05 02 2005 History Minutes
Oro-Medonte History Association
Amended Meeting Minutes, 2 May 2005
Members in attendance:
Sheila Kirkland
J adeen Henderson
Allan Howard
Geoffrey Booth
Bruce Wiggins
Councilor Ruth Fountain
Meeting called to order at 7 p.m.
Previous minutes - MOVED by Bruce, SECONDED by Jadeen that the minutes of the 18
April 2005 meeting be accepted as circulated. PASSED.
Business ArisinglUpdates:
. Doors Open Huronia, 4-5 June - members discussed acquisition and placement of
signage for tour. Sheila will book the canopy for the event. Fundraising activities
were discussed. Sheila reported that 1,000 postcards can be printed at a cost of
approximately $225 (Rose Printing). MOVED by Jadeen, SECONDED by
Bruce, that 1,000 postcards (picture to be supplied by Jadeen) be purchased.
PASSED. Next DOH meeting is 3 May - Sheila will attend.
. Oro African Church - discussion about signage for summer hours of opening.
J adeen suggested wording such as "African Church open to visitors." This might
be augmented with the Association logo and a space beneath for days/times to be
inserted, as needed. MOVED by Jadeen, SECONDED by Bruce, that in
conjunction with Township staff, Jadeen design a sign for this purpose. PASSED.
The site will be manned by Association members Sundays from 1-4 p.m. during
the months of July and August. Bruce will bring a small display case to the
Church on 'clean-up' day, scheduled for 3 June. Stone fence research ongoing.
Sheila awaits summer issue of Harrowsmith for relevant article; Bruce cautions
that big stones be used, so they can't be shied through a window!
. Kith 'n' Kin - Loreen Rice Lucas has indicated that she will announce the book's
release in her various columns appearing in community publications. Members
congratulate Ms. Rice-Lucas on being nominated for Woman of the Year (Nel
Carter A ward). Discussion occurred over member access to and assistance with
future contributions to Kith 'n' Kin, and associated local genealogies. MOVED
by Bruce, SECONDED by Allan, that Allan purchase three copies of Family Tree
Maker software (approximately $30 each), to be loaned to Association members
with the understanding that it will be returned upon resignation. PASSED.
. Road Rally Bruce reported that tickets sales are a little slow, so members should
try to encourage sales. Duties were discussed. Sheila reported that McDonald's
drink cooler will be supplied. Discussion about creation of a map and overlay, to
be handed to participants. Jadeen will write 3 or 4 small blurbs about items of
local historical importance for this item. Members are reminded to wear official
Association pins on event day.
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. Reminders - Hillsdale Jail tour reminder to meet at gas station in town on 24 May
at 7 p.m. Association response to Dwight NOITena proposal has been forwarded
to Council. SCHA Annual General Meeting, featuring guest speaker Dr. Linda
Ambrose, to be held 17 May at Bellfarm Banquet Hall (see previous minutes for
New Business
. The Association requests that Marilyn Pennycook, on behalf of the Association
and Township, send a letter to Tim Crawford, requesting the return of all data
related to the Medonte book, as well as any other Association-related Township
property, as it is impeding our ability to caITY out our work.
. Loreen Rice-Lucas has inquired about the possible reprinting of Hills of Oro-
Sheila will investigate and respond. Noted - already parts reprinted in new
Medonte book.
. Historical map of Township - Sheila will contact Chamber of Commerce member
Rick Dorey regarding the acquisition of this in time for Doors Open Huronia.
. Sheila received an email from Calgary requesting info on Chisamore family.
Sheila will respond. Also received a request from Windsor regarding the
McLarty family. Jadeen will respond.
. Jadeen received an inquiry from B.C., seeking information on the Anderson
. Sheila had a telephone conversation with Oro Fair Board, which wants to assume
management of old Town Hall at fair grounds. As Association materials are
there, Sheila will write a letter of understanding confirming that although the
artifacts will be in their care, the Association, on behalf of the citizens of the
Township, remains the custodian of said materials.
Next mecting Monday ]6 May 2005, 7 p.m. at the Northway restaurant.