Unfinished Business: a) Motion No. REC-2 Moved by Mr. Hunter, Seconded by Mr. Gregory It is recommended at the Recreation Technical Support Group meeting that the information from Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator re: Recreation Technical Support Group Draft Mandate be received. Carried. b) Motion No. REC-3 Moved by Ms. Mader, Seconded by Mr. Gregory It is recommended at the Recreation Technical Support Group meeting that the information from Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator re: Shelter along the Oro-Medonte Lake Country RailTrail - Cone. 1 / Thunder Bridge be received. Carried. c) Motion No. REC-4 Moved by Mr. Hunter, Seconded by Mr. Gregory It is recommended at the Recreation Technical Support Group meeting that the information from Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator re: Advertisement along Oro-Medonte Lake Country RailTrail be received. Carried. d) Motion No. REC-5 Moved by Mr. Gregory, Seconded by Ms. Mader It is recommended at the Recreation Technical Support Group meeting that the draft Alcohol Risk Management Policy from Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator be received. Carried. e) Motion No. REC-6 Moved by Ms. Mader, Seconded by Mr. Hunter It is recommended at the Recreation Technical Support Group meeting that the correspondence from Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator re: Ice and Baseball Allocation Policy be received. Carried. 2 f) MotionNo. REC-7 \r~C1_) . Motion by Mr. Hunter, Seconded by Mr. Gregory It is recommended at the Recreation Technical Support Group meeting that Councillor Paul Marshall be appointed as Chair for the 2004 Term of The Township of Oro-Medonte Recreation Technical Support Group. Carried. 6. Correspondence: None. 7. Co-ordinator's Monthly Report: a) Motion No. REC-8 Motion by Mr. Hunter, Seconded by Mr. Gregory It is recommended at the Recreation Technical Support Group meeting that the correspondence from Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator re: 2004 March Break Day Trip Programs be received. Carried. . 8. Other/New Business (Information or request for future information): None. 9. Questions: None. 10. Adjournment: Motion No. REC-9 Moved by Mr. Hunter, Seconded by Ms. Mader It is recommended at the Recreation Technical Support Group meeting that we now adjourn at 9:07 p.m. Carried. , Next Meeting: Thursday, March 4th, 2004 @ 7:00pm 3