01 13 1992 Committee - Central Oro Presbyterian Church - Minutesr'
JI NUARY 11, 1992
The members of the Committee appointed at a meeting of concerned
citizens held at Central Oro Presbyterian Church on A•:onray
January 6, 1992, met at the West Oro Baptist Church in the office
cf Pastor W. Heath at 7:30 p.m.
After several of the members reported on activities and actions
since the meeting of J-:nu ry 6, 1992 end discussion en same as
well as :resentation of certain letters and reports. It was
moved by Norman Shelswell ne seconded by Morris Shelswell thet
Pastor V',illiam Eeeth be the Chairman cf this Committee. carried
It was moved by FTugh Douglas and seconded by Lorris Shelswell
that Henry Feufeld be the Secretary. carried.
The Chairman that asked Morris Shelswell to open the meeting
with prayer.
Hugh Dcuglas presented copies of Clause 235 (1) (c) of the Education
Act, as well as a co1y of letter from the Minister of Education,
it:arien Boyd, dated August 8, 1991, being a memorandum to ell
Chairperson of Boards and Frofessicnal Organizations regarding
the Amendment to the Education Act, requesting response to same
by September 20, 1991. It aprears that no action has been taken
to a response to dace by SCBE. Information on Section 50 of the
iducation Act was also referred to by Hugh Douglas, from information
received from Debbie 'Edwards, CBE Trustee for the City of Orillia,
when he had met with her. Fe also related the conversation he
had with Ian Wilson.
leorris Shelswell presented some correspondence which he had
obtained and received by corresponding including one from Premier
Bob Rae also a copy of letter from Dianne Cunningham,
London North, to :.:rs. Camen Spencer and Lrs. Katherine Ie ngrnan
in res_onse tq uheir letter to her regarding the holding of Rel-
igious ircgrams in form of Bible Classes in Schools, during no
school hours. Dianne Cunningham being the Progressive Conservative
Education Critic.
Open discussion en the materials presented enc' the matter before
the Committee Mtil,01.4tefor approxirn tely one hour and after due
consideration the -following action was taken:
Loved by Fugh Douglas and seconded by :;:orris Shelswell that it
is recommended that the Simcoe C6unty Board of Education urge the
Irovincial Government to retain Clause 235 (1) (c) end Section 5n
cf the Education Act and that the said Board urge that Churches
in the Community tc provide Educators (teachers' at their exeense
for their 'time allotted in accordance with Section 50. Student
attendance will be by -- choice of the Student and approval
of the parents. Classes during this time not distinctly Christian
or Religious could be given by those chosing to promote a
humanist or other faith. And further•, that teaching of• particular
Christian perspective (non -denominational) must not be used by
any teacher in the school, to put down and mii,.gne another faith.
Following the motion_ the Committee members considered
_any other items and issues regarding the matter at hand.
astor Heath cidised that he would contact Ian Wilson
and get back to all Committee members as to when to call an-
other meeting of the concerned citizens of the different Churches
in the Township and rossibly some in Communities surrounding
the Township. The meeting is to take place at the Oro Central
Presbyterian Church. The tentative d:..te being _,'onday, January
27, 1992. Notification tc be through the pulrit at all the
Churches involved.
Leeting ad. punned with closing j rayer by lastor Heath.
Henry Neufeld Pastor W. Heath,
Secret-.ry. Ch. irman