12 02 2004 Rec Tech Minutes . . 4 ORO-MEDONTE RECREA nON TECHNICAL SUPPORT GROUP MINUTES Thursday, December 2nd, 2004 @ 7:00 p.m. Oro-Medonte Administration Centre Chair: Councillor Paul Marshall called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Neil Craig, Councillor Paul Marshall, Bob Gregory, Ian Hunter, Lynette Mader. Regrets: Councillor Dan Buttineau, Staff Present: Chris Carter (Recreation Co-ordinator) 1. Adoption of Agenda for Thursday, December 2nd, 2004: Rec - 01 Moved by Mr. Gregory, Seconded by Ms. Mader It is recommended that the Agenda for the Oro-Medonte Recreation Technical Support Group meeting of Thursday, December 2, 2004 be adopted as printed and circulated. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: None. 3. Adoption of the Thursday, November 4,2004 Minutes: Rec - 02 Moved by Mr. Hunter, Seconded by Mr. Gregory Carried It is recommended that the minutes of the Recreation Technical Support Group Meeting of November 4,2004 be adopted as amended. . 4. Deputations: None I Carried. . . . 5. Unfinished Business: a) Rec - 03 Moved by Ms. Mader, Seconded by Mr. Gregory It is recommended that the Draft Policy as amended re: Funding of Capital Park Improvements/Developments be received and adopted. Carried. b) Rec-04 Moved by Mr. Gregory, Seconded by Ms. Mader It is recommended that the Draft Polity re: Facility Rules -ice rental be received and adopted as amended. Carried c) Rec-05 Moved by Ms. Mader, Seconded by Mr. Hunter It is recommended that the Draft Policy re: Rental Rate Policy be received. Carried d) Rec-06 Moved by Mr. Hunter, Seconded by Mr. Gregory It is recommended that the Draft Policy re: Priority System for Scheduling Facilities be received and adopted. Carried e) Rec-07 Moved by Mr. Gregory, Seconded by Ms. Mader It is recommended that the Draft Policy re: Security Deposits be received and adopted. Carried 2 . f) Rec-08 . Moved by Ms. Mader, Seconded by Mr. Hunter It is recommended that the Draft Policy re: Alcohol Risk Management Policy be received and adopted. Carried 6. Correspondence: None. 7. Co-ordinator's Monthly Report: Verbal Update re: Parkland Development Telephone Survey (Sugarbush/Horseshoe Valley) 8. Other/New Business (Information or request for future information): Parkland Development Telephone Survey (Sugarbush/HorsesllOe Valley) 9. Questions: None. . 10. Adjournment: Rec - 09 Motion by Mr. Gregory, Seconded by Ms. Mader It is recommended that we now adjourn at 8:17 p.m. Carried. Next Meeting: Thursday, January13th @ 7:00pm . 3