4 16 1992 Oro History Committee - MinutesTHE TOWNSHIr OF CRC HISTORY COMALITTEE kEETING April 16, 1992 The Township cf Oro History Committee met this afternoon at the call of the Chairperson, '.t the Township of Oro Administration Building in the Oommittee Room. All members having been duly notified. The following members were present: Loreen (Rice) Lucas Hewrd A. Campbell Bernice Hickling Walter Hutchinson Henry Neufeid Earl Robertson Tim Crawford Absent: Neil LeNiven; Sandra Shelswell Cr ening - The Chairperson oL ened the meeting at 2: 3; p.m. Minutes - The Minutes of the last regular meeting held on :_arch 12, 192, were cn motion of Earl Robertson and Tim Crawford adopted as printed and received. Business arisine from the id.inutes - meeting of March 12, 1992. (a) Report of the Ad Hoc Committee with respect tc the name or names forwarded to council for the 1992 Ontario Senior Achievement Awards Program. Tim Crawford on behalf of the Ad Hoc Committee reported that the names of Loreen Lucas and Jean Campbell had been submitted to council along with 'write-up' and completed forms. And further that Oro council had forwarded coth names to the Ministry of Citizenship. It was moved by Tim urawford and seconded by Howard Campbell that the rexort as submitted be received and that r,s suggested by the Ad Hoc committee, ucuncil be requested to forward a cocy of the 'write-up' cn each ;_erson by the Committee, be forwarded to them. Correspondence, L1ommunication :resented a letter from the Clerk of the Townshic of Oro for- warding a letter received from Anne Rae Campbell, copy attached, requesting additional histo'ical information of the descendants cf five Campbell brothers and sisters. (3 brothers, 2 sisters) Also any information on Janet McQuaig Campbell. The writer is presently a resident of S:,lt lake City, Utah, U.S..y. It was :i.oved b;; Tim Crawford and seconded by Bernice Hickling that the letter be turned over tc Howard A. uampt;ell for res- ponse. And that once all the information has been compiled, it be forwarded to Anne Rae caL.pbell, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA., expressing the Committee's appreciation sf her comments cn tIe Township of Oro History booze and recordings. It was moved oy Earl Hobertsori and seconded by Waiter Hutchinson that the :orresp-.ndence and communications as received ana _resented be recieved Lind filed. Cid and Unfinished :tsiness (a 3e ort on progress cn Hills of Cro and Taverns. -.gip. 2im urawfcrd presented revised write-up cn the :ills of Cro .nd cr:anbes to list of Taverns and ;advised that with minor revisions this should now be complete to be ,laced on the map being prepared, indicating ,_he locations. (b) :iicrk meeting report. Tim Crawford gave ~ re, crt cn Computer Software, that he and Joanna IvcE•,ven had investigated, and that since the review and investigation of such software, it is suggested that the slide write-up and notation be kept as simple 's possible rather that use of Software fcr Corn uter. He than ,assed sameles cf proposed recording which would simply state 'r rcperty of the Township of Cro' and a number for each along with t .e comments for each. He also related that he had discoverec the availability of materials for erserving of slides : nd trl t this material cculd be obtained at various prices, some could be fairly expensive. He then advised that Joann:.. I cEwen may have more to add tc this when she arrives later at this meeting. The Chairperson thrnked Tim for his report. Na v Business Joanna -.cEwen arrived .,.t the _eating -t •?; .m. _ nd •tier explained the purpose ._r:d r;f t::e r vin material ..nd the hanging files s well s the : um tape =or _a.ae_linE._. The tape is tc be cnecked cut further ':s to whether it is acid __ ee. ghat u :,t.acaal type of pen is required for the labelling. The present overall estimated cost fcr the material referred to could be approximately to 31000. it was moved by Howard Ca:;.pbeii and seccndea ay Walter Hutchinson that the Committee recommend that Tim Crawford order the required material, .s aiscussed, for th. ;reservation cf the slides, up to an amount not exceeding 1:JC, and that the account for same be presented to the Treasurer of the Township of Oro for payment. carried. canna lacEwen next brought up the matter of the half hour program cf the History Committee an trillium Cable TV Channel 10, Orillia, as considered ..t the last regular eeting. l i _s tc taka _lace ..t Trillium Cable TV on Tuesday, April 21, 1992. ..embers of the Committee to atLe_.a t the site ...t -:45 p.m. -.embers tc bring the historic materials as discussed. Miter Hutchinson next advised the Committee cf the visit that he and Joanna s.c wen had ;;itat his home. They had discussed various matters of :istcrical value,-,:'t:icC. i3 _°ecorcea on tape. Laing had presented Scrap books and other books of historical note, which had been com'feted by his mother, consisting of weddings, funerals and many ether special occasions. He also produced number cf h_otogratts which are scheduled to be reproduced at a later date for record purposes. i..any otter items of concern to the History Committee were discussed, .s well .s the matter of continuance of slide commentary. Time and date for same will be related to ail members when it is suitable for Joanna to attend. There being no further business it was ;..over uy 'ernice Hickling that the meeting adjourn at 4:40 p.m., to meet again at the call of the .'Lair. Henry Neufeld, Loreen (Rice) Lucas Secretary. Chairperson THE TO;'fNSHIF OF CRn HISTORY COMMITTEE MEETING NOV7MBER 14, 1991 The Township of Oro History committee along with Joanna _LcEwen met this evening for a work meeting according to the resolution of the meeting of October 24, 1991, to hold a work meeting to prepare slides and/or pictures with commentary for Video Tape for presentations and future records. The following members were present: Loreen (Rice) Luca:: Howard A. Campbell ~Walter Hutchinson And Joanna I;:cEwen Henry Neufeld Tim Crawford (who has offered to serve on the History Committee) Absent: Bernice Hickling, Neil icNiven and Sandra Shelswell. The History Committee members along with Joanna LcEwen and Tim Crawford, spent the meeting putting together a series of slides and respective commentary for each slide along with additional information or any necessary corrections, in preparation for recording on Video Tape. Some slides clad been borrowed from the Shanty Bay School. Several slides that are missing are to be added from the original School and Agriculture slides, which are on file in the Township Vault. The Chairperson brought the Slide Projector used this evening. The Chairperson also presented a Contour Map obtained from the „Anistry of Natural Resources, showing only the Township of Oro produced from the various portions of County Maps, using ony the portions rertaing to Oro Township as one complete contour Map of the Township of Cro. This mal, is to be reproduced and used to plot the Hills of Oro, with respective commentary for Video Tape. The work meeting which had commenced at a„proximately 7:30 p.m. adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Henry Neufeld, Secretary, Oro History Committee Loreen (Rice) Lucas Chairperson, Oro History Committee